Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Geography and environmental studies"

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Number of items: 53.


Alcantara-Ayala, I., Dykes, A.P. and Garnica-Peña, R.J. (2009) Hurricane Earl, chronicle of a Mexican foretold landslide disaster. In: 7th International Conference on Geomorphology; 06-11 July 2009, Melbourne, Australia.


Blitz, Brad and Lynch, Maureen, eds. (2009) Statelessness and the benefits of citizenship: a comparative study. Geneva, Switzerland : Geneva Academy for International and Humanitarian Law and International Observatory on Statelessness. 123p. ISBN 9780956327512

Blitz, Brad K. and Lynch, Maureen (2009) Statelessness: the global problem, relevant literature and research rationale. In: Blitz, Brad K. and Lynch, Maureen, (eds.) Statelessness and the benefits of citizenship: a comparative study. Geneva, Switzerland : Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. pp. 4-18. ISBN 9780956327512

Blitz, Brad K. and Lynch, Maureen (2009) Summary and conclusions. In: Blitz, Brad K. and Lynch, Maureen, (eds.) Statelessness and the benefits of citizenship: a comparative study. Geneva, Switzerland : Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. pp. 94-103. ISBN 9780956327512

Blitz, Brad, K. (2009) Libyan nationals in the United Kingdom: geo-political considerations and trends in asylum and return. International Journal on Multicultural Societies, 10(2), pp. 106-127. ISSN (print) 1817-4574

Boulay, Annabelle and Robinson, Guy (2009) Farm diversification in a dairying region: the example of Sud Manche, Western France. In: Frutos, Luisa Maria , Climent, Eugenio and Ruiz, Enrique, (eds.) New ruralities and sustainable use of territory: Proceedings of the 16th. Colloquium of the Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems of the International Geographical Union (IGU):. Zaragoza, Spain : Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza. pp. 519-536. ISBN 9788492774555

Brown, Kerry, Carter Ingram, J., Flynn, Dan F.B., Razafindrazaka, Rova and Jeannoda, Vololoniaina (2009) Protected Area Safeguard Tree and Shrub Communities from Degradation and Invasion: A Case Study in Eastern Madagascar. Environmental Management, 44(1), pp. 136-148. ISSN (print) 0364-152X


Canuti, Paolo, Margottini, Claudio, Fanti, Riccardo and BROMHEAD, Edward (2009) Cultural heritage and landslides: research for risk prevention and conservation. In: Sassa, Kyoji and Canuti, Paolo, (eds.) Landslides-disaster risk reduction. Berlin, Germany. : Springer. pp. 401-434. ISBN 9783540699668

Claussen, Tor, Haga, Trond and Ennals, Richard (2009) Integrated innovation. In: Nolin, Tomas P., (ed.) Handbook of regional economics. New York : Nova Science Publishers. pp. 19-88. ISBN 9781607410362

Coppola, L, Nardone, R, Rescio, P and Bromhead, E (2009) The ruined town of Campomaggiore Vecchio, Basilicata, Italy. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 42(3), pp. 383-387. ISSN (print) 1470-9236

Crespo de Cabrera, Sandra (2009) Correlation and depositional environments of the Mid- and Upper Cretaceous in Northern Venezuela : a biostratigraphic and chemostratigraphic study. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .


Dykes, A. (2009) Causes and implications of mass movements in peatlands. In: 7th International Conference on Geomorphology; 06-11 July 2009, Melbourne, Australia.


Espin Gil, Maria Eugenia (2009) A sedimentological and stratigraphic study of the Cogollo Group limestones (Lower Cretaceous), Maracaibo Basin, Western Venezuela. (MSc(R) thesis), Kingston University, .


Gillmore, G., Coningham, R. A. E., Fazeli, H., Young, R. L., Magshoudi, M., Batt, C. M., Rushworth, G. and Ivison, Claire [Illustrator] (2009) Irrigation on the Tehran Plain, Iran: Tepe Pardis - The site of a possible Neolithic irrigation feature? Catena, 78(3), pp. 285-300. ISSN (print) 0341-8162

Grab, S. W., Mulder, N. A. and Mills, S. C. (2009) Spatial associations between longest-lasting winter snow cover and cold region landforms in the high Drakensberg, Southern Africa. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 91(2), pp. 83-97. ISSN (print) 0435-3676


Harris, Frances, Lyon, Fergus and Clarke, Sarah (2009) Doing interdisciplinarity: motivation and collaboration in research for sustainable agriculture in the UK. Area, 41(4), pp. 374-384. ISSN (print) 0004-0894

Harris, Frances, Lyon, Fergus and Clarke, Sarah (2009) Doing interdisciplinarity: motivation and collaboration in research for sustainable agriculture in the UK. In: Annual Conference of the Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers; 29-31 Aug 2007, London, UK. (no. 4) ISSN (print) 0004-0894

Harris, Frances [Interviewee] (2009) 'Farming Today This Week': Farm visits. (Radio broadcast). 3 Oct 2009, London, U.K. : British Broadcasting Corporation.

Harris, Frances (2009) Perspectives on educational visits to farms: a report on research with farmers, teachers, children and parents. (Project Report) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Kingston University. 34 p. (Unpublished)

Helps, Paul A. (2009) Scales of heterogeneities and equilibrium volumes in granitoid magmas. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Hicken, Elizabeth Anne (2009) The application of GIS (Geographical Information Systems) at a local government level as a facilitation tool for sustainable development in rural Africa. (MSc(R) thesis), Kingston University, .


Johnsen, Hans Christian Garmann, Normann, Roger, Karlsen, James and Ennals, Richard (2009) Democratic innovation. In: Nolin, Thomas P., (ed.) Handbook of regional economics. New York : Nova Science Publishers. pp. 397-449. ISBN 9781607410362


Khan, Ehtesham Ullah (2009) Chemistry and genesis of Ree bearing gemstones from the North West Frontier Province, Pakistan. (MSc(R) thesis), Kingston University, .


Lloyd, Daryl A. and Greatbatch, Ian D. (2009) The search for Blandings. Journal of Maps, 5(1), pp. 126-133. ISSN (online) 1744-5647

Lopes, DM, Aranha, JT, Walford, N, O'Brien, J and Lucas, N (2009) Accuracy of remote sensing data versus other sources of information for estimating net primary production in Eucalyptus globulus Labill. and Pinus pinaster Ait. ecosystems in Portugal. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 35(1), pp. 37-53. ISSN (print) 1712-7971


Marx, Colin (2009) Conceptualising the potential of informal land markets to reduce urban poverty. International Development Planning Review, 31(4), pp. 335-353. ISSN (print) 1474-6743

Middleton, Jennie (2009) 'Stepping in time': walking, time, and space in the city. Environment and Planning A, 41(8), pp. 1943-1961. ISSN (print) 0308-518X

Millier, Helen Katherine Genevieve Ruth (2009) Evaluation of the impact of treated wastewaters discharges on river water phosphorus and metal concentrations. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Mills, S. C., Grab, S. W. and Carr, S.J. (2009) Late Quaternary Moraines along the Sekhokong Range, Eastern Lesotho: Contrasting the geomorphic history of north and south facing slopes. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 91(2), pp. 121-140. ISSN (print) 0435-3676

Mills, Stephanie C., Grab, Stefan W. and Carr, Simon J. (2009) Recognition and palaeoclimatic implications of late Quaternary niche glaciation in eastern Lesotho. Journal of Quaternary Science, 24(7), pp. 647-663. ISSN (print) 0267-8179

Moody, Richard (2009) Dining with the Founding Fathers: a personal view. In: Lewis, C.L.E. and Knell, S.J., (eds.) The making of the Geological Society of London. London : Geological Society of London. pp. 439-448. (Geological Society Special Publications, (SP317)) ISBN 9781862392779

Murphy, Pamela J., Smith, Adrian M.L., Hudson-Edwards, Karen A., Dubbin, William E. and Wright, Kate (2009) Raman and IR spectroscopic studies of alunite-supergroup compounds containing Al, Cr3+, Fe3+ AND V3+ at the B site. In: Session on Minerals in Contaminated Environments - Characterization, Stability, Impact held at the Frontiers in Mineral Sciences Meeting; 26-28 June 2007, Cambridge, England.

Murphy, Pamela J., Smith, Adrian M.L., Hudson-Edwards, Karen A., Dubbin, William E. and Wright, Kate (2009) Raman and IR spectroscopic studies of alunite-supergroup compounds containing Al, Cr[sup]3+, Fe[sup]3+ and V[sup]3+ at the B site. The Canadian Mineralogist, 47(3), pp. 663-681. ISSN (print) 0008-4476


Omran, A, Mahmood, A, Aziz, HA and Robinson, GM (2009) Investigating households attitude toward recycling of solid waste in Malaysia: a case study. International journal of environmental research, 3(2), pp. 275-288. ISSN (print) 1735-6865

Ooms, Ann and Downward, Stuart (2009) Educational use of mobile technologies: a review of the literature. In: 2009 AAG annual meeting; 22 - 27 Mar 2009, Las Vegas, U.S.. (Unpublished)


Pobric, Alma (2009) Fertility and the status of women in Bosnia and Herzegovina. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .


Robinson, Guy (2009) James Wreford Watson. In: Kitchin, Rob and Thrift, Nigel, (eds.) International encyclopedia of human geography. Amsterdam; London : Elsevier Science. pp. 279-280. 12 ISBN 9780080449234

Robinson, Guy (2009) Statistics overview. In: Kitchin, Rob and Thrift, Nigel, (eds.) International encyclopedia of human geography. Amsterdam; London : Elsevier Science. pp. 436-451. 11 ISBN 9780080449227

Robinson, Guy (2009) Time series. In: Kitchin, Rob and Thrift, Nigel, (eds.) International encyclopedia of human geography. Amsterdam; London : Elsevier Science. pp. 285-293. 12 ISBN 9780080449234


Shiode, Shino and Shiode, Narushige (2009) Inverse distance-weighted method for point interpolation on a network. In: Asami, Yasushi , Sadahiro, Yukio and Ishikawa, Toru, (eds.) New frontiers in urban analysis : in honor of Atsuyuki Okabe. Boca Raton, U.S. : CRC Press. pp. 179-196. ISBN 9781439802526

Sidlauskas, Brian, Ganapathy, Ganeshkumar, Hazkani-Covo, Einat, Jenkins, Kristin P., Lapp, Hilmar, McCall, Lauren W., Price, Samantha, Scherle, Ryan, Spaeth, Paula A. and Kidd, David M. (2009) Linking big: the continuing promise of evolutionary synthesis. Evolution, 64(4), pp. 871-880. ISSN (print) 0014-3820

Smith, M.J. and Pain, CF (2009) Applications of remote sensing in geomorphology. Progress in Physical Geography, 33(4), pp. 568-582. ISSN (print) 0309-1333

Smith, M.J. (2009) Editorial: summary of activities 2009. Journal of Maps, pp. 263-272. ISSN (print) 1744-5647

Smith, MJ, Rose, J and Gousie, MB (2009) The Cookie Cutter: A method for obtaining a quantitative 3D description of glacial bedforms. Geomorphology, 108(3-4), pp. 209-218. ISSN (print) 0169-555X

Smith, Mike J., Chandler, Jim and Rose, James (2009) High spatial resolution data acquisition for the geosciences: kite aerial photography. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 34(1), pp. 155-161. ISSN (print) 0197-9337


Taylor, Katherine Jane (2009) A GIS-based approach to reconstructing mid - 20th century agricultural land use around Lewes, East Sussex. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Totterdill, Peter, Ennals, Richard, Exton, Rosemary and Hague, Jeremy (2009) Partnership for a new organisation of work: towards a strategy for the English regions. In: Nolin, Tomas P., (ed.) Handbook of regional economics. New York : Nova Science Publishers. pp. 349-396. ISBN 9781607410362


Vickers, Ian, Vaze, Prashant, Corr, Leah, Kasperova, Eva [Research team member] and Fergus, Lyon (2009) SMEs in a low carbon economy. (Project Report) London, U.K. : Department for Business Enterprise & Regulatory Reform (BERR). 91 p.


Wainwright, Thomas (2009) Laying the foundations for a crisis: mapping the historico-geographical construction of residential mortgage backed securitization in the UK. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 33(2), pp. 372-388. ISSN (print) 0309-1317

Walford, N (2009) Book Review of: Spatial data on the web: modeling and management. Area, 41(1), pp. 111-112. ISSN (print) 0004-0894

Wickstead, Helen (2009) The Uber-Archaeologist: Art, GIS and the male gaze revisited. Journal of Social Archaeology, 9(2), pp. 249-271.


Yarnal, Brent , Polsky, Colin and O'Brien, James, eds. (2009) Sustainable communities on a sustainable planet : the human-environment regional observatory project. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. 340p. ISBN 9780521895699


Zaharescu, Dragos George, Hooda, Peter S., Fernandez, Javier, Palanca Soler, Antonio and Burghelea, Carmen Ionela (2009) On the arsenic source mobilisation and its natural enrichment in the sediments of a high mountain cirque in the Pyrenees. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 11(11), pp. 1973-1981. ISSN (print) 1464-0325

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