Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > General engineering and mineral and mining engineering"

Brykov, N.A., Emelyanov, V.N., Karpenko, A.G. and Volkov, K.N. (2021) Flows of real gas in nozzles with unsteady local energy supply. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 81, pp. 702-724. ISSN (print) 0898-1221
Dixon, Lily R. and Umeokafor, Nnedinma (2021) Determinants of smart technology adoption in the construction phase of projects : a scoping study of the United Kingdom. In: Construction Business and Project Management Conference : Conceptualizing challenges and opportunities in the construction industry; 24 - 25 Jun 2021, Cape Town, South Africa (also held online).
Dombrovsky, Leonid and Dembele, Siaka (2021) An improved solution for shielding of thermal radiation of fires using mist curtains of pure water or sea water. In: 8th International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, CHT 2021; 15-19 Aug 2021, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (held online).
Dykes, Alan P. and Bromhead, Edward N. (2021) Lessons from the Vaiont landslide. In: XIII International Symposium on Landslides : Landslides and Sustainable Development; 22-26 Feb 2021, Held online.
Ferrante, Chiara, Ciampoli, Luca Bianchini, Benedetto, Andrea, Alani, Amir M. and Tosti, Fabio (2021) Non-destructive technologies for sustainable assessment and monitoring of railway infrastructure : a focus on GPR and InSAR methods. Environmental Earth Sciences, 80, p. 806. ISSN (print) 1866-6280
Gagliardi, Valerio, Tosti, Fabio, Ciampoli, Luca Bianchini, D'Amico, Fabrizio, Alani, Amir, Battagliere, Maria Libera and Benedetto, Andrea (2021) Monitoring of bridges by MT-InSAR and unsupervised machine learning clustering techniques. In: Earth Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing/GIS Applications XII; 12 Sep 2021, Held online.
Hassanin, Hany, Essa, Khamis, Elshaer, Amr, Imbaby, Mohamed, El-Mongy, Heba H. and El-Sayed, Tamer A. (2021) Micro-fabrication of ceramics : additive manufacturing and conventional technologies. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 10(1), pp. 1-27. ISSN (print) 2227-8508
Jiang, Pingfei, Atherton, Mark and Score, Salvatore (2021) Automated functional analysis of patents for producing design insight. In: ICED 21 : Design in motion : 23rd International Conference on Engineering Design; 16 - 20 Aug 2021, Gothenburg, Sweden (also online).
Obieke, Chijioke C., Milisavljevic-Syed, Jelena and Han, Ji (2021) Data-driven creativity : computational problem-exploring in engineering design. In: 23rd International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED 2021; 16-20 Aug 2021, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Philbin, Simon (2021) Entrepreneurship education for engineers : technology evaluation and commercialization through project-based learning. In: 2021 ASEM Virtual International Annual Conference (vIAC); 27-30 Oct 2021, Held online. (Proceedings of the ASEM Virtual International Annual Conference (vIAC), no. 062095)
Philbin, Simon P. (2021) Driving sustainability through engineering management and systems engineering. Sustainability, 13(12), p. 6687. ISSN (online) 2071-1050
Tavakoli, Meysam, Mehdizadeh, Alireza, Aghayan, Afshin, Shahri, Reza Pourreza, Ellis, Tim and Dehmeshki, Jamshid (2021) Automated microaneurysms detection in retinal images using radon transform and supervised learning : application to mass screening of diabetic retinopathy. IEEE Access, 9, pp. 67302-67314. ISSN (online) 2169-3536
Vandanapu, Ramesh, Omer, Joshua and Attom, Mousa F. (2021) Laboratory simulation of the influence of groundwater rise and drip irrigation on the settlement of a sample of collapsible desert soil. International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 15(6), pp. 760-766. ISSN (print) 1938-6362
Windapo, Abimbola Olukemi , Aiyetan, Ayodeji Olatunji , Umeokafor, Nnedinma , Okoro, Chioma Sylvia , Adediran, Abdulrauf and Mtya, Amanda, eds. (2021) Proceedings of the Construction Business & Project Management Conference. Cape Town, South Africa : University of Cape Town. ISBN 9780620916530
Zhang, Y. Z., Tong, X. Y., Yao, L. J. and Augousti, A. T. (2021) Failure process identification in C/SIC samples with a range of tensile performance using acoustic emission. In: 32nd Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2021; 06-10 Sep 2021, Shangri-La Hotel, Pudong, Shanghai, China..
Zou, Lilong, Lantini, Livia, Tosti, Fabio and Alani, Amir (2021) Tree trunk inspections using a polarimetric GPR system. In: SPIE Remote Sensing 2021; 13-17 Sep 2021, Held online.