Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Economics and econometrics"

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Group by: First Author/Editor | Item Type | Year
Number of items: 53.


Agenor, Pierre-Richard and Yilmaz, S. Devrim (2011) The tyranny of rules : fiscal discipline, productive spending, and growth in a perfect foresight model. Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 14(1), pp. 69-99. ISSN (print) 1748-7870

Auerbach, Paul (2011) Book review of: 'Crisis economics: a crash course in the future of finance' by Nouriel Roubini with Stephen Mihm. The Political Quarterly, 82(1), pp. 124-126. ISSN (print) 0032-3179

Dunn, Bill (2011) Marxist crisis theory and the need to explain both sides of capitalism's cyclicity. Rethinking Marxism, 23(4), pp. 524-542. ISSN (print) 0893-5696

Dunn, Bill (2011) Value theory in an incomplete capitalist system : reprioritizing the centrality of social labor in Marxist political economy. Review of Radical Political Economics, 43(4), pp. 488-505. ISSN (print) 0486-6134

French, Christopher (2011) Book review of: The capital and the colonies. London and the Atlantic economy 1660-1700 by N.Zahedieh. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 39(2), pp. 351-353. ISSN (online) 0308-6534

Georgellis, Yannis, Iossa, Elisabetta and Tabvuma, Vurain (2011) Crowding out intrinsic motivation in the public sector. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 21(3), pp. 473-493. ISSN (print) 1053-1858

Ghatak, Subrata and Moore, Tomoe (2011) Monetary policy rules for transition economies: an empirical analysis. Review Of Development Economics, 15(4), pp. 714-728. ISSN (print) 1363-6669

Higginbottom, Andy (2011) Nuevo imperialismo y megaproyectos: breve analisis de la inversion extranjera y la economia politica violenta de Colombia. Aquelarre, 10(21), pp. 65-74. ISSN (print) 1657-9992

Kautonen, Teemu, Tornikoski, Erno T. and Kibler, Ewald (2011) Entrepreneurial intentions in the third age: the impact of perceived age norms. Small Business Economics, 37(2), pp. 219-234. ISSN (print) 0921-898X

Keen, Steve (2011) Debunking macroeconomics. Economic Analysis & Policy, 41(3), pp. 147-167. ISSN (print) 0313-5926

Kelsey, David, Kozhan, Roman and Pang, Wei (2011) Asymmetric momentum effects under uncertainty. Review of Finance, 15(3), pp. 603-631. ISSN (print) 1572-3097

Kim, Young-Joo (2011) Catholic schools or school quality? The effects of Catholic schools on labor market outcomes. Economics of Education Review, 30(3), pp. 546-558. ISSN (print) 0272-7757

Kusev, Petko and van Schaik, Paul (2011) Preferences under risk: content-dependent behavior and psychological processing. Frontiers in Psychology, 2(269), ISSN (online) 1664-1078

Latimer, Nicholas, Lord, Joanne, Grant, Robert, O'Mahony, Rachel, Dickson, John and Conaghan, Philip (2011) Value of information in the osteoarthritis setting: cost effectiveness of COX-2 selective inhibitors, traditional NSAIDs and proton pump inhibitors. PharmacoEconomics, 29(3), pp. 225-237. ISSN (print) 1170-7690

Li, Hong and Lin, Xiaowen (2011) Do emerging markets matter in the world oil pricing system? - evidence of imported crude by China and India. Energy Policy, 39(8), pp. 4624-4630. ISSN (print) 0301-4215

Li, Hong and Lin, Sharon Xiaowen (2011) Do emerging markets matter in the world oil pricing system? Evidence of imported crude by China and India. Energy Policy, 39(8), pp. 4624-4630. ISSN (print) 0301-4215

Li, Hong and Lin, Sharon (2011) Do emerging markets matter in the world oil pricing system? Evidence of imported crude by China and India. Energy Policy, 39(8), pp. 4624-4630. ISSN (print) 0301-4215

Lim, Hyunwoo and Shiode, Narushige (2011) The impact of online shopping demand on physical distribution networks : a simulation approach. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 41(8), pp. 732-749. ISSN (print) 0960-0035

Linghorn, Alex and Bhandari, Ravi (2011) The four pillars of successful land reform: can revolutionary Nepal stand up? Himalayan Journal of Development and Democracy, 6(2), ISSN (online) 1940-2821

McKenzie, Rex A. (2011) Casino capitalism with derivatives: fragility and instability in contemporary finance. Review of Radical Political Economics, 43(2), pp. 198-215. ISSN (print) 0486-6134

Mehrotra, Aaron and Sánchez-Fung, José R. (2011) Assessing McCallum and Taylor rules in a cross-section of emerging market economies. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 21(2), pp. 207-228. ISSN (print) 1042-4431

Onaran, O., Stockhammer, E. and Grafl, L. (2011) Financialisation, income distribution and aggregate demand in the USA. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 35(4), pp. 637-661. ISSN (print) 0309-166X

Oskooe, Seyyed Ali Paytakhti and Shamsavari, Ali (2011) Asymmetric effects in emerging stock markets: the case of Iran stock market. International Journal of Economics and Financ, 3(6), pp. 16-24. ISSN (print) 1916-971X

Pop Silaghi, Monica Ioana and Ghatak, Subrata (2011) Why do not they move from rural to urban areas? Inter-regional migration in Romania. Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, 14(1), pp. 143-158. ISSN (print) 1582-6163

Pozo, Susan, Sanchez-Fung, Jose and Santos-Paulino, Amelia (2011) A note on modelling economic growth determinants in the Dominican Republic. Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies, 4(1), pp. 35-41. ISSN (print) 1752-0843

Sanchez-Fung, JR (2011) Estimating monetary policy reaction functions for emerging market economies: the case of Brazil. Economic Modelling, 28(4), pp. 1730-1738. ISSN (print) 0264-9993

Sotiropoulos, Dimitris (2011) Kalecki’s dilemma: towards a Marxian Political Economy of Neoliberalism. Rethinking Marxism, 23(1), pp. 100-116. ISSN (print) 0893-5696

Stewart, Chris (2011) A note on spurious significance in regressions involving I(0) and I(1) variables. Empirical Economics, 41(3), pp. 565-571. ISSN (print) 0377-7332

Stockhammer, E and Klar, E (2011) Capital accumulation, labour market institutions and unemployment in the medium run. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 35(2), pp. 437-457. ISSN (print) 0309-166X

Wang, Chao, Quddus, Mohammed A and Ison, Stephen G (2011) Predicting accident frequency at their severity levels and its application in site ranking using a two-stage mixed multivariate model. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 43(6), pp. 1979-1990. ISSN (print) 0001-4575

Wells, Julian (2011) Review of: 'The economist's oath: on the need for and content of professional economic ethics' by George F. DeMartino. Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 4(2), pp. 89-96. ISSN (online) 1876-9098

van Schaik, Paul, Kusev, Petko and Juliusson, Asgeir (2011) Human preferences and risky choices. Frontiers in Psychology, 2, ISSN (online) 1664-1078


Keen, Steve (2011) Debunking economics: the naked emperor dethroned? London, U.K. : Zed Books. 478p. ISBN 9781848139930

Shamsavari, Ali (2011) Transnational corporations and world development. Harlow, U.K. : Pearson Education Limited. 305p. ISBN 9781849599870

Book Section

Dunn, Bill (2011) The new economy and labour's decline : questioning their association. In: Serrano, Melisa , Xhafa, Edlira and Fichter, Michael, (eds.) Trade unions and the global crisis : labour's visions, strategies and responses. Geneva, Switzerland : ILO Publications. pp. 63-78. ISBN 9789221249269

Eskander, Shaikh Muhammed Shahid Uddin (2011) A policy scan of ODA in the education sector : Bangladesh. In: Khan, Maria Lourdes Almazan , Castillo, Raquel De Guzman , Lovegrove, Bernard , Raya, Rene , Tanvir, Mohammad Muntasim and Claridad, Claudine D., (eds.) ODA for education in Asia and the Pacific. Asia South Pacific Association for Basic & Adult Education. pp. 43-66. ISBN 8127800470

Keen, Steve (2011) Hindsight on the origins of the global financial crisis? In: Kates, Steven, (ed.) The global financial crisis: what have we learnt? Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar. pp. 111-125. ISBN 9780857934222

Keen, Steve (2011) Madness in their method. In: Argyrous, George and Stilwell, Frank, (eds.) Readings in political economy: economics as a social science. 3rd ed. Prahran, Australia : Tilde University Press. pp. 130-137. ISBN 9780734611437

Conference or Workshop Item

Brach, Juliane and Spanjers, Willem (2011) Political Ambiguity and Economic Growth: The MENA Countries. In: 12th Mediterranean Research Meeting; 06-09 Apr 2011, Montecatini Terme, Italy. (Unpublished)

Georgellis, Yannis (2011) Does marriage and having children crowd out workers' intrinsic motivation? In: Eastern Academy of Management (EAM) 48th Annual Meeting: Expanding boundaries: the scholar+practitioner; 11 - 14 May 2011, Boston, Mass., U.S.. (Unpublished)

Georgellis, Yannis (2011) Happiness research: a challenge or an opportunity for the economics profession? In: 71st International Atlantic Economic Conference; 16 - 19 Mar 2011, Athens, Greece. (Unpublished)

Kim, Young-Joo (2011) Catholic schooling and further education. In: Allied Social Science Associations Annual Meeting; 6-9 Jan 2011, Denver, U.S.A.. (Unpublished)

Li, Hong (2011) China's stock market reforms and its international stock market linkages. In: BMRC-QASS conference on Macro and Financial Economics; 24 May 2011, Uxbridge, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Murphy, Fidelma and McDonough, Terrence (2011) The spatial restructuring of work and maquiladoras of the auto industry. In: 13th Conference of the Association for Heterodox Economics : Economists of Tomorrow; 07 - 09 Jul 2011, Nottingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Tabvuma, Vurain and Georgellis, Yannis (2011) The impact of on-the-job training and workplace socialization on intrinsic motivation. In: 2010 Academy of Management Annual Meeting: East meets West : Elightening, Balancing, Transcending; 12 - 16 Aug 2011, San Antonio, U.S.. (Unpublished)


Agnoletto, Stefano (2011) The origins of economic ethnic niches: theoretical approaches. (Working Paper) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kingston University. 14 p. (Working papers series, no. 10)

McKenzie, R., Ashman, S., Pillay, S., Mfongeh, G. and Ncube, P. (2011) Capital controls for South Africa: a case study approach. (Working Paper) Corporate Strategy and Industrial Development (CSID) University of Witwatersrand.

McKenzie, R., Newman, S., Mohamed, S., Gwanoya, N., Mfongeh, G. and Ncube, P. (2011) DTI report on historical trends of industry linkages: key sector identification using (input-output analysis). (Technical Report) Corporate Strategy and Industrial Development (CSID), University of Witswatersrand.

Onaran, Ozlem and Stockhammer, Engelbert (2011) Rethinking wage policy in the face of the Euro crisis: Implications of the wage-led demand regime. (Discussion Paper) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kingston University. 20 p. (Economics Discussion Paper, no. 2011/2)

Spanjers, Willem (2011) Liquidity provision, ambiguous asset returns and the financial crisis. (Working Paper) Freiburg, Germany : University of Freiburg. 40 p. (RCEA Working Papers, no. 11-10)

Stockhammer, Engelbert (2011) Wage-led growth: an introduction. (Discussion Paper) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kingston University. 26 p. (Economics Discussion Paper, no. 2011/1) (Unpublished)


Mohammady, Ahmad (2011) A study of the relationship between the qualitative characteristics of accounting earnings and stock return. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Paytakhti Oskooe, Seyyed Ali (2011) The Iran stock market : efficiency, volatility and links to the international oil market. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

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