Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Earth systems and environmental sciences"

Carr, Simon J., Lukas, Sven and Mills, Stephanie C. (2010) Glacier reconstruction and mass-balance modelling as a geomorphic and palaeoclimatic tool. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 35(9), pp. 1103-1115. ISSN (print) 0197-9337
Corkindale, John (2010) Applying property rights analysis and using market-based instruments for ecosystem conservation purposes: a case study in the Severn catchment. Environmental Law and Management, 22(1), pp. 13-22. ISSN (print) 1067-6058
Crockett, R G M and Gillmore, G K (2010) Spectral-decomposition techniques for the identification of radon anomalies temporally associated with earthquakes occurring in the UK in 2002 and 2008. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS), 10(6), pp. 1079-1084. ISSN (print) 1561-8633
Dykes, Alan P. and Selkirk-Bell, Jennifer M. (2010) Landslides in blanket peat on subantarctic islands: causes, characteristics and global significance. Geomorphology, 124(3-4), pp. 215-228. ISSN (print) 0169-555X
Grant, M and Waller, Martyn (2010) Holocene Fire Histories from the edge of Romney Marsh. In: Waller, Martyn P , Edwards, Elizabeth and Barber, Luke, (eds.) Romney Marsh: Persistence and change in a Coastal Lowland. Sevenoaks, U.K. : Romney Marsh Research Trust. pp. 53-73. ISBN 9780956657503
Hastie, Alan R., Kerr, Andrew C., McDonald, Iain, Mitchell, Simon F., Pearce, Julian A., Wolstencroft, Martin and Millar, Ian L. (2010) Do Cenozoic analogues support a plate tectonic origin for Earth's earliest continental crust? Geology, 38(6), pp. 495-498. ISSN (print) 0091-7613
Hastie, Alan R. and Kerr, Andrew C. (2010) Mantle plume or slab window?: physical and geochemical constraints on the origin of the Caribbean oceanic plateau. Earth-Science Reviews, 98(3-4), pp. 283-293. ISSN (print) 0012-8252
Hooda, Peter S. (2010) Assessing bioavailability of soil trace elements. In: Hooda, Peter S., (ed.) Trace elements in soils. Chichester, U.K. : John Wiley & Sons. pp. 229-265. ISBN 9781405160377
Hooda, Peter S. (2010) Introduction. In: Hooda, Peter S., (ed.) Trace elements in soils. Chichester, U.K. : John Wiley & Sons. pp. 3-7. ISBN 9781405160377
Hooda, Peter S., ed. (2010) Trace elements in soils. Chichester, U.K. : John Wiley & Sons. 596p. ISBN 9781405160377
Lawrence, David Matthew (2010) Characterisation and evolution of Au mineralisation in the Loulo mining district, Western Mali. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Ma, Yibing and Hooda, Peter S. (2010) Chromium, nickel and cobalt. In: Hooda, Peter S., (ed.) Trace elements in soils. Chichester, U.K. : John Wiley & Sons. pp. 461-479. ISBN 9781405160377
Miles, Andrew and Cartwright, Joseph (2010) Hybrid flow sills: a new mode of igneous sheet intrusion. Geology, 38(4), pp. 343-346. ISSN (print) 0091-7613
Searle, M. P. and Treloar, P. J. (2010) Was Late Cretaceous–Palaeocene obduction of ophiolite complexes the primary cause of crustal thickening and regional metamorphism in the Pakistan Himalaya? In: Kusky, T. M. , Zhai, M.-G. and Xiao, W., (eds.) The evolving continents: understanding processes of continental growth. London, U.K. : Geological Society. pp. 345-359. (Geological Society Special Publications, (338)) ISSN (print) 0305-8719 ISBN 9781862393035
Searle, R.C., Murton, B.J., Achenbach, K., LeBas, T., Tivey, M., Yeo, I., Cormier, M.H., Carlut, J., Ferreira, P., Mallows, C., Morris, K., Schroth, N., van Calsteren, P. and Waters, C. (2010) Structure and development of an axial volcanic ridge: Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 45°N. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 299(1-2), pp. 228-241. ISSN (print) 0012-821X
Southwood, Mark, Rowland, John, Lockwood, Robert, Horrocks, David, Pointing, John, Longhurst, Phil, Sneath, Robert, Peirson, Steve and Selwyn, Tony (2010) Odour guidance for local authorities. (Other) London, U.K. : Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. 110 p.
Truxal, Steven (2010) At the sidelines of implementing the EU ETS: objections to "validity". International Trade Law and Regulation, 16(4), pp. 111-119. ISSN (print) 1357-3136
Walford, Nigel (2010) Targeting residential development on previously developed land: an unrealistic proposition for rural local planning authorities? In: Diversity and convergence: planning in a world of change : The UK-Ireland Planning Research Conference 2010; 07 - 09 Apr 2010, Chelmsford, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Waller, Martyn, Ivison, Claire [Illustrator] and Attree, Kevin [Contributor] (2010) Ashtead Common, the evolution of a cultural landscape: a spatially precise vegetation record for the last 2000 years from southeast England. The Holocene, 20(5), pp. 733-746. ISSN (print) 0959-6836
Waller, Martyn and Long, A (2010) The Holocene coastal deposits of Sussex: a re-evaluation. In: Waller, Martyn P , Edwards, Elizabeth and Barber, Luke, (eds.) Romney Marsh: Persistence and change in a Coastal Lowland. Sevenoaks, U.K. : Romney Marsh Research Trust. pp. 1-21. ISBN 9780956657503
Westgarth-Smith, Angus R., McVeigh, Andy and Read, Helen J. (2010) Mire and wet heath restoration and management in Burnham Beeches, Buckinghamshire, results in the return of plant species absent for many decades. BSBI News, 116, pp. 10-11.
Zaharescu, Dragos G., Burghelea, Carmen I. and Hooda, Peter S. (2010) Enhanced deposition of trace elements driven by climate change in a mountain catchment. In: Global Change and the World's Mountains Conference; 26-30 Sep 2010, Perth, U. K..