Items where Research Area is "Domains Case Studies > International Partnerships"

Dehgani-Mobaraki, Puya, Wang, Chao, Floridi, Alessandro, Floridi, Emanuela and Zaidi, Asiya (2022) Long-term persistence of IgG antibodies in recovered COVID-19 individuals at 18 months and the impact of two-dose BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) mRNA vaccination on the antibody response. medRxiv,
Sutherland, Helen and Jackson, Claire (2022) Being a reflective early years educator. In: ETEIP Project International Workshop Event; 21 Jun 2022, Gävle, Sweden. (Unpublished)
Sutherland, Helen [Co-creator] and Kimhag, Kia [Co-creator] (2022) Early Years Initial Teacher Training (EYITT) Enrichment Activity: A 2-day Intense International Educational Visit to Sweden. Internal Kingston University Report, unpublished.
Sutherland, Helen and Jackson, Claire (2022) Education and Teaching in Early Years from International Perspectives (ETEIP) Project - Being a Reflective Early Years Educator (EYE) Manual for Mobility Visits. In: EECERA 2022: Cultures of Play : Actors, Affordances and Arenas; 23-26 Aug 2022, Glasgow, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Sutherland, Helen and Jackson, Claire (2022) Overview of the Project and State of the Art : Information on the educational systems in England, Norway, Spain and Sweden. In: ETEIP Project Local Workshop Event; 20 May 2022, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Sutherland, Helen and Styman, Jan (2022) TODDLER Project (2010-2013) Towards Opportunities for Disadvantaged and Diverse Learners on the Early-childhood Road. European Union, Lifelong Learning Programme, Comenius. Internal Kingston University Report, unpublished.
Sutherland, Helen [Project manager], Mukadam, Yasmin [Collaborator], Flores, Carme [Collaborator], Corcoll Lopez, Cristina [Collaborator], Geis, Angels [Collaborator], Rothle, Monika [Collaborator], Rosell, Yngve [Compiler] and [Collaborator] (2022) Toddler Wellbeing (ToWe) Project: Enhancing the Education and Wellbeing of Disadvantaged Toddlers through the Development of Training and Materials to Support Early Years Practitioners. Internal Kingston University Report, unpublished.