Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Civil engineering"

Bromhead, Edward and Ibsen, Maia-Laura (2007) Folkestone Warren landslides and the impact of the past rainfall record. In: International Conference on Landslides and Climate Change; 21-24 May 2007, Ventnor, U.K..
Donchev, T., Wen, J., Etebar, K. and Hadavinia, H. (2007) Determination of mode II fracture toughness in delamination of angle-ply composite beams. In: World Congress on Engineering 2007; 2-4 July 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Donchev, Ted. and Wen, J. (2007) Effect of elevated temperatures on CFRP strengthened structural elements. In: Fire and Materials; 29 31 Jan 2007, San Francisco, California, U.S.A..
Ferraris, Sergio Adrian (2007) Large eddy simulation of under-ventilated fires. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Fotiadou, Soumela (2007) Use of foamed glass gravel for sustainable concrete construction. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Gordnian, K., Hadavinia, H., Simpson, G. and Aboutorabi, A. (2007) Calculation of energy release rate in mode I delamination of angle ply laminated composites. In: ICCES07 International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences; 3-8 Jan 2007, Florida, U.S.. (International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering and Sciences, no. 1) ISSN (online) 1933-2815
Kaluarachchi, Yamuna D. and Jones, Keith (2007) Monitoring of a strategic partnering process: the Amphion experience. Construction Management and Economics, 25(10), pp. 1053-1061. ISSN (print) 0144-6193
Marrocchino, Elena and Koulouris, Angelos (2007) Petro-chemical investigation as a tool for quality control in the production of recycled aggregates for concrete. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly; 15 - 20 Apr 2007, Vienna, Austria.
Mashayekhi, M., Ziaei-Rad, S., Parvizian, J. and Hadavinia, H. (2007) Evaluation of fracture in a three stage forging process using continuum damage mechanics. In: 9th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes : NUMIFORM '07; 17-21 Jun 2007, Porto, Portugal. (AIP Conference Proceedings, no. 908) ISBN 9780735404151
Omer, Joshua (2007) Modelling and analysis of an elastic compound strut in axial compression. In: World Congress on Engineering 2007; 02-04 July 2007, London, U.K..
Omer, Joshua R. and Delpak, Ray (2007) Analysis of drilled cast in-situ single piles in axial loading. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 12(A), ISSN (print) 1090-0241
Ouchagour, Youssef (2007) Suitability of recycled concrete aggregate for use in binary cement concrete. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Petkova, Diana, Donchev, T., Wen, J., Etebar, K. and Hadavinia, H. (2007) Effect of elevated temperatures on the bond between FRP and concrete. In: Interflam 2007: 11th International Fire Science and Engineering Conference; 3-5 Sept 2007, London, U.K.. (Conference Proceedings Volumes 1 & 2 interflam 2007) ISBN 9780955654800
Reutter, Oliver (2007) Assessment of masonary flexural bond strength. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Shih, J K C, Omer, J R, Delpak, R, Robinson, R B and Jones, C D (2007) Full-scale pile tests in sand and development of a computer program for predicting load capacity. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 34(10), pp. 1222-1236. ISSN (print) 0315-1468