Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Art and design"

Corris, Michael (2001) Brain... and after: from conceptual art to conceptual strategies. Book Review of 'Rewriting conceptual art' by Michael Newman and Jon Bird (eds.). Art History, 24(3), pp. 445-449. ISSN (print) 0141-6790
Creigh-Tyte, Anne and Thomas, Barry (2001) Employment. In: Selwood, Sara, (ed.) The UK cultural sector : profile and policy issues. London, UK : Policy Studies Institute. pp. 250-274. (PSI Report, (887)) ISBN 085374789X
Creigh-Tyte, Anne and Thomas, Barry (2001) Taxation. In: Selwood, Sara, (ed.) The UK cultural sector: profile and policy issues. London, U.K. : Policy Studies Institute. pp. 118-138. ISBN 085374789X
Davies, Rachel and Parkes, J (2001) 3 minute birth. (Dance and spoken film). (Slot Art)
Ennals, Richard (2001) Art and wealth: philosophicla dialgue, performance version. In: Goranzon, Bo and Hammaren, Maria, (eds.) Ideas and entrepreneurship: cultures in Dialogue. Stockholm : Swedish Royal Institute of Technology. pp. 56-65. (KTH Advanced Programme in Reflective Practice)
Foster, Charlotte (2001) Ever wondered about food? : Bread. (BBC Television programme). (Ever wondered about food?)
Foster, Charlotte (2001) Ever wondered about food? : Pasta. (BBC Television programme). (Ever wondered about food?)
Foster, Charlotte (2001) The Train to Cluj-Napoca. (BBC Television programme).
Lloyd, Fran, ed. (2001) Displacement & difference. London, U.K. : Saffron Books. 209p. ISBN 1872843220
Lloyd, Fran, ed. (2001) Displacement & difference: contemporary Arab visual culture in the diaspora. London, UK : Saffron Books. 209p. ISBN 1872843220
Lloyd, Fran (2001) Re-making ourselves: art, memories and materialities. In: Lloyd, Fran, (ed.) Displacement & difference: contemporary Arab visual culture in the diaspora. London, UK : Saffron Books. pp. 81-155. ISBN 1872843220
Massey, Anne and Schlegel, Amy Ingrid (2001) Life in the U.K.: the creative partnership of Sylvia Sleigh and Lawrence Alloway. In: Schlegel, Amy Ingrid, (ed.) An unnerving romanticism: the art of Syvia Sleigh & Lawrence Alloway. Philadelphia, U.S. : Philadelphia Art Allowance. pp. 14-20.
Mencia, Maria [Artist] (2001) Birds singing other birds' songs. (prints, video and interactive work).
Osborne, Peter (2001) Non-places and the spaces of art. The Journal of Architecture, 6(2), pp. 183-194. ISSN (print) 1360-2365
Pearce, Mary (2001) Colour and communication in twentieth century abstract art. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Pinnock, Winsome (2001) Water. Water. 2001, Tricycle Theatre. 50 min.
Sparke, Penny (2001) A modern identity for a new nation: design in Italy since 1860. In: Baranski, Zygmunt G. and West, Rebecca J., (eds.) The Cambridge companion to modern Italian culture. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. pp. 265-281. (Cambridge companions to literature) ISBN 9780521550345