Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Architecture and the built environment"

Ayan, Vahid, Khavandi, Alireza, Omer, Joshua and Limbachiya, Mukesh (2016) Toughness performance of recycled aggregates for use in road pavement. International Journal of Transportation Engineering, 3(3), pp. 171-180. ISSN (print) 2322-259X
Barnes, Paul, Dixon, Catherine, Lawrence, David, Inglis, Theo, Henning, Wallace and Fleming, Martha (2016) Trains and fonts and double arrows : design and identity for railways. In: Eye Magazine's Type Tuesday; 22 Nov 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Black, Jonathan (2016) Embracing Britannia : the concept of Britishness in the public sculpture and career of Dora Gordine (1895?-1991). In: Public Monuments and Sculpture Association Annual Conference : 'Emigres Sculptors in Britain c. 1500-2016'; 26 - 27 May 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Blacksell, Ruth and Walker, Stephen (2016) Architecture and the spaces of information. Architecture and Culture, 4(1), pp. 1-8. ISSN (print) 2050-7828
Blacksell, Ruth (2016) Categories and order systems : Claude Parent and the Serving Library. Intersections of architecture, art and editorial design. Architecture and Culture, 4(1), pp. 73-89. ISSN (print) 2050-7828
Blacksell, Ruth (2016) Claude Parent & Dexter Sinister/The Serving Library : Intersections of architecture, art & editorial design. In: Architecture and the Spaces of Information / Part 2; 11 Sep 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Blacksell, Ruth, Di Franco, Karen and Hunt, Andrew (2016) Spaces of information. In: The NY Art Book Fair : Contemporary Artists’ Books Conference; 15-18 Sep 2016, New York, U.S.A.. (Unpublished)
Borozdin-Bidnell, Michael (2016) The antiquarian interior 1815-1851 : the aesthetics of erudition. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Brennan, Nicholas [Designer] and Smitham, Astrid [Architect] (2016) White House Dagenham. Building.
Brown, Pat (2016) Green Infrastructure potentials – design pedagogy in the field. In: Visual Spectacle & Tactile Texture of Urban Places; 29 Feb 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Burges, William [Architect] (2016) Niche Houses. Housing.
Burges, William [Architect] (2016) Park House. (Housing. Completed Architecture).
Burges, William [Architect] (2016) Redchurch Corner. (Hotel, cafe and retail space. Completed architecture).
Coates, Graham, Wright, Nigel, McGuinness, Martina, Guan, Dabo, Harries, Tim and McEwan, Lindsey (2016) SESAME: exploring small businesses' behaviour to enhance resilience to flooding. In: 3rd European Conference on Flood Risk Management (FLOODrisk 2016); 17 - 21 Oct 2016, Lyon, France. ISSN (online) 2267-1242 ISBN 9781510833609
Coward, Thomas [Architect], Shearcroft, Geoff [Architect], Pugh, Jonny [Architect] and Froud, Daisy [Co-creator] (2016) The Green Community Centre, Nunhead. Building and Landscape.
Dines, Martin [Reviewer] (2016) Book Review of 'Imagined frontiers : contemporary America and beyond' by Carl Abbott. Journal of American Studies, 50(4), pp. 1130-1131. ISSN (print) 0021-8758
Dines, Martin (2016) A child in the suburb. In: Berberich, Christine , Campbell, Neil and Hudson, Robert, (eds.) Affective landscapes in literature, art and everyday life : memory, place and the senses. Abdingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 99-112. ISBN 9781472431790
Fatsar, Kristof (2016) Hungarian garden tourists in search of Lancelot Brown's legacy. Garden History, 44, pp. 114-124. ISSN (print) 0307-1243
Fisher, Fiona (2016) Regulating design : spaces and boundaries of the late nineteenth-century public house. In: Sparke, Penny and Fisher, Fiona, (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Design Studies. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 421-432. ISBN 9781138780507
Flintham, Matthew (2016) Complex Zones : The ‘real virtualities’ of training and defence in the British landscape. In: War, Simulation and Global (In)Security Workshop; 05 Jul 2016, Bristol, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Flintham, Matthew (2016) Restricted skies : visual and virtual perspectives on military airspace borders. In: Borders/Frontiers; 23 - 24 Jun 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Flintham, Matthew (2016) Toras Kommandoplass: observations from a dark summit. Critical Military Studies, 2(3), pp. 271-277. ISSN (print) 2333-7486
Gough, Tim (2016) Are we so sure it's not architecture? Architecture and Culture, 4(1), pp. 9-29. ISSN (print) 2050-7828
Hayatsu, Takeshi [Architect] and Jones, Simon [Architect] (2016) Seminar House Pavilion, Dorich House. Building.
Higgie, Jennifer and Hunt, Andrew [Contributor] (2016) Should we stay or should we go? Frieze,
Houghton, Jane [Editor] (2016) SURFACE. (Other) London, U.K. : Created by staff and students at Kingston University. 163 p. (Unpublished)
Hunt, Andrew [Curator] and Casser, Anja [Curator] (2016) Concerning concrete poetry. Concerning concrete poetry. .
Hunt, Andrew (2016) Focal Point Gallery : a new institutional model? Architecture and Culture, 4(1), pp. 91-113. ISSN (print) 2050-7828
Hunt, Andrew (2016) Letter from Cuba. Art Monthly, 402, p. 35. ISSN (print) 0142-6702
Hunt, Andrew (2016) New Values: An International Public Art for the Future. In: King, Scott and Hunt, Andrew, (eds.) Public art. London, U.K. : Slimvolume. pp. 166-173. (Slimvolume, (3)) ISBN 9781910516010
Hunt, Andrew [Curator] (2016) Polly Apfelbaum : Any dream will do. Polly Apfelbaum : Any dream will do. .
Hunt, Andrew [Curator] (2016) Scott King : Keep the home fires burning and Mother and Child (Luton). Scott King : Keep the home fires burning and Mother and Child (Luton). .
Ioannidou, Ersi (2016) Metabolism : the last modernist utopia. In: Modern Interiors Research Centre Research Symposium 2016; 18-19 Jan 2016, Kingston, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Ioannidou, Ersi (2016) The Time House. In: Design History Society Conference 2016; 8-10 September 2016, Middlesex University London. (Unpublished)
Karunaratne, Gihan (2016) New Indian identities and architectural tectonics. C3(385), ISSN (print) 2092-5190
Lawrence, David (2016) British Rail Designed 1948-97. London, U.K. : Ian Allan Publishing. 272p. ISBN 9780711038370
Lawrence, David [Curator] (2016) Designology. .
Lawrence, David (2016) Tube time : how the subterranean city got faster by design. In: Design and Time : Design History Society Conference 2016; 08-10 Sep 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Liu, Xiao, Gao, Hao, Sun, Yanyi, Wu, Yupeng, Martin, Benjamin, Chilton, John, Mirzaei, Parham, Zhang, Xingxing, Beccarelli, Paolo and Lau, Benson (2016) Thermal and optical analysis of a passive heat recovery and storage system for greenhouse skin. In: TENSINET – COST TU1303 International Symposium 2016 "Novel structural skins - Improving sustainability and efficiency through new structural textile materials and designs"; 26-28 Oct 2016, Newcastle, U.K.. (Procedia Engineering, no. 155)
O'Shea, Patrick (2016) Designing a British national brand. In: The Empire Remains Shop; 04 Aug - 06 Nov 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Piterou, Athina, Coles, Anne-Marie and Genus, Audley (2016) Sustainable energy projects and the community: mapping single building use of microgeneration technologies in London. Urban Studies, 53(9), pp. 1869-1884. ISSN (print) 0042-0980
Pretlove, Stephen and Kade, Sidonie (2016) Post occupancy evaluation of social housing designed and built to Code for Sustainable Homes Levels 3, 4 and 5. Energy and Buildings, 110, pp. 120-134. ISSN (print) 0378-7788
Rice, Charles (2016) Architecture's capital? Revisiting Benjamin's Paris. In: Clayson, Hollis and Dombrowski, Andre, (eds.) Is Paris still capital of the nineteenth century? Essays on art and modernity, 1850-1900. London, U.K. : Routledge. ISBN 9781472460141
Scholze, Jana, Faulkner, Rupert and Josephine, Rout (2016) Modern and contemporary design. In: Irvine, Gregory, (ed.) Japanese Art and Design. London : V&A Publishing. pp. 221-245. ISBN 9781851778553
Seetzen, Heidi (2016) 'This river used to be so full of life': histories of mobility on the Thames and their role in the negotiation of place, community and sociability. In: Divall, Colin, (ed.) Cultural histories of sociabilities, spaces and mobilities. London, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 99-112. (Studies for the International Society for Cultural History, (7)) ISBN 9781848935259
Smith, Timothy M [Architect] and Taylor, Jonathan D [Architect] (2016) Teddington Folly. (Building).
Sopeoglou, Eva (2016) The tectonics of comfort between clothes and cities. In: Bartlett PhD Research Projects 2016; 23 Feb 2016, London, U.K..
Sun, Yanyi, Wu, Yupeng, Wilson, Robin and Lu, Sixu (2016) Experimental measurement and numerical simulation of the thermal performance of a double glazing system with an interstitial Venetian blind. Building and Environment, 103, pp. 111-122. ISSN (print) 0360-1323
Sun, Yanyi, Wu, Yupeng, Wilson, Robin and Sun, Shuyue (2016) Thermal evaluation of a double glazing façade system with integrated Parallel Slat Transparent Insulation Material (PS-TIM). Building and Environment, 105, pp. 69-81. ISSN (print) 0360-1323
Tarbet, Robin [Artist] (2016) Orange buckets, Wylfa Nuclear Power Station. In: Carpenter, Ele, (ed.) The nuclear culture source book. London, U.K. : Black Dog Publishing. pp. 092-092. ISBN 9781911164050
Tarbet, Robin [Artist], Capps, Samuel [Artist], Edwards, Diane [Artist], Irwin, James [Artist] and Skea, Ben [Artist] (2016) Technonatural. .
Umar, Tariq and Wamuziri, Sam (2016) Briefing: Conventional, wind and solar energy resources in Oman. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Energy, 169(4), pp. 143-147. ISSN (print) 1751-4223
Umar, Tariq (2016) Improving safety performance in construction using safety climate factors. In: CHOBE/ARCOM Doctoral Workshop : Going North for Sustainability; 30 Jun 2016, London, U.K..
Umar, Tariq and Wamuziri, Sam (2016) Strength analysis of concrete (300/20) with superplasticizer. In: International Conclave on Innovations in Engineering & Management (Oman Vision 2020 : Opportunities & Challenges); 24 - 25 Feb 2016, Muscat, Oman.
Umar, Tariq and Wamuziri, Sam (2016) Using safety climate as a tool for improvement of safety performance in construction organisations. In: The 5th World Construction Symposium 2016 : Greening Environment, Eco-Innovations & Entrepreneurship; 29 - 31 Jul 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Umar, Tariq and Wamuziri, Sam (2016) A review of construction safety, challenges and opportunities – Oman perspective. In: The 5th World Construction Symposium 2016 : Greening Environment, Eco-Innovations & Entrepreneurship; 29 - 31 Jul 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Umeokafor, Nnedinma (2016) Approaches, drivers and motivators of health and safety self-regulation in the Nigerian construction industry : a scoping study. Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 12(6), pp. 460-475. ISSN (print) 1745-2007
Umeokafor, Nnedinma and Isaac, David (2016) Construction health and safety self-regulation in developing countries : a Nigeria case study. Journal for the Advancement of Performance Information & Value, 8(1), pp. 74-87. ISSN (print) 1941-191X
Wells, M. J. (2016) The practice of history : the Smithsons, Colin St John Wilson,and the writing of architectural history. Journal of Art Historiography, 14, ISSN (online) 2042-4752
Whyte, Jennifer, Tryggestad, Kjell and Comi, Alice (2016) Visualizing practices in project-based design : tracing connections through cascades of visual representations. Engineering Project Organization Journal, 6(2-4), pp. 115-128. ISSN (print) 2157-3727
Williams, Austin (2016) Frozen music: Erik Satie house in Beijing by Atelier Fronti. The Architectural Review, 240(1433), pp. 82-86. ISSN (print) 0003-861X
Williams, Austin (2016) Humanizing the urban fabric. Nature, 537, pp. 614-615. ISSN (print) 0028-0836
Williams, Austin (2016) Outrage: 'if memorialisation is everywhere, it becomes mere virtue-signalling'. The Architectural Review, 240(1436), pp. 40-42. ISSN (print) 0003-861X
Williams, Austin (2016) Seashore Chapel by Vector Architects : 'Each elevation has been designed for aesthetic drama'. Architectural Review, ISSN (print) 0003-861X
Williams, Austin (2016) Shenzhen's Biennale regurgitates Central Party concerns in a festival of restraint. Architectrural Review, ISSN (print) 0003-861X
Zanni, Maria Angeliki (2016) Communication of sustainability information and assessment within BIM-enabled collaborative environment. (PhD thesis), Loughborough University, .