Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Archaeology"

Barker, Graeme, Barton, Huw, Bird, Michael, Daly, Patrick, Datan, Ipoi, Dykes, Alan, Farr, Lucy, Gilbertson, David, Harrisson, Barbara, Hunt, Chris, Higham, Tom, Kealhofer, Lisa, Krigbaum, John, Lewis, Helen, McLaren, Sue, Paz, Victor, Pike, Alistair, Piper, Phil, Pyatt, Brian, Rabett, Ryan, Reynolds, Tim, Rose, Jim, Rushworth, Garry, Stephens, Mark, Stringer, Chris, Thompson, Jill and Turney, Chris (2007) The 'human revolution' in lowland tropical Southeast Asia: the antiquity and behavior of anatomically modern humans at Niah Cave (Sarawak, Borneo). Journal of Human Evolution, 52(3), pp. 243-261. ISSN (print) 0047-2484
el-Rishi, Hwedi, Hunt, Chris, Gilbertson, David, Grattan, John, McLaren, Sue, Pyatt, Brian, Duller, Geoff, Gillmore, Gavin and Phillips, Paul (2007) The past and present landscapes of the Wadi Faynan: geoarchaeological approaches and frameworks. In: Barker, Graeme , Gilbertson, David and Mattingly, David, (eds.) Archaeology and Desertification. The Wadi Faynan Landscape Survey, Southern Jordan. London, UK : Council for British Research in the Levant. pp. 59-96. (Levant Supplementary Series, Wadi F(6)) ISBN 9781842172865
Fazeli, H., Coningham, R.A.E., Young, R.L., Gillmore, G.K., Maghsoudi, M. and Raza, H. (2007) Socio-Economic Transformations in the Tehran Plain: Final Season of Settlement Survey and Excavations at Tepe Pardis. Iran: Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies, 45, pp. 267-286. ISSN (print) 0578-6967
Renshaw, Layla (2007) The Iconography of exhumation: representations of mass graves from the Spanish Civil War. In: Clack, Timothy and Brittain, Marcus, (eds.) Archaeology and the Media. Walnut Creek, California, USA : Left Coast Press. pp. 237-252. ISBN 9781598742336