Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Applied mathematics"

Amiri-Aref, Mehdi, Zanjirani Farahani, Reza, Javadian, Nikbakhsh and Klibi, Walid (2016) A rectilinear distance location-relocation problem with a probabilistic restriction: mathematical modeling and solution approaches. International Journal of Production Research, 54(3), pp. 629-646. ISSN (print) 0020-7543
Dimitriadis, Christos (2016) Gifted programs cannot be successful without gifted research and theory : evidence from practice with gifted students of mathematics. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 39(3), pp. 221-236. ISSN (print) 0162-3532
Jones, M.C.W. (2016) Soliton solutions to coupled nonlinear evolution equations modelling a third harmonic resonance in the theory of capillary-gravity waves. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40(3), pp. 2134-2142. ISSN (print) 0307-904X
Zanlungo, Francesco, Yucel, Zeynep and Kanda, Takayuki (2016) The effect of social roles on group behaviour. In: 8th International Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics; 17-21 Oct 2016, Hefei, China. (Unpublished)