Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > American studies and anglophone area studies"

Brown, Simon (2019) Creepshow. Leighton Buzzard : Auteur Press. (Devil's Advocate) ISBN 9781911325918
Brown, Simon (2019) Creepshow. Leighton Buzzard : Auteur Publishing. 106p. (Devil's Advocates) ISBN 9781911325918
Brown, Simon (2019) Remaking Stephen King : texts and contexts. In: Piatti-Farnell, Lorna, (ed.) Gothic afterlives : reincarnations of horror in film and television. Lanham, Maryland, U.S. : Lexington Books. (In Press)
Brown, Simon (2019) Stephen King’s Full Dark No Stars (2010) – Stephen King. In: Bacon, Simon, (ed.) Horror: a Companion. Oxford : Peter Lang. pp. 235-240. ISBN 9781787079199
Wise, Katherine (2019) Lost borders : haunting in and of American women’s ghost stories. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .