Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Science (until 2011) > School of Life Sciences"

Agatonovic-Kustin, S., Evans, A. and Alany, R. G. (2003) Prediction of corneal permeability using artificial neural networks. Pharmazie, 58(10), pp. 725-729. ISSN (print) 0031-7144
Augousti, A., Maletras, F.-X. and Mason, J. (2003) Geometrical analysis and experimental characterization of a figure-of-eight coil for fibre optic respiratory plethysmography. In: 12th Conference on Sensors and their Applications; 2-4 September 2003, Limerick, Ireland. (Sensors and their applications, no. XII) ISBN 9780750309783
Augousti, A., Mason, J., Morgan, H. and McMillan, N.D. (2003) Ultrasonic tensiographic measurements on liquid drops for liquid fingerprinting. In: 12th Conference on Sensors and their Applications; 2-4 September 2003, Limerick, Ireland. (Sensors and their applications, no. XII) ISBN 9780750309783
Augousti, Andreas T., Maletras, Francois-Xavier and Mason, Julian (2003) Postgraduate training in the field of optics: a case study. In: OPTO-Ireland 2002: Conference on Optics and Photonics Technologies and Applications; 5-6 September 2002, Galway, Ireland. (Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), no. 4876, pa) ISSN (print) 0277-786X ISBN 0819446572
Backx, Karianne, Van Someren, Ken and Palmer, Garry S. (2003) One hour cycling performance is not affected by ingested fluid volume. International Journal of Sport Nutrition & Exercise Metabolism, 13(3), pp. 333-342. ISSN (print) 1526-484X
Blake, David [Patent holder], Naughton, Declan [Patent holder], Adams, Ged [Patent holder], Stratford, Ian [Patent holder], Morris, Christopher [Patent holder], Jaffar, Mohammed [Patent holder] and Naylor, Matthew [Patent holder] (2003) Theramark Limited Bioreductive conjugates for drug targeting. EPO patent no. 0988057.
Brooks, Andrew S., Crook, Mitchell J., Wilcox, Andrew and Cook, Richard T. (2003) A laboratory evaluation of the palatability of legumes to the field slug, Deroceras reticulatum Müller. Pest Management Science, 59(3), pp. 245-251. ISSN (print) 1526-498X
Brownbill, P., Bell, N.J., Woods, R.J., Lowry, P.J., Page, N.M. and Sibley, C.P. (2003) Neurokinin B is a paracrine vasodilator in the human fetal placental circulation. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 88(5), pp. 2164-2170. ISSN (online) 0021-972X
Carberry, D., McMillan, N.D., O'Neill, M., Smith, S.R.P., Riedel, S., O'Rourke, B., Augousti, A. and Mason, J. (2003) Drop shape sensor modelling and imaging: new measurement approaches for refractive index monitoring. In: 12th Conference on Sensors and their Applications; 2-4 September 2003, Limerick, Ireland. (Sensors and their applications, no. XII) ISBN 9780750309783
Davies, Angela J., Reed, Cecile C. and Smit, Nico J. (2003) An unusual intraerythrocytic parasite of Parablennius cornutus from South Africa. Journal of Parasitology, 89(5), pp. 913-917. ISSN (print) 0022-3395
Dikomey, Ekkehard, Borgmann, Kerstin, Peacock, John and Jung, Horst (2003) Why recent studies relating normal tissue response to individual radiosensitivity might have failed and how new studies should be performed. International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, 56(4), pp. 1194-2000. ISSN (online) 0360-3016
Dorak, M. Tevfik, Tang, Jianming, Tang, Shenghui, Penman‐Aguilar, Ana, Coutinho, Roel A., Goedert, James J., Detels, Roger and Kaslow, Richard A. (2003) Influence of human leukocyte antigen–B22 alleles on the course of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection in 3 cohorts of white men. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 188(6), pp. 856-863. ISSN (print) 0022-1899
Entwistle, J.A., Flowers, A.G., Nageldinger, G. and Greenwood, J.C. (2003) Identification and characterization of radioactive 'hot' particles in Chernobyl fallout-contaminated soils: the application of two novel approaches. Mineralogical Magazine, 67(2), pp. 183-204. ISSN (print) 0026-461X
Fisher, Anna and Naughton, Declan (2003) Redox-active metal ions and oxidative stress: therapeutic implications. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy. Part B: Biological sciences, 69(4), pp. 453-460. ISSN (print) 0073-6600
Howatson, G and Van Someren, K A (2003) Ice massage: effects on exercise-induced muscle damage. Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness, 43(4), pp. 500-505. ISSN (print) 0022-4707
Humphries, William Arthur (2003) A study of a MARCKS-like protein Kinase C substrate in 'Lymnaea stagnalis' haemocytes. (MSc(R) thesis), Kingston University, .
Hussain, Nasir, Singh, B, Thiagajaran, S and Florence, AT (2003) Formulation and stability of surface-tethered DNA-gold-dendron nanoparticles. International journal of Pharmaceutics, 254(1), pp. 27-31. ISSN (online) 0378-5173
Jerse, Ann E., Sharma, Nirmala D., Simms, Amy N., Crow, Emily T., Snyder, Lori A. and Shafer, William M. (2003) A gonococcal efflux pump system enhances bacterial survival in a female mouse model of genital tract infection. Infection and Immunity, 71(10), pp. 5576-5582. ISSN (print) 0019-9567
Jordan, Philip, Snyder, Lori A S and Saunders, Nigel J (2003) Diversity in coding tandem repeats in related Neisseria spp. BMC Microbiology, 3(23), pp. 1-15. ISSN (online) 1471-2180
Joshua, G. W. P., Karlyshev, A. V., Smith, M. P., Isherwood, K. E., Titball, R. W. and Wren, B. W. (2003) A Caenorhabditis elegans model of Yersinia infection: biofilm formation on a biotic surface. Microbiology, 149(11), pp. 3221-3229. ISSN (print) 1350-0872
Karlyshev, A.V. [Inventor] and Wren, B.W. [Inventor] (2003) London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Virulence peptides of the Genus Yersinia and uses thereof. WO2003044047 A3.
Karlyshev, Andrey (2003) Structural base of the polyfunctional role of Caf1 protein and Caf1M chaperone in providing Yersinia pestis circulation in ecological systems of natural plague foci. In: Uversky, Vladimir N., (ed.) Protein Structures: Kaleidoscope of Structural Properties and Function. Kerala, India. : Research Signpost. 37/661 ISBN 8177361775
Kelly, Alison F., Martinez-Rodriguez, A., Bovill, R.A. and Mackey, B.M. (2003) Description of a "phoenix" phenomenon in the growth of Campylobacter jejuni at temperatures close to the minimum for growth. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 69(8), pp. 4975-4978. ISSN (online) 1098-5336
Kirk, R. S. (2003) The impact of Anguillicola crassus on European eels. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 10(6), pp. 385-394. ISSN (print) 0969-997x
Kokuer, Munevver, Murtagh, Fionn D., Augousti, Andreas T., Mason, Julian and McMillan, Norman D. (2003) Wavelet- and entropy-based feature extraction: application to distinguishing mixtures of beverages. In: OPTP-Ireland 2002: Conference on Optical Metrology, Imaging and Machine Vision; 5-6 September 2002, Galway, Ireland. (Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), no. 4877) ISSN (print) 0277-786X ISBN 0819446580
Köküer, Münevver, Murtagh, Fionn, McMillan, Norman D., Riedel, Sven, O'Rourke, Brian, Beverly, Katie, Augousti, Andy T. and Mason, Julian (2003) A wavelet, Fourier, and PCA data analysis pipeline: application to distinguishing mixtures of liquids. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, 43(2), pp. 587-594. ISSN (print) 0095-2338
Machulla, H.K.G., Batnasan, D., Steinborn, F., Uyar, F.A., Saruhan-Direskeneli, G., Oguz, F.S., Carin, M.N. and Dorak, M.T. (2003) Genetic affinities among Mongol ethnic groups and their relationship to Turks. Tissue Antigens, 61(4), pp. 292-299. ISSN (print) 0001-2815
Mackintosh, David, Coleman, Kim and Davies, Angela J. (2003) Mitogenic activity of insulin in the culture of a trypanosome: duration and dose response. Cell Biology International, 27(1), pp. 75-78. ISSN (print) 1065-6995
Mandal, J., Pal, S., Sun, T., Grattan, K.T.V. and Augousti, A. (2003) Optimization of single mode Erbium doped fibre lasers and their sensor applications. In: 12th Conference on Sensors and their Applications; 2-4 September 2003, Limerick, Ireland. (Sensors and their applications, no. XII) ISBN 9780750309783
Marden, Chloe M., Stefanidis, Dimitrios, Cunninghame-Graham, Deborah S. and Casimir, Colin M. (2003) Differentiation-dependent up-regulation of p47[sup]phox gene transcription is associated with changes in PU.1 phosphorylation and increased binding affinity. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 305(1), pp. 193-202. ISSN (print) 0006-291X
McGuckin, Colin P., Forraz, Nicolas, Baradez, Marc-Olivier, Lojo-Rial, Carlos, Wertheim, David, Whiting, Karen, Watt, Suzanne M. and Pettengell, Ruth (2003) Colocalization analysis of sialomucins CD34 and CD164. Stem Cells, 21(2), pp. 162-170. ISSN (print) 1066-5099
McGuckin, Colin P., Forraz, Nicolas and Liu, Wai M. (2003) Diaminofluorene stain detects erythroid differentiation in immature haemopoietic cells treated with EPO, IL-3, SCF, TGF beta(1) , MIP-1 alpha and IFN gamma. European Journal Of Haematology, 70(2), pp. 106-114. ISSN (print) 0902-4441
McGuckin, Colin P., Pearce, Daniel, Forraz, Nicolas, Tooze, Jennifer A., Watt, Suzanne M. and Pettengell, Ruth (2003) Multiparametric analysis of immature cell populations in umbilical cord blood and bone marrow. European Journal Of Haematology, 71(5), pp. 341-350. ISSN (print) 0902-4441
McMillan, N.D., Denieffe, D., Riedel, S., Tiernan, K., McMillan, D.G.E., Farrell, G., Kennedy, D., Egan, J., Doyle, G., Augousti, A. and Mason, J. (2003) Theoretical enquiry into the use of data entropy methods for optoelectronic-fiber system-digital design. In: Information Technology & Telecommunication Conference; 22-23 October 2003, Letterkenny, Ireland. ISSN (print) 1649-1246
Modjtahedi, Helmout, Moscatello, David K., Box, Gary, Green, Margaret, Shotton, Christine, Lamb, David J., Reynolds, Lesley J., Wong, Albert J., Dean, Christopher, Thomas, Hilary and Eccles, Suzanne (2003) Targeting of cells expressing wild-type EGFR and type-III mutant EGFR (EGFRvIII) by anti EGFR MAb ICR62: A two-pronged attack for tumour therapy. International Journal of Cancer, 105(2), pp. 273-280. ISSN (print) 0020-7136
Mohammed, Osama B., Davies, Angela J., Hussein, Hussein S., Daszak, Peter and Ellis, John T. (2003) 'Hammondia heydorni' from the Arabian mountain gazelle and red fox in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Parasitology, 89(3), pp. 535-539. ISSN (print) 1937-2345
Morrin, D., McMillan, N.D., Beverley, K., O'Neill, M., O'Rourke, B., Dunne, G., Riedel, S., Augousti, A., Mason, J., Murtagh, F. and Köküer, M. (2003) Possible new tensiograph drop volume method for surface tension measurement without correction factors: further studies on tensiotrace relationships. In: 12th Conference on Sensors and their Applications; 2-4 September 2003, Limerick, Ireland. (Sensors and their applications, no. XII) ISBN 9780750309783
Oguz, Fatma Savran, Kalayoglu, Sevgi, Diler, A. Sarper, Tozkir, Hilmi, Sargin, Deniz, Carin, Mahmut and Dorak, M. Tevfik (2003) HLA system affects the age-at-onset in chronic myeloid leukemia. American Journal of Hematology, 73(4), pp. 256-262. ISSN (print) 0361-8609
Oyston, Petra C F, Karlyshev, Andrey V, Wren, Brendan W and Titball, Richard W (2003) Signature-tagged mutagenesis of Yersinia pestis. In: Skurnik, Mikael , Bengoechea, Jose Antonio and Granfors, Kaisa, (eds.) The Genus Yersinia: Entering the Functional Genomic Era. New York, USA : Kluwer Academic. pp. 39-42. (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 529) ISSN (print) 0065-2598 ISBN 9780306477591
Page, Nigel M., Bell, Nicola J., Gardiner, Sheila M., Manyonda, Issac T., Brayley, Kerensa J., Strange, Philip G. and Lowry, Philip J. (2003) Characterization of the endokinins: human tachykinins with cardiovascular activity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 100(10), pp. 6245-6250. ISSN (print) 0027-8424
Powell, S.B., Geyer, M.A., Preece, M.A., Pitcher, L.K., Reynolds, G.P. and Swerdlow, N.R. (2003) Dopamine depletion of the nucleus accumbens reverses isolation-induced deficits in prepulse inhibition in rats. Neuroscience, 119(1), pp. 233-240. ISSN (online) 0306-4522
Rigos, G., Nengas, I., Tyrpenou, A.E., Alexis, M. and Troisi, G.A. (2003) Pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of oxytetracycline in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) after a single dose. Aquaculture, 221(1-4), pp. 75-83. ISSN (print) 0044-8486
Rigos, G., Tyrpenou, A.E., Nengas, I., Yiagnisis, M., Koutsodimou, M., Alexis, M. and Troisi, G.M. (2003) Pharmacokinetics of flumequine and in vitro activity against bacterial pathogens of gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms (DAO), 54(1), pp. 35-41. ISSN (print) 0177-5103
Rigos, G., Nengas, I., Alexis, M., Tyrpenou, A.E. and Troisi, G.M. (2003) Tissue distribution and residue depletion of oxolinic acid in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) and sharpsnout sea bream (Diplodus puntazzo) following multiple in-feed dosing. Aquaculture, 224(1-4), pp. 245-256. ISSN (print) 0044-8486
Russell, Ian C., Bearhop, Stuart, Newson, Stuart E., Winney, Bruce, Allchin, Colin R. and Kirk, Ruth S. (2003) Multi-disciplinary analysis of Great Cormorant 'Phalacrocorax carbo' carcasses. In: Keller, Thomas M. , Carss, David N. , Helbig, Andreas J. and Flade, Martin, (eds.) Cormorants : Ecology and Management at the Start of the 21st Century : Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Cormorants in Freising, Germany, 17-21 December 2000. Wiebelsheim, Germany : AULA-Verlag. pp. 157-166. (Die Vogelwelt) ISSN (print) 0042-7993 ISBN 3891046677
Salaun, Laurence, Snyder, Lori A.S. and Saunders, Nigel J. (2003) Adaptation by phase variation in pathogenic bacteria. Advances in Applied Microbiology, 52, pp. 263-301. ISSN (print) 0065-2164
Singh, Baljit, Hussain, Nasir, Sakthivel, Thiagarajan and Florence, Alexander T. (2003) Effect of physiological media on the stability of surface adsorbed DNA-dendron-gold nanoparticles. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 55(12), pp. 1635-1640. ISSN (print) 0022-3573
Smit, Nico J., Basson, Linda and Van As, Jo G. (2003) Life cycle of the temporary fish parasite, Gnathia africana (Crustacea: Isopoda: Gnathiidae). Folia Parasitologica, 50(2), pp. 135-142. ISSN (print) 0015-5683
Smit, Nico J., Van As, Jo G. and Davies, Angela J. (2003) Observations on Babesiosoma mariae (Apicomplexa: Dactylosomatidae) from the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Folia parasitologica, 50(1), pp. 85-86. ISSN (print) 0015-5683
Snyder, Lori A. S., Shafer, William M. and Saunders, Nigel J. (2003) Divergence and transcriptional analysis of the division cell wall (dcw) gene cluster in Neisseria spp. Molecular Microbiology, 47(2), pp. 431-442. ISSN (print) 0950-382X
Stephenson, Marissa (2003) DNA damage induction by 'Helicobacter pylori'. (MSc(R) thesis), Kingston University, .
Tereshin, S., Kulikova, N., Sakulin, V., Puchcova, G., Vasilenkio, R., Vasiliev, A., Kosarev, I., Khlebnikov, V., Karlyshev, A., Uversky, V. and Abramov, V. (2003) Pathogenetic role of minimal building blocks of 'Yersinia pestis' capsule: Caf1 dimers on early and lates stages of Pneumonic plague. In: Annual Meeting of the International-Cytokine-Society; 20 - 24 Sep 2003, Dublin, Ireland. ISBN 9788875870133
Tiernan, Kevin, Riedel, Sven, McMillan, Norman D., Kennedy, David, Augousti, Andreas T., Mason, Julian and Doyle, G. (2003) Design from chaos: applying data entropy methods for complex system design. In: OPTO-Ireland 2002: Conference on Optics and Photonics Technologies and Applications; 5-6 September 2002, Galway, Ireland. (Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), no. 4876, pa) ISSN (print) 0277-786X ISBN 0819446572
Tutt, Andrew, Connor, Frances, Bertwistle, David, Kerr, Peter, Peacock, John, Ross, Gill and Ashworth, Alan (2003) Cell cycle and genetic background dependence of the effect of loss of BRCA2 on ionizing radiation sensitivity. Oncogene, 22(19), pp. 2926-2931. ISSN (print) 0950-9232
Van Someren, Ken and Palmer, Garry S. (2003) Prediction of 200-m sprint kayaking performance. Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology, 28(4), pp. 505-517. ISSN (print) 1066-7814
Vasiliev, A., Kulikova, N., Tereshin, S., Sakulin, V., Vasilenkio, R., Kosarev, I., Khlebnikov, V., Karlyshev, A., Uversky, V. and Abramov, V. (2003) Yersinia pestis Caf1M chaperone forms energetically independently stealthy adhesins out of Caf1 dimers in periplasm, as a short distant weapon of plague. In: Annual Meeting of the International-Cytokine-Society; 20 - 24 Sep 2003, Dublin, Ireland. ISBN 8875870136
Walker, AJ, Plows, LD, Humphries, WA, Cook, RT and Davies, AJ (2003) Dissecting the molecular basis of molluscan immunity: the effect of immune challenge on MAPK and PKC signalling in Lymnaea stagnalis haemocytes. In: Dussart, GBJ, (ed.) Slugs and Snails: Agricultural, Veterinary and Environmental Perspectives - Proceedings of an International Symposium Held in Canterbury, Kent 8-9 September 2003. Alton, Hampshire, U.K. : British Crop Protection Council. pp. 63-68. (Symposium proceedings (British Crop Protection Council), (80)) ISBN 1901396800
Walker, Anthony J. and Plows, Louise D. (2003) Bacterial lipopolysaccharide modulates Protein Kinase C signalling in Lymnaea stagnalis haemocytes. Biology of the Cell, 95(8), pp. 527-533. ISSN (print) 0248-4900
Whiting, Karen A., McGuckin, Colin P., Wertheim, David, Pearce, Daniel and Pettengell, Ruth (2003) Three-dimensional analysis of CD34 sialomucin distribution on cord blood and bone marrow. British Journal Of Haematology, 122(5), pp. 771-777. ISSN (print) 0007-1048