Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture (until 2017) > School of Surveying and Planning (from October 2008)"

Bernet, Juerg R., Sayce, Sarah, Vermeulen, Maarten and Ledl, Rupert C. (2010) In search of green alpha! Reflexions Immobilieres(54), pp. 13-17. ISSN (print) 1244-0442
Corkindale, John (2010) Applying property rights analysis and using market-based instruments for ecosystem conservation purposes: a case study in the Severn catchment. Environmental Law and Management, 22(1), pp. 13-22. ISSN (print) 1067-6058
Eccles, Timothy and Holt, Andrew (2010) Sinking funds within the service charge in the UK office market: evidence upon best and actual practice. Property Management, 28(3), pp. 163-173. ISSN (print) 0263-7472
Eccles, Timothy and Holt, Andrew (2010) A conceptual framework for enhancing 'effectiveness' in the service charge process. Journal of Building Appraisal, 5(4), pp. 321-327. ISSN (print) 1742-8262
Ghiassee, Barham (2010) Book Review of: 'Nuclear law: the law applying to nuclear installations and radioactive substances in its historic context' (2nd ed.) by Stephen Tromans. Nuclear Future, 6(4), pp. 221-222. ISSN (print) 1745-2058
Ghiassee, Barham (2010) The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty: forty years of international peace & energy security. Nuclear Future, 6(6), pp. 337-341. ISSN (print) 1745-2058
Ghiassee, Barham (2010) Strategic Siting Assessment: informing the nuclear national policy statement for new nuclear power stations. Nuclear Future, 6(2), ISSN (print) 1745-2058
Holt, Andrew, Eccles, Timothy and Bennett, Kellie (2010) A clear case for change. Estates Gazette, p. 61. ISSN (print) 0014-1240
Sayce, Sarah (2010) Maintaining the supply. Building Surveying Journal, p. 6. ISSN (print) 1750-1032
Tromans, Nicholas (2010) Nineteenth-century Orientalist painting. Groniek: Gronings historisch tijdschrift(187), pp. 157-170. ISSN (print) 0169-2801
Harris, Charlotte, ed. (2010) Planning factbook. Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Croner. ISBN 9781860898518
Sayce, Sarah, Garside, Peter, Harris, Charlotte, Vickers, Anthony, Villars, Nicola, Walford, Nigel and Clements, Billy (2010) Garden developments: understanding the issues - an investigation into residential development on gardens in England. London, U.K. : Communities and Local Government. 106p. ISBN 9781409821595
Book Section
Eccles, Timothy S. and Holt, Andrew (2010) Cunctator: the rhetoric and persuasion of transparency in professional culture. In: Reklajtis, Elzbieta , Wisniewski, Rafal and Zdanowski, Jerzy, (eds.) Jednosc i roznorodnosc: kultura vs. kultury. Warsaw, Poland : Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR. pp. 319-330. ISBN 9788375452259
Farren Bradley, Judi, Sayce, Sarah and Lewis, Amanda (2010) Sustainability and built environment professionals: a shifting paradigm. In: Jones, Paula , Selby, David and Sterling, Stephen, (eds.) Sustainability education: perspectives and practice across higher education. London, U.K : Earthscan. pp. 257-272. ISBN 9781844078776
Ghiassee, Bahram (2010) Infrastructure. In: Harris, Charlotte, (ed.) Planning factbook. Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Croner. Supple ISBN 9781860898518
Ghiassee, Bahram (2010) Pollution control. In: Harris, Charlotte, (ed.) Planning factbook. Supplement 53. Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Croner. ISBN 9781860898518
Wisniewska, Monika (2010) Higher education in the UK as a culture of contradictions: the case of built environment subject areas. In: Reklajtis, Elzbieta , Wisniewski, Rafal and Zdanowski, Jerzy, (eds.) Jednosc i roznorodnosc: kultura vs. kultury. Warsaw, Poland : Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR. pp. 331-344. ISBN 9788375452259
Conference or Workshop Item
Barrass, David, Eccles, Timothy and Holt, Andrew (2010) Introduction to property solutions and the UK service charge market. In: Research Seminar; 08 Dec 2010, Kingston upon Thames, U.K..
Bernet, Juerg R., Sayce, Sarah, Vermeulen, Maarten and Ledl, Rupert C. (2010) Winning in the long run: a quantified approach to the drivers of sustainable financial value on real estate: Working Paper 2. In: ERES 2010; 23 - 26 Jun 2010, Milan, Italy.
Bernet, Juerg R., Sayce, Sarah, Vermeulen, Maarten, Ledl, Rupert C. and Clements, Billy (2010) Winning in the long run: a quantified approach to the risk of sustainable financial value on real estate. In: SPR/RICS Cutting Edge Conference: How to measure and manage real estate risk in the real world; 13 May 2010, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Bernet, Juerg R., Sayce, Sarah, Vermeulen, Maarten and Ledl, Rupert C. (2010) Winning in the long run? Driving sustainable financial performance in real estate: Working Paper 3. In: COBRA 2010: The Construction, Building and Real Estate Research Conference; 02 - 03 Sep 2010, Paris, France. ISBN 9781842196199
Gullino, Silvia and Seetzen, Heidi (2010) Handmade places : a social history of Bonnington Square in London. In: Diversity and convergence: planning in a world of change : The UK-Ireland Planning Research Conference 2010; 07 - 09 Apr 2010, Chelmsford, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Holt, Andrew, Eccles, Timothy and Bennett, Kellie (2010) Accounting for service charges in the UK commercial sector: barriers to change and the quest for best practice. In: Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Scotland Commercial Property Service Charge Seminar: The Tenant's Perspective; 27 May 2010, Edinburgh, U.K..
Holt, Andrew, Eccles, Timothy and Bennett, Kim (2010) Accounting for service charges in the UK commercial sector: barriers to change and the quest for best practice. In: Emerging Issues in Business and Law; 22 Jun 2010, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Mohd Aini, Ainoriza and Sayce, Sarah (2010) Disclosing environmental and sustainability practices and initiatives in the annual reporting process of property investors: evidence from Malaysia. In: ERES 2010; 23 - 26 Jun 2010, Milan, Italy.
Pacchi, Carolina and Gullino, Silvia (2010) Grassroots organisations, eco-transport and behavioural change in the UK and Italy: the example of the transition towns movement. In: Space is luxury: 24th AESOP annual conference; 07 - 10 Jul 2010, Otaniemi, Finland.
Pointing, John (2010) Public nuisance re-visited. In: COBRA 2010; 02 - 03 Sep 2010, Paris, France. (Unpublished)
Pointing, John (2010) Regulation, certification & consumer protection. In: World Halal Forum Europe : Halal products and services : going mainstream; 10 - 11 Nov 2010, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Pointing, John (2010) What is to be done about noise nuisance? In: London Branch of the Institute of Acoustics evening meeting; 16 Jun 2010, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Ritson, J. S. (2010) The health and environmental benefits of using traditional historic finishes. In: Heritage 2010: 2nd International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development; 22 - 26 Jun 2010, Evora, Portugal. (Unpublished)
Ritson, James and Pretlove, Stephen (2010) The need for multi-level thinking in meeting the 2050 target reduction in CO2 emissions in domestic dwellings. In: CEREB: Energy in the City : The Solar Energy Society Conference C92; 23 - 24 Jun 2010, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Sayce, Sarah (2010) Putting a price on green: a review of the evidence. In: GLOBE 2010; 24 - 26 Mar 2010, Vancouver, Canada. (Unpublished)
Sayce, Sarah and Clements, Billy (2010) Deconstructing the stereotypes: building mutual respect. (Project Report) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Kingston University. 46 p.
Sayce, Sarah, Sundberg, Anna and Clements, Billy (2010) Is sustainability reflected in commercial property prices: a review of existing evidence. (Other) London, U.K. : RICS. 12 p. (Findings in built and rural environments, no. 2010/V)
Sayce, Sarah, Sundberg, Anna and Clements, Billy (2010) Is sustainability reflected in commercial property prices: an analysis of the evidence base. (Project Report) London, U.K. : RICS. 99 p.
Southwood, Mark, Rowland, John, Lockwood, Robert, Horrocks, David, Pointing, John, Longhurst, Phil, Sneath, Robert, Peirson, Steve and Selwyn, Tony (2010) Odour guidance for local authorities. (Other) London, U.K. : Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. 110 p.