Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (until 2017) > School of Performance and Screen Studies"

Altman, Dennis [Interviewee] and Mader Mcguinness, Caoimhe [Interviewer] (2016) Queer Conversation with Dennis Altman. In: In Conversation; 24 May 2016, London, U.K..
Balmain, Colette (2016) Pan-Asian gothic. In: Byron, Glennis, (ed.) Globalgothic. Manchester, U.K. : Manchester University Press. pp. 119-132. (International Gothic) ISBN 9781526106902
Ben-Tal, Oded [Composer] (2016) Sonata (Scarlatti, Schubert, Scriabin). (electronic music).
Brooker, Will and Hughes, Rebecca (2016) Being Bowie. (audiovisual essay).
Brown, Simon (2016) Cecil Hepworth and the rise of the British film industry 1899-1911. Exeter, U.K. : University of Exeter Press. 256p. (Exeter studies in film history) ISBN 9780859898904
Buse, Peter (2016) The camera does the rest : how Polaroid changed photography. Chicago, U.S. : University of Chicago Press. 320p. ISBN 9780226176383
Carter, Fan (2016) A Taste of Honey: Get-ahead femininity in 1960s Britain. In: Ritchie, Rachel , Hawkins, Sue , Phillips, Nicola and Kleinberg, S. Jay, (eds.) Women in magazines: research, representation, production and consumption. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 183-200. (Routledge Research in Gender and History) ISBN 9781138824027
Catalano, Elena (2016) 'Please don't mention me as a foreigner' : politics of authenticity, assimilation and appropriation in Odissi dance. In: Beyond authenticity and appropriation : bodies, authorship and choreographies of transmission - CORD + SDHS 2016; 03 - 06 Nov 2016, Claremont, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Chambers, Colin (2016) The new radicals : Ibsen and the birth of political theatre. Chichester Festival Theatre programme,
Chew Siegel, Fleeta [Producer] and O'Hear, Stephen [Director] (2016) In Search of the Valley. (Documentary). DVD.
Curran, Fiona [Director] (2016) Clean. (Visual and sonic work).
Depper, Corin (2016) Metaphors of memory: from the classical world to modernity. In: Groes, Sebastian, (ed.) Memory in the Twenty-First Century: New Critical Perspectives from the Arts, Humanities, and Sciences. London, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 27-37. ISBN 9781137520579
Douglas, Nelson (2016) COLLECTIViSM.
Ewers, Tim [Composer] (2016) From The Deep. (Musical Score). Sibelius File. (Unpublished)
Ewers, Tim [Composer] (2016) Ghost Sonata. (Musical Score). Sibelius Score and QuickTime Video. (Unpublished)
Ewers, Tim [Composer] (2016) Stop, Start, Slip, Slide. (Musical Composition). (Unpublished)
Fletcher, Abbe (2016) 2/60 48 Köpfe aus dem Szondi-Test [2/60 48 Heads from the Szondi-Test]. In: Hamlyn, Nicky , Payne, Simon and Rees, A. L., (eds.) Kurt Kren : structural films. Bristol, U.K. : Intellect Books. pp. 29-38. ISBN 9781783205516
Fletcher, Abbe [Curator] and Su, Shih-Yun [Film editor] (2016) Film maker in the family. Film maker in the Family. .
Fletcher, Abbe Leigh [Director] and Akerman, Jessica [Artist] (2016) My mild mannered mother-in-law from Mildmay. (Documentary).
Hall, Jo (2016) Affective encounters with mediated bodies : or, the impressions left by others. In: PoP Moves Conference 2016 : Im/mediate Bodies : Materiality and Mediation in Popular Culture; 15 Oct 2016, Kingston, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Jackson, Andrew and Balmain, Colette, eds. (2016) Korean screen cultures: interrogating cinema, TV, music and online games. Bern, Switzerland : Peter Lang. 330p. ISBN 9783034318228
Lachmann, Piotr, Lease, Bryce [Translator] and Mancewicz, Aneta [Translator] (2016) Gliwice Hamlet. Bologna, Italy : Cue Press. 41p.
Linton, David (2016) English West End Revue : World War One and after. In: Gordon, Robert and Jubin, Olaf, (eds.) The Oxford handbook of the British musical. New York, U.S. : Oxford University Press. pp. 143-170. ISBN 9780199988747
Linton, David (2016) Performing dialogues of race and culture. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Hamlet. Twickenham, U.K. : Aurora Metro Books. pp. iv-xv. ISBN 9781911501015
Mader Mcguinness, Caoimhe (2016) Protesting 'Exhibit B' in London : reconfiguring antagonism as the claiming of theatrical space. Contemporary Theatre Review, 26(2), pp. 211-226. ISSN (print) 1048-6801
Mancewicz, Aneta (2016) Intermedial performance as a public sphere. In: IFTR 2016 : Presenting the Theatrical Past; 13 - 17 Jun 2016, Stockholm, Sweden. (Unpublished)
Mancewicz, Aneta (2016) Performing Shakespeare in Europe. Literature Compass, 13(11), pp. 711-723. ISSN (online) 1741-4113
Melia, Matt (2016) Just how heroic is Star Trek's "I don't like to lose" James T. Kirk?,
Mencia, Maria (2016) E-Lit practice and pedagogy : interweaving methods, content and technology. In: ICDMT 2016 : International Conference on Digital Media and Textuality; 03 - 05 Nov 2016, Bremen, Germany. (Unpublished)
Mencia, Maria (2016) Gateway to the world : data visualisation poetics. GRAMMA : Journal of Theory and Criticism, 23, pp. 145-157. ISSN (online) 1106-1170
Mencia, Maria [Artist] (2016) LitArt : Poeticas Digitales : Creacion e Investigacion. In: Paraules pixelades : La literatura en l’era digital; 28 Jan - 10 Apr 2016, Barcelona, Spain.
Mermikides, Alex [Director], Mermikides, Milton [Composer], Kirkham, Adam [Choreographer], Ballal, Archana, Hambly, Philippa, Rice, Helena, Vannod, Dominique, Papadopoulos, Thalia-Marie and Nasrat, Andrew (2016) Careful.
Mermikides, Alex and Smart, Jacqueline (2016) Doing what comes naturally?: Women and devising in the UK today. In: Syssoyeva, Kathryn M and Proudfit, Scott, (eds.) Women, collective creation, and devised performance: the rise of women theatre artists in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. New York, U.S.A. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 253-267. ISBN 9781137603272
Mermikides, Alex and Bouchard, Gianna, eds. (2016) Performance and the Medical Body. London, UK : Bloomsbury Methuen. 272p. (Performance and Science: Interdisciplinary Dialogues) ISBN 9781472570789
Mermikides, Alex and Richardson, Sally (2016) Performance, nursing and the embodiment of care. In: Performing Care Symposium; 15 Dec 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Minors, Helen Julia [Reviewer] (2016) Book Review of: 'Modernist mysteries : Persephone' by Tamara Levitz. H-France Review, 16(56), ISSN (online) 1553-9172
Minors, Helen Julia and Taylor, Lucy (2016) Found and/or lost in translation : music speaking across borders. In: Translation and Music; 08 Jun 2016, Cambridge, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Minors, Helen Julia (2016) Found in translation - RANT - how does music mean? In: RANT - institute for composing at Club Inegale; 19 May 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Minors, Helen Julia and Jordan, Stephanie (2016) Interrelationships in and between music and dance : analysing music-dance gesture. In: Cultural Histories at Kingston 15-16; 27 Apr 2016, Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Minors, Helen Julia, Burnard, Pamela, Shihabi, Zaina and Wiffen, Charles (2016) Mapping trends and framing issues in higher music education : changing minds/challenging practices. In: 32nd International Conference of the International Society of Music Education [ISME2016]; 24 - 29 Jul 2016, Glasgow, U.K..
Minors, Helen Julia (2016) Mediating cultures and musics : researching an intercultural production of ' A Midsummer night’s dream '. In: Burnard, Pamela , MacKinley, Elizabeth and Powell, Kimberly, (eds.) The Routledge international handbook of intercultural arts research. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 417-430. (Routledge international handbooks) ISBN 9781138909939
Minors, Helen Julia (2016) Music and dance : relating score and choreography. In: Roehampton University Music and Dance Lectures; 01 Mar 2017, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Minors, Helen Julia (2016) Redefining intercultural musicology as a mode of artistic and cultural translation : reassessing the National Gallery's Soundscapes exhibition (2015). In: Edinburgh College Music Research Seminar Series; 12 Sep 2016, Edinburgh, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Minors, Helen Julia (2016) Redefining intercultural musicology as a mode of artistic and cultural translation: reassessing the National Gallery’s soundscapes exhibition (2015), with critical comparison to 'Pictures at Our Exhibition', Aldworth Philharmonic Orchestra (2016). In: Building Interdisciplinary Bridges Across Cultures (BIBAC2016); 30 Jul - 01 Aug 2016, Cambridge, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Minors, Helen Julia (2016) Responding to the Teaching Excellent Framework Green Paper. In: Research Students' Conference and British Forum for Ethnomusicology Conference; 06 - 08 Jan 2016, Bangor, Wales. (Unpublished)
Minors, Helen Julia (2016) Score Preface: Vincent d'Indy, Poemes des rivages Op. 77. In: Musikproduktion Jurgen Hoflich, (ed.) Poemes des Rivages Op. 77: Study score 1780. Munich, Germany : Musik Produktion Jurgen Hoflich.
Minors, Helen Julia [Composer] (2016) 'This….' Kingston Soundpainting Ensemble Performance. Kingston Onstage 2016.
O Maoilearca, John (2016) The cinematic Bergson : from virtual image to actual gesture. Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy, 24(2), pp. 203-220. ISSN (print) 1936-6280
O'Brien, Catherine (2016) Women in the cinematic gospels. In: Burnette-Bletsch, Rhonda, (ed.) The Bible in motion : a handbook of the Bible and its reception in film. Berlin, Germany : Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG. pp. 449-462. (Handbooks of the Bible and Its Reception (HBR), 2(2)) ISSN (print) 2330-6270 ISBN 9781614515616
O'Neill, Patrick [Reviewer] (2016) Book Review of: 'Breaking Bad: The Official Book', by David Thomson. Viewfinder Online,
O'Sullivan, Shane [Creator] (2016) Anatomy of a murder : Sirhan Sirhan and Robert Kennedy. (Film).
O'Sullivan, Shane (2016) Enemy of the state : framing the political assassin. In: de Valk, Mark, (ed.) Screening the tortured body : the cinema as scaffold. London, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 281-317. ISBN 9781137399175
O'Sullivan, Shane, ed. (2016) In jail with Sirhan Sirhan. London, U.K. : Shane O'Sullivan. 484p.
Osborne, Freddie [Director] (2016) Aya's haircut. (Documentary).
Osborne, Freddie [Director] (2016) I shoot they shoot. (Documentary).
Perazzo Domm, Daniela (2016) Jonathan Burrows’ choreography : towards a Minor Dance. In: Deleuze + Art : Thresholds | Multiplicities | Potentialities; 08–10 Apr 2016, Dublin, Ireland. (Unpublished)
Perazzo Domm, Daniela (2016) Layering and questioning : reconfigurations of minimalism in Jonathan Burrows' choreography. In: Minimalism : Location Aspect Moment; 14-15 Oct 2016, Winchester, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Potter, Caroline (2016) Dutilleux et les "Sonnets" resistants de Jean Cassou [Dutilleux and Jean Cassou's "Sonnets" of the resistance]. Dutilleux 2016,
Potter, Caroline (2016) Erik Satie : a Parisian composer and his world. Woodbridge, U.K. : Boydell Press. 303p. ISBN 9781783270835
Potter, Caroline (2016) Henri Dutilleux, haunted by Baudelaire. Baudelaire Song Project Blog,
Pratt, Lande (2016) Good for New Nollywood?: Netflix and the value of new online distribution and licensing strategies—the case of Kenneth Gyang’s Confusion Na Wa (2013). In: SCMS 2016; 30 Mar - 03 Apr 2016, Atlanta, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Reid, Trish (2016) National Theatre of Scotland. In: British Theatre in the 21st Century : New Texts, New Stages, New Identities, New Worlds; 13-15 Oct 2016, Paris, France. (Unpublished)
Reid, Trish (2016) Remaking the demos : Caryl Churchill's dramaturgy of disillusionment. In: IFTR 2016 : Presenting the Theatrical Past; 13 - 17 Jun 2016, Stockholm, Sweden. (Unpublished)
Reid, Trish (2016) Scottish drama: the expanded community. In: Lyall, Scott, (ed.) Community in Modern Scottish Literature. Leiden, Netherlands : Brill Rodopi. pp. 143-159. ISBN 9789004317444
Reid, Trish (2016) 'Sexy kilts with attitude': Scottish theatre in the twenty-first century. In: Adiseshiah, Siân and Lepage, Louise, (eds.) Twenty-first century drama: what happens now. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 191-211. ISBN 9781137484024
Reid, Trish (2016) Teenage dreams : power and imagination in David Greig's Yellow Moon and The Monster in the Hall. Contemporary Theatre Review, 26(1), pp. 60-70. ISSN (print) 1048-6801
Reynolds, James (2016) Barker's Europe, Europe's Barker. In: Whither Europe?; 09 Jan 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Reynolds, James (2016) Between but not wandering : spiritual space and contradiction in Robert Lepage and Ex Machina's ' Seven Streams of the River Ota '. In: IFTR 2016 : Presenting the Theatrical Past; 13 - 17 Jun 2016, Stockholm, Sweden. (Unpublished)
Reynolds, James (2016) Did the earth move for you? Lepage, Ex Machine and mobility. In: Theater and Mobility : 25th Annual CDE Conference; 26 - 29 May 2016, Eichstaett, Germany. (Unpublished)
Reynolds, James (2016) Re-forming The Europeans : Howard Barker's contemporary tragedies and the crisis of continental identity. In: Tragedy and the Contemporary : TaPRA interim event; 07 May 2016, Glasgow, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Reynolds, James (2016) The daimonic tale and the re-watch ritual : monstrous duality and Joss Whedon's new horror tradition. In: 7th Slayage Conference; 07 - 10 Jul 2016, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Rinke, Andrea (2016) Junkie love : romance and addiction on the big screen. Cogent Arts & Humanities, 3, p. 1184382. ISSN (online) 2331-1983
Rinke, Andrea (2016) 'More is never enough!' - Accelerated bodies in 'The wolf of Wall Street' (Scorsese 2013). In: PoP Moves Conference 2016 : Im/mediate Bodies : Materiality and Mediation in Popular Culture; 15 Oct 2016, Kingston, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Searby, Michael (2016) Humour in opera: a case study of Ligeti’s use of humour in his opera 'Le Grand Macabre'. In: Campos, Luis and Schopf, Fiona Jane, (eds.) Music on Stage. Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 258-270. 2 ISBN 9781443896863
Searby, Michael (2016) The significance of timbre as a structural component in selected works by Ligeti. In: Ligeti's Legacy in Retrospect; 26 - 27 May 2016, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. (Unpublished)
Smart, Jacqueline (2016) Breaking ranks: forging partnership across boundaries of discipline and status. In: HEA Inspire - sharing great practice in learning and teaching in the arts and humanities; 3-4 Mar 2016, Brighton, UK. (Unpublished)
Sturm, Bob L., Santos, Joao Felipe, Ben-Tal, Oded and Korshunova, Iryana (2016) Music transcription modelling and composition using deep learning. In: 1st Conference on Computer Simulation of Musical Creativity; 17 - 19 Jun 2016, Huddersfield, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Su, Roter [Director] (2016) In between the two cultures. (Documentary).
Su, Roter [Director] (2016) A journey to an unknown stop. (Documentary).
Van Elferen, Isabella (2016) Sonic Horror. Horror Studies, 7(2), pp. 165-172. ISSN (print) 2040-3275
Van Elferen, Isabella (2016) Sonic monstrosity. Horror Studies, 7(2), pp. 307-318. ISSN (print) 2040-3275
van Elferen, Isabella (2016) Analyzing game musical immersion : the ALI model. In: Kamp, Michiel , Summers, Tim and Sweeney, Mark, (eds.) Ludomusicology: approaches to video game music. Sheffield, U.K. : Equinox. pp. 32-52. (Genre, Music and Sound) ISBN 9781781791974
van Elferen, Isabella and Weinstock, Jeffrey Andrew (2016) Goth music : from sound to subculture. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. 162p. (Routledge Studies in Popular Music) ISBN 9780415720045
van Elferen, Isabella (2016) Hyper-cacophony : Lovecraft, speculative realism, and sonic materialism. In: Sederholm, Carl H. and Weinstock, Jeffrey Andrew, (eds.) The age of Lovecraft. Univ Of Minnesota Press. ISBN 9780816699254
Weitkamp, Emma and Mermikides, Alex (2016) Medical performance and the 'inaccessible' experience of illness: an exploratory study. Medical Humanities, 42(3), pp. 186-193. ISSN (print) 1468-215X
Weslati, Hager (2016) The polyhedron of social inequality, social change and media events. In: New perspectives on researching social inequality; 05 Feb 2016, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Weslati, Hager (2016) The question of symbolization and the philosophy of the fourth subject after modern physics. In: SEP-FEP 2016; 25 - 27 Aug 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
White, Meredith [Composer] (2016) Actual Bodily Harm. (Jazz trio). Musical score. (Unpublished)
White, Meredith [Composer] (2016) Everybody's Waltz. (Jazz trio). (Unpublished)
White, Meredith [Composer] (2016) Like a Terrapin. (Solo piano). Performance/Musical score. (Unpublished)
White, Meredith [Composer] (2016) More of the Sane. (Jazz trio). (Unpublished)