Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (until 2017) > School of Performance and Screen Studies"

Ansell Pearson, Keith and Mullarkey, John, eds. (2002) Henri Bergson: key writings. London, U.K. : Continuum. 402p. (Athlone Contemporary European Thinkers) ISBN 9780826457295
Archbold, Paul [Composer] (2002) Gauge symmetries. (violin solo). Score. (Unpublished)
Archbold, Paul [Composer] (2002) Haar. (music). (Unpublished)
Barber, Stephen (2002) Projected cities. London, UK : Reaktion Books. 208p. (Locations) ISBN 186189127X
Brooker, Will (2002) Book Review of 'Straight reading, resistance, reappropriation, and heterosexuality' by Richard Bradshaw. In: Hague, Angela and Lavery, David, (eds.) Teleparody: predicting/ preventing the tv discourse of tomorrow. London, U.K. : Wallflower. pp. 123-126. ISBN 1903364396
Brooker, Will (2002) Using the force: creativity, community and Star Wars fans. New York, U.S. : Continuum. 254p. ISBN 0826452876
Chambers, Colin, ed. (2002) The Continuum companion to twentieth century theatre. London, UK : Continuum. 866p. ISBN 082644959x
Chambon, Philip and Sorrentino, Bruno (2002) Secrets of the Saudi state. (television soundtrack). Hardcash Productions. DVD.
Chambon, Philip and Marston, Cathy (2002) The go between (between shadows). (viola electro-acoustic combination). London : Sheet music (viola part), compact disc. (Unpublished)
Jones, Kevin (2002) The music of numbers, keyboards and calendars. In: The music of numbers, keyboards and calendars; 03 May 2002, Derby, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Knapper, Stephen (2002) Sabatini's Scaramouche: the mask and the revolution. In: RĂos Carratalá, Juan A. and Sanderson, John D., (eds.) Relaciones entre el cine y la literatura: lo hispano en el cine Norteamericano/ Personajes literarios en la pantalla. Alicante, Spain : University of Alicante Press. pp. 37-62. ISBN 8479086718
Potter, Caroline (2002) The French quartet. In: Jarman, Douglas, (ed.) The twentieth-century string quartet. Todmorden, UK : Arc Music. pp. 25-40. ISBN 1900072564
Potter, Caroline (2002) Nadia Boulanger (1887-1979): the teacher in the marketplace. In: Talbot, Michael, (ed.) The Business of Music. Liverpool, U.K. : Liverpool University Press. pp. 152-170. (Liverpool Music Symposium, (2)) ISBN 0853235384
Smart, Jackie and Dixon, Steve (2002) The discourse of assessment: language and value in the assessment of group practice in the performing arts. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 1(2), pp. 185-204. ISSN (print) 1474-0222
Tarr, Carrie (2002) "Grrrls in the banlieue": Philippe Faucon's Samia and Fabrice Genestal's La Squale. L'Esprit Createur: a critical quarterly of French literature, 42(3), pp. 28-38. ISSN (print) 0014-0767