Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (until 2017) > School of Education (until January 2013)"

Allen, Michael (2011) Theory-led confirmation bias and experimental persona. Research in Science and Technology Education, 29(1), pp. 107-127. ISSN (print) 0263-5143
Allen, Michael (2011) The place of scientific enquiry in the How Science Works curriculum. In: Toplis, Rob, (ed.) How Science Works: Exploring Effective Pedagogy and Practice. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 44-55.
Béres, Laura, Bowles, Kate and Fook, Jan (2011) Narrative Therapy and Critical Reflection on Practice : A Conversation with Jan Fook. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 30(2), pp. 81-97. ISSN (print) 1195-4396
Dimitriadis, Christos (2011) Developing mathematical ability in primary school through a ‘pull-out’ programme: a case study. Education 3-13, 39(5), pp. 467-482. ISSN (print) 0300-4279
Fook, Jan (2011) Critical reflection and power in social work. In: Okitikpi, Toyin, (ed.) Social control and the use of power in social work with children and families. Lyme Regis, U.K. : Russell House Publishing. pp. 126-140. ISBN 9781905541713
Fook, Jan (2011) Developing critical reflection as a research method. In: Higgs, Joy , Titchen, Angie , Horsfal, Debbie and Bridges, Donna, (eds.) Creative spaces for qualitative researching: living research. Rotterdam, The Netherlands : Sense Publishers. pp. 55-64. (Practice, education, work and society, (5)) ISBN 9789460917608
Fook, Jan (2011) The politics of competency debates. Canadian Social Work Review, 28(2), pp. 295-298. ISSN (print) 0820-909X
Grieves, Keith (2011) Remembering the fallen of the Great War in open spaces in the English countryside. In: Andrews, Maggie , Bagot Jewitt, Charles and Hunt, Nigel, (eds.) Lest we forget: remembrance & commemoration. Stroud, U.K. : The History Press. pp. 141-145. ISBN 9780752473345
Noguera, Teresa (2011) Supporting children's narrative composition: the development and reflection of a visual approach for 7-8 year-olds. (PhD thesis), Brunel University, .
Paliokosta, Panagiota and Kindness, Leonie (2011) "Reasonable adjustments" in relation to disability and social justice for children and young people in an inter-professional context. In: European Conference on Educational Research 2011, Urban Education; 12-16 Sep 2011, Freie Universitat, Berlin, Germany. (Unpublished)
Perselli, V. (2011) Painting the Police Station Blue: the almost impossible argument for poetry in the elite educational journals. Power and Education, 3(1), pp. 64-80. ISSN (online) 1757-7438
Perselli, Victoria (2011) Is there a principled way forward for educational research that can speak to the paradigm of institutional research in times of immense challenge and complexity? In: Scanning the Horizons: Institutional Research in a Borderless World. The 4th UK and Ireland Higher Education Institutional Research Network Conference; 16-17 Jun 2011, Kingston, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Perselli, Victoria (2011) A Little Night Reading: Marx, assessment and the professional doctorate in education. In: Jones, Peter, (ed.) Marxism and Education: Renewing Dialogue, Pedagogy and Culture. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave-Macmillan. (Marxism and Education) ISBN 9780230111691
Rask, Hilma, Paliokosta, Paty, Sivalingam, Lalitha [Contributor] and Mukadam, Yasmin [Contributor] (2011) Fostering speaking and listening in early years and foundation stage setting. In: Hodson, Pamela and Jones, Deborah, (eds.) Unlocking speaking and listening. London, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 35-47. ISBN 041560317X
Rawlings, Anne and Paliokosta, Paty (2011) Learning for interprofessionalism: pedagogy for all. In: Trodd, Lynn and Civers, Leo, (eds.) Interprofessional working in practice: learning and working together for children and families. London, U.K. : Open University Press. pp. 53-67. ISBN 9780335244478
Silvestrone, David Michael (2011) A grounded theory of university leadership in community engagement. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Sossick, Matthew (2011) Big timelines, bigger pictures: supporting initial teacher trainees to think big about chronology. Primary History, 59, p. 31. ISSN (print) 0966-6559
Wood, Ruth and Atkinson, Shirley (2011) The mediation of online safeguarding by primary school teachers: perspectives from students completing a PGCE programme. In: EU Kids Online; 22-23 Sep 2011, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)