Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture (until 2017) > School of Art & Design History"

Angwin, Benjamin (2012) Moments of modernism: the Omega Workshops and Unit One: Appropriation, Anglicisation and the modern interior. (MA(R) thesis), Kingston University, .
Barber, Stephen (2012) Muybridge, the eye in motion: tracing cinema's origins. Washington, D.C., U.S. : Solar Books. 200p. (Solar Film Directives) ISBN 9780983248057
Black, Jonathan (2012) For the people's good: Hans Schleger (1898-1976), poster design and British national identity, 1935-1960. Visual Culture in Britain, 13(2), pp. 169-190. ISSN (print) 1471-4787
Black, Jonathan, Fisher, Fiona and Sparke, Penny (2012) Leisure interiors in the work of the Camden Town Group. In: Bonett, Helena , Holt, Ysanne and Munday, Jennifer, (eds.) The Camden Town Group in context. London, U.K. : Tate.
Clarke, John (2012) Eco-construction trumps: a teaching tool to aid understanding of the environmental impact of construction materials. In: Ecobuild; 20 - 22 Mar 2012, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Cottington, David (2012) The formation of the Avant-Garde in Paris and London, c. 1880-1915. Art History, 35(3), pp. 596-621. ISSN (print) 0141-6790
Dalke, H, Corso, A, Conduit, G and Riaz, A (2012) Visibility prediction software: five factors of contrast perception for people with vision impairment in the real world. In: CWUAAT: 6th Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology; 27-29 Mar 2012, Cambridge, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Dalke, H, Corso, A, Conduit, G and Riaz, A (2012) Visibility prediction software: five factors of contrast perception for people with vision impairment in the real world. In: Langdon, Patrick , Clarkson, John , Robinson, Peter , Lazar, Jonathan and Heylighen, Ann, (eds.) Designing inclusive systems: designing inclusion for real-world applications. London, U.K. : Springer. pp. 93-102. ISBN 9781447128663
Gray, Maggie (2012) Airing Alan Moore's shorts (Conclusion). Comics Forum,
Gray, Maggie (2012) A Gothic politics : Alan Moore's 'Swamp Thing' and radical ecology. In: Contemporary Fiction Research Seminar; 30 Jun 2012, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Gray, Maggie (2012) Rummaging around in Alan Moore's shorts (Introduction). Comics Forum,
Keefe, John (2012) A spectatorial dramaturgy : ethical principles of recycling, habitus and estrangement. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Knott, Stephen (2012) Keen House: Scale and the architectures of enthusiasts. Design and Culture, 4(1), pp. 75-78. ISSN (print) 1754-7075
Kristensen, Juliette C. (2012) Writing acts : the rise of mechanised writing and the body of modernity, 1711-1905. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Lloyd, Fran (2012) Art beyond exile: Ernst Eisenmayer. London, U.K. : Austrian Cultural Forum. 63p. ISBN 9781907684142
McKever, Rosalind (2012) Futurism and the past : temporalities, avant-gardism and tradition in Italian art and its histories 1909-1919. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
O'Brien, Sorcha (2012) Between art & industry. In: Between Art and Industry: New Models in a Post Industrial World; 29 Jun 2012, Kilkenny, Ireland. (Unpublished)
O'Brien, Sorcha (2012) Men, machines and tourists: Visual representations of the Shannon Scheme from advertisements to postcards. In: Revealing the Modern in Post-Civil War Ireland: Lecture Series to Coincide with ‘Seán Keating and the ESB: Enlightenment and Legacy’ at the RHA Dublin; 12 Sep - 17 Oct 2012, Dublin, Ireland. (Unpublished)
Protheroe, Keren Louise (2012) Bloom and blotch: the printed floral and modernity in the textile designs of Winifred Mold and Minnie McLeish 1910-1929. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Renton, Lucy [Research team member], Postle, Paul [Research team member], Gale, Cathy [Research team member] and Blair, Bernadette [Research team head] (2012) Presentation on Open Educational Resources in FADA. In: Practising Open Education: developing the potential of open educational resources in art, design & media; 15 Sep 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Rice, Charles (2012) Stalking John Portman. AA Files(64), pp. 21-29. ISSN (print) 0261-6823
Riches, Harriet (2012) Projecting touch: Francesca Woodman's late "blueprints". Photographies, 5(2), pp. 135-157. ISSN (print) 1754-0763
Tromans, Nicholas (2012) A portrait of the artist in London: the critical reception of Raeburn's Royal Academy exhibits, 1792-1823. In: Coltman, Viccy and Lloyd, Stephen, (eds.) Henry Raeburn: context, reception and reputation. Edinburgh, U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. pp. 179-207. ISBN 9780748654833