Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Engineering (until 2011) > Materials Research Centre (MATRC)"

Aboutorabi, A., Ghasemnejad, H. and Hadavinia, H. (2010) Analytical approach for progressive failure crushing modes of woven FRP composite box structures. World Journal of Engineering, 7(3), pp. 154-162. ISSN (print) 1708-5284
England, J., Hadavinia, H., Marchant, D.R. and Aboutorabi, A. (2010) Design of Automotive Metal and Composite Chassis Structures. Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering, 3(3), pp. 211-225. ISSN (print) 2212-7976
Esfahani, M.M. Nasr, Ghasemnejad, H. and Barrington, P.E. (2010) Experimental and numerical buckling analysis of delaminated hybrid composite beam structures. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 24-25, pp. 393-400. ISSN (print) 1662-7482
Ghasemnejad, H. and Maheri, A, (2010) Buckling analysis for design of horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) composite blades. In: Composites UK 10th Annual Conference: Innovation in Composites; 05 - 06 May 2010, Birmingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Ghasemnejad, H. and Aboutorabi, A. (2010) Cohesive zone modelling of Mode-I & Mode-II interlaminar crack propagation in laminated composite. In: ICCE-18; 04 - 10 July 2010, Anchorage, Alaska, U.S..
Ghasemnejad, H., Hadavinia, H. and Aboutorabi, A. (2010) Effect of delamination failure in crashworthiness analysis of hybrid composite box structures. Materials & Design, 31(3), pp. 1105-1116. ISSN (print) 0264-1275
Khalili, S.M.R., Ghaja, R., Sadeghinia, M, Mittalc, R. K. and Mason, P. (2010) Effect of patching on charpy impact response of repaired notched plate - Experimental study. Journal of Adhesion, 86(5 & 6), pp. 561-585. ISSN (print) 0021-8464
Kusztelan, A, Hadavinia, H. and Marchant, D.R. (2010) Recent Patents in Automotive Gull-Wing Door Hinge Mechanisms. Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering, 3(1), pp. 51-64.
Kusztelan, A, Yao, Y., Marchant, D.R. and Wang, Y. (2010) A Review of Novel Turbocharger Concepts for Enhancements in Energy Efficiency. In: International Conference on Energy, Water, and Environment; 2010 (Dec 12-15), Amman, Jordan.
Nasr Esfahani, M M, Ghasemnejad, H and Barrington, P E (2010) Experimental and numerical buckling analysis of delaminated hybrid composite beam structures. In: 7th BSSM International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics; 07 - 09 Sep 2010, Liverpool, U.K..