Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Business and Law (until 2017) > Kingston Business School (Accounting, Finance and Informatics) (from August 2013)"

Al-Esia, Zena and Skok, Walter (2014) Arab knowledge sharing in a multicultural workforce: a dual case study in the UAE. Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 4(4), pp. 1-10. ISSN (online) 2223-5833
Alexandrou, George, Gounopoulos, Dimitrios and Thomas, Hardy M. (2014) Mergers and acquisitions in shipping. Transportation Research Part E : Logistics and Transportation Review, 61, pp. 212-234. ISSN (print) 1366-5545
Benson, Ian (2014) Can computer science rescue mathematics reform? The Ring(XXXVII), pp. 7-8.
Benson, Ian and Drewry, Melody (2014) Tablets of wisdom. Improvement, Spring, pp. 32-34.
Benson, Vladlena and Morgan, Stephanie, eds. (2014) Cutting-edge technologies and social media use in higher education. Hershey, U.S. : IGI Global. 370p. ISBN 9781466651746
Benson, Vladlena and Morgan, Stephanie (2014) Measuring the social impact: how social media affects higher education institutions. In: Benson, Vladlena and Morgan, Stephanie, (eds.) Implications of social media use in personal and professional settings. Hershey, U.S. : IGI Global. pp. 174-191. (Advances in social networking and online communities (ASNOC) book series) ISBN 9781466674011
Benson, Vladlena, Morgan, Stephanie and Filippaios, Fragkiskos (2014) Social career management : social media and employability skills gap. Computers in Human Behavior, 30, pp. 519-525. ISSN (print) 0747-5632
Butler, Christina and Chongarova, Irina (2014) Leading global teams. In: Kingston Business School Business Breakfast: Leading Global Teams; 11 Nov 2014, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Chortareas, Georgios and Noikokyris, Emmanouil (2014) Monetary policy and stock returns under the MPC and inflation targeting. International Review of Financial Analysis, 31, pp. 109-116. ISSN (print) 1057-5219
Chortareas, Georgios and Noikokyris, Emmanouil (2014) Oil shocks, stock market prices, and the U.S. dividend yield decomposition. International Review Of Economics & Finance, 29, pp. 639-649. ISSN (print) 1059-0560
Chortareas, Georgios and Noikokyris, Emmanouil (2014) U.S. monetary policy surprises and international equity returns : the implications of policy synchronization. In: 12th INFINITI Conference on International Finance; 09 - 10 Jun 2014, Prato, Italy. (Unpublished)
Davis, Kate (2014) Different stakeholder groups and their perceptions of project success. International Journal of Project Management, 32(2), pp. 189-201. ISSN (print) 0263-7863
Davis, Kate [Compiler] (2014) Project management. 2nd ed. Harlow, U.K. : Pearson Education Limited. 631p. ISBN 9781783992843
Filippaios, Fragkiskos and Benson, Vladlena (2014) Students' use of social networking sites. AngloHigher, 5(1), pp. 18-19. ISSN (online) 2041-8469
Fitkov-Norris, Elena and Yeghiazarian, Ara (2014) Measuring the relationship between study habits and preferred learning style in higher education. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) 2014 Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings. IEEE. pp. 1323-1326. ISBN 9781479939213
Fitz-Gerald, Stuart (2014) Book Review of: 'Research data: practical strategies for information professionals' by J.M. Ray. International Journal of Information Management, 34(4), pp. 564-565. ISSN (print) 0268-4012
Haussler, K., Marcellusi, A., Mennini, F.S., Favato, G., Picardo, M., Garganese, G., Bononi, M., Scambia, G., Capone, A. and Baio, G. (2014) The effect of herd immunity in different human papillomavirus vaccination strategies : an economic evaluation of the Best II study. In: ISPOR 19th Annual International Meeting; 31 May - 04 Jun 2014, Montreal, Canada.
Ibrahim, Salma and Cho, Myojung (2014) The effect of non-financial performance measures on CEO pay sensitivity to shareholder wealth. In: British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) Annual Conference; 14-16 Apr 2014, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Lees, Rebecca (2014) Feedback use in formative assessment – are academics practising what they preach? In: Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Annual Research Conference 2014: Inspiring future generations: embracing plurality and difference in higher education; 10-12 Dec 2014, Newport, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Malik, Rizwan, Nurullah, Mohamed and Dar, Humayon (2014) Incorporating socially responsible investment principles in Islamic equity investments. In: 4th Islamic Banking and Finance (IBF) Conference 2014; 23-24 Jun 2014, Lancaster, UK.
Marcellusi, A., Viti, R., Capone, A. and Mennini, F. S. (2014) Direct and indirect cost of HCV-related diseases in Italy : an incidence-based probabilistic approach. In: ISPOR 17th Annual European Congress; 08 - 12 Nov 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Meles, Antonio, Monferra, Stefano and Verdoliva, Vincenzo (2014) Do the effects of private equity investments on firm performance persist over time? Applied Financial Economics, 24(3), pp. 203-218. ISSN (print) 0960-3107
Meles, Antonio, Porzio, Claudio and Verdoliva, Vincenzo (2014) Mala tempora currunt: how do PE-backed firms react to financial crises? Journal of Private Equity, 17(3), pp. 21-30. ISSN (print) 1096-5572
Mennini, FS, Marcellusi, A, Andreoni, M, Gasbarrini, A, Salomone, S and Craxì, A (2014) Health policy model: long-term predictive results associated with the management of hepatitis C virus-induced diseases in Italy. ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research, 6, pp. 303-310. ISSN (print) 1178-6981
Mennini, Francesco S., Russo, Simone, Marcellusi, Andrea, Quintaliani, Giuseppe and Fouque, Denis (2014) Economic effects of treatment of chronic kidney disease with low-protein diet. Journal of Renal Nutrition, 24(5), pp. 313-321. ISSN (print) 1051-2276
Morgan, Stephanie and Benson, Vladlena (2014) Barriers to the adoption of social technologies in higher education. In: Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Annual Research Conference 2014: Inspiring future generations: embracing plurality and difference in higher education; 10-12 Dec 2014, Newport, U.K..
Nurullah, Mohamed, Favato, Giampiero and Kengatharan, Lingesiya (2014) The theory and practices of capital budgeting in an emerging market economy. In: Paris Financial Management Conference (PFMC-2014); 15-16 Dec 2014, Paris, France. (Unpublished)
Pereira, John, Nurullah, Mohamed and Sorwar, Ghulam (2014) What drives corporate CDS spreads? A comparison across US, UK and Eurozone markets. In: European Financial Management Association (EFMA) 23rd Annual Meeting; 25-28 Jun 2014, Rome, Italy.
Rosselli, Annalisa and Van Den Berg, Richard (2014) Introduction. European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 21(6), pp. 947-949. ISSN (print) 0967-2567
Saghiri, Soroosh (Sam) and Hill, Alex (2014) Supplier relationship impacts on postponement strategies. International Journal of Production Research, 52(7), pp. 2134-2153. ISSN (print) 0020-7543
Schiavone, Francesco, Meles, Antonio, Verdoliva, Vincenzo and Del Giudice, Manlio (2014) Does location in a science park really matter for firms’ intellectual capital performance? Journal of Intellectual Capital, 15(4), pp. 497-515. ISSN (print) 1469-1930
Van Den Berg, Richard (2014) Cantillon on profit and interest : new insights from other versions of his writings. History of Political Economy, 46(4), pp. 609-640. ISSN (print) 0018-2702
Van Den Berg, Richard (2014) Turgot's Valeurs et monnaies: our incomplete knowledge of an incomplete manuscript. The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 21(4), pp. 549-582. ISSN (print) 0967-2567
Widdicks, Martin and Zhao, Jinsha (2014) A model of equity based compensation with tax. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 41(7-8), pp. 1002-1041. ISSN (online) 1468-5957
Wildauer, Rafael (2014) Distribution, housing wealth and aggregate demand in OECD countries. In: 18th Conference of the Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM) : Inequality and the Future of Capitalism; 30 Oct - 01 Nov 2014, Berlin, Germany. (Unpublished)
Yeghiazarian, Ara (2014) Is there ROI in distance learning MBA education? In: Business & Economics Society International (B&ESI) Conference; 6-9 Jul 2014, Florence, Italy. (Unpublished)