Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Engineering (until 2011)"

Amutha, D., Jayaseelan, D. Doni, Nishikawa, Tadahiro and Awaji, Hideo (2001) Pressureless sintering of mullite/Mo composites. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 109(1267), pp. 274-277. ISSN (print) 0914-5400
Amutha Rani, D., Doni Jayaseelan, D. and Gnanam, F.D. (2001) Densification behaviour and microstructure of gel-derived phase-pure mullite in the presence of sinter additives. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 21(12), pp. 2253-2257. ISSN (print) 0955-2219
Awaji, Hideo, Choi, Seong-Min and Jayaseelan, Daniel Doni (2001) Indirect estimation of critical frontal process-zone size using a single-edge V-notched-beam technique. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 109(1271), pp. 591-595. ISSN (print) 0914-5400
Bromhead, E., Fourlas, G. and Zemichael, A.A. (2001) Applications of 3D slope stability analysis. In: 14th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference; 10 - 14 Dec 2001, Hong Kong.
Bwalya, A.C., Sabir, H.M. and Raine, M. (2001) Induced annular water film evaporator for air to refrigerant heat exchange enhancement in a Lithium Bromide - Water absorption refrigeration system. In: 2nd International Heat Powered Cycles Conference; 5 - 7 Sept 2001, Paris, France.
Davies, M., Zoras, S. and Adjali, M.H. (2001) Improving the efficiency of the numerical modelling of built environment earth-contact heat transfers. Applied Energy, 68(1), pp. 31-42. ISSN (online) 0306-2619
Dhir, R.K., Limbachiya, M.C. and Beggs, A. (2001) Resolving application issues with the use of recycled concrete aggregate. (Technical Report) Dundee : University of Dundee.
Dhir, Ravindra K, Limbachiya, Mukesh C and Dyer, Thomas D (2001) Recycling and reuse of glass cullet. London : Thomas Telford. ISBN 9780727729941
Dhir, Ravindra K., Limbachiya, Mukesh C. and Newlands, Moray D. (2001) Recovery and recycling of paper. London : Thomas Telford. ISBN 9780727729934
Dhir, Ravindra K., Limbachiya, Mukesh C. and McCarthy, Michael J. (2001) Recycling and reuse of sewage sludge. London : Thomas Telford. ISBN 9780727729927
Dhir, Ravindra K., Limbachiya, Mukesh C. and Paine, Kevin A. (2001) Recycling and reuse of used tyres. London : Thomas Telford. ISBN 9780727729958
Gawne, D.T., Zhang, T. and Bao, Y. (2001) Abrasive wear resistance of plasma-sprayed glass-composite coatings. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 10(4), pp. 599-603. ISSN (print) 1059-9630
Gawne, D.T., Zhang, T. and Bao, Y. (2001) Heating effect of flame impingement on polymer coatings. In: International Thermal Spray Conference; 28-30 May 2001, Singapore, Singapore. (Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference)
Gawne, D.T., Bao, Y. and Zhang, T. (2001) Plasma enamelling: a new process. The Vitreous Enameller, 52(4), p. 6. ISSN (print) 0042-7519
Goraj, Z., Frydrychewicz, A., Ransom, E.C.P., Self, A. and Wagstaff, P. (2001) Aerodynamic, dynamic and conceptual design of a fire-fighting aircraft. Journal Of Aerospace Engineering - Part G, 215(3), pp. 125-146. ISSN (print) 0954-4100
Grimble, M.J. and Ordys, Andrzej W. (2001) Predictive control for industrial applications. Annual Reviews in Control, 25, pp. 13-24. ISSN (print) 1367-5788
Kang, Y., Wen, J.X., McGrattan, K.B. and Baum, H.R. (2001) The use of a laminar flamelet approach in the large eddy simulation of flame structure at the base of a pool fire. In: 9th International Interflam conference; 17 - 19 Sept 2001, Edinburgh, U.K..
Sabir, H.M. (2001) A novel GAX-R heat driven refrigeration/heat pump cycle. In: 2nd International Heat Powered Cycles Conference; 5 - 7 Sept 2001, Paris, France.
Sivakumar, R, Jayaseelan, D.Doni, Nishikawa, T, Honda, S and Awaji, H (2001) Influence of MgO on microstructure and properties of mullite–Mo composites fabricated by pulse electric current sintering. Ceramics International, 27(5), pp. 537-541. ISSN (print) 0272-8842
Stephenson, P. and Paun, M. (2001) Electricity market trading. Power Engingeering Journal, 15(6), pp. 277-288. ISSN (print) 0950-3366
Vishista, K., Jayaseelan, D. Doni and Gnanam, F. D. (2001) Densification and mechanical properties of sol-gel alumina : effect of sinter additives. Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society, 60(3), pp. 141-144. ISSN (print) 0371-750X
Zhang, T., Liu, B., Gawne, D.T. and Bao, Y. (2001) Computer simulation of shrouding on the profile of a plasma jet. In: International Thermal Spray Conference; 28-30 May 2001, Singapore, Singapore. (Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference)
Zoras, S., Davies, M. and Adjali, M.H. (2001) A novel tool for the prediction of earth-contact heat transfer: a multi-room simulation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part C: Journal of mechanical engineering science, 215(4), pp. 415-422. ISSN (online) 0954-4062