Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Engineering (until 2011)"

Adjali, M.H., Davies, M., Ni Riain, C. and Littler, J.G. (2000) In-situ measurements and numerical simulation of heat transfer beneath a heated ground floor slab. Energy and Buildings, 33(1), pp. 75-83. ISSN (print) 0378-7788
Adjali, M.H., Davies, M., Rees, S.W. and Littler, J. (2000) Temperatures in and under a slab-on-ground floor: two- and three-dimensional numerical simulations and comparison with experimental data. Building and Environment, 35(7), pp. 655-662. ISSN (print) 1360-1323
Awaji, Hideo, Choi, Seong-Min, Ebisudani, Toshiki and Jayaseelan, Doni Daniel (2000) Toughening mechanisms of structural ceramics. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 108(1258), pp. 611-613. ISSN (print) 0914-5400
Bao, Y., Gawne, D.T., Zhang, T., Qiu, Z. and Zhang, K. (2000) Influence of secondary phase on residual stress of plasma sprayed glass coating. Surface Engineering, 16(6), pp. 473-479. ISSN (print) 0267-0844
Benhadj, R., Marir, F. and Roome, L. (2000) Performance tests characteristic of a pneumatic proximity tactile array sensing device. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of engineering manufacture, 214(10), pp. 901-914. ISSN (print) 0954-4054
Benhadj, R. and Roome, R.L. (2000) Pneumatic proximity-to-tactile imaging device. Sensor Review, 20(1), pp. 36-42. ISSN (print) 0206-2288
Curley, AJ, Hadavinia, H, Kinloch, AJ and Taylor, AC (2000) Predicting the service-life of adhesively-bonded joints. International Journal of Fracture, 103(1), pp. 41-69. ISSN (print) 0376-9429
Davies, M., Zoras, S. and Adjali, M.H. (2000) Development and inter-model comparative testing of a novel earth-contact heat-transfer simulation method. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 21(1), pp. 19-25. ISSN (print) 0143-6244
Delpak, R, Omer, J. R. and Robinson, R. B. (2000) Load-settlement prediction for large diameter bored piles in Mercia mudstone. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Geotechnical Engineering, 143(4), pp. 201-224. ISSN (print) 1353-2618
Dembele, S., Wen, JX and Sacadura, JF (2000) Analysis of the two-flux model for predicting water spray transmittance in fire protection application. Journal Of Heat Transfer, 122(1), pp. 183-186. ISSN (print) 0022-1481
Dembele, S. and Wen, J.X. (2000) Investigation of a spectral formulation for radiative heat transfer in one-dimensional fires and combustion systems. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 43(21), pp. 4019-4030. ISSN (print) 0017-9310
Dembele, S. and Wen, J.X. (2000) Predicting the mass burning rates of liquid pool fires using CFD techniques. International Symposium on Combustion, Abstracts of Accepted Papers, B, p. 67. ISSN (print) 1540-7489
Evangelou, LD, Self, A and Allen, J (2000) The F-16 departure phenomena. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, 72(2), pp. 102-108. ISSN (print) 1748-8842
Fried, A N, Roberts, J J and Yool, A (2000) The effect of fines content in building sands on the durability of mortar. Masonry International, 14(2), pp. 51-54. ISSN (print) 0950-2289
Hadavinia, H., Travis, R.P. and Fenner, R.T. (2000) C1-continuous generalised parabolic blending elements in the Boundary Element Method. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 31(8-9), 17-34.. ISSN (print) 0895-7177
Jayaseelan, D.Doni, Rani, D.Amutha, Nishikawa, Tadahiro, Awaji, Hideo and Gnanam, F.D. (2000) Powder characteristics, sintering behavior and microstructure of sol–gel derived ZTA composites. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 20(3), pp. 267-275. ISSN (print) 0955-2219
Kapadoukas, GG and Self, A (2000) A taxonomy of aircraft ground handling modes. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, 72(4), pp. 328-333. ISSN (print) 1748-8842
Limbachiya, M.C., Leelawat, T. and Dhir, R.K. (2000) Use of recycled concrete aggregate in high-strength concrete. Materials and Structures, 33(9), 574- 580. ISSN (print) 1359-5997
Liu, B., Zhang, T. and Gawne, D.T. (2000) Computational analysis of the influence of process parameters on the flow field of a plasma jet. Surface and Coatings Technology, 132(2-3), pp. 202-216. ISSN (print) 0257-8972
Lo, Sing Hon, Voke, Peter R. and Rockliff, Nicole J. (2000) Eddy structures in a simulated low Reynolds number turbulent boundary layer. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 64(1), pp. 1-28. ISSN (print) 1386-6184
Marir, F, Rezgui, F and Benhadj-Djilali, R (2000) A case-based expert system for construction project process activity specifications. International Journal in Construction Information Technology, 8(1), pp. 53-73. ISSN (online) 0968-0365
Qiu, H, Li, Y, Cheng, K, Li, Y. B. and Wang, J (2000) An approach to form deviation evaluation for CMM measurement of 2D curve contours. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 107(1-3), pp. 119-126. ISSN (print) 0924-0136
Qiu, H., Li, Y.-B., Cheng, K., Li, Y. and Wang, J. (2000) A study on an evaluation method for form deviations of 2D contours from coordinate measurement. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 16(6), pp. 413-423. ISSN (print) 0268-3768
Rees, S.W., Adjali, M.H., Zhou, Z., Davies, M. and Thomas, H.R. (2000) Ground heat transfer effects on the thermal performance of earth-contact structures. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 4(3), pp. 213-265. ISSN (print) 1364-0321
Wen, J.X. and Huang, L.Y. (2000) CFD modelling of confined jet fires under ventilation-controlled conditions. Fire Safety Journal, 34(1), pp. 1-24. ISSN (print) 0379-7112
Zhang, T., Gawne, D.T. and Liu, B. (2000) Computer modelling of the influence of process parameters on the heating and acceleration of particles during plasma spraying. Surface and Coatings Technology, 132(2-3), pp. 233-243. ISSN (print) 0257-8972
Conference or Workshop Item
Bromhead, EN (2000) Panel report: Lessons from the Selborne slope stability experiment. In: 2nd International Symposium on Hard Soils - Soft Rocks; 12/10/1998-14/10/1998, NAPLES, ITALY.
Cazan, A., Safa, M. and Gohar, R. (2000) High-stability externally pressurized gas bearing. In: 16th National Conference on Manufacturing Research; 5-7 Sept 2000, London, UK. (Advances in Manufacturing Technology, no. 14) ISBN 9781860582677
Grant, RJ and Smart, J (2000) A comparison of the SPATE stress analysis technique and finite element results for pin-loaded tubular joints. In: 9th International Scientific Conference on Achievements in Mechanical and Materials Engineering; 11-14 Oct 2000, Gdansk, Sopot, Poland. (AMME 2000) ISBN 8391445801
Roberts, JJ and Bright, NJ (2000) The strengths and weaknesses of recent UK masonry research. In: 12th International Brick/Block Masonry Conference; 25 - 28 Jun 2000, Madrid, Spain. (Unpublished)
Zhang, T., Bao, Y. and Gawne, D.T. (2000) Temperature profiles and thermal stress analysis of plasma sprayed glass-composite coatings. In: 1st International Thermal Spray Conference; 8-11 May 2000, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (Proceedings of the 1st International Thermal Spray Conference)