Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (until 2017) > School of Economics, History and Politics (from November 2012)"

Agliardi, Elettra, Agliardi, Rossella and Spanjers, Willem (2015) Convertible debt : financing decisions and voluntary conversion under ambiguity. International Review of Finance, 15(4), pp. 599-611. ISSN (print) 1369-412X
Almugren, Hawazen (2015) The objective and subjective approach to happiness and well-being and its relationship to macroeconomics in some MENA (Middle East and North Africa) countries. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Beck, Peter J. (2015) For historians, even 'historians of a postmodernist kind', 'presentation' is the word. Rethinking History, 19(3), pp. 429-449. ISSN (print) 1364-2529
Blackbourn, Jessie (2015) Anti-terrorism law and normalising Northern Ireland. London, U.K. : Routledge. 212p. (Routledge research in terrorism and the law) ISBN 9780415714334
Blackbourn, Jessie (2015) Secret material and anti-terrorism review in Australia and Canada. In: Martin, G. , Scott Bray, R. and Kumar, M., (eds.) Secrecy, law and society. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 158-176. ISBN 9781138826854
Botta, Alberto, Godin, Antoine and Missaglia, Marco (2015) Finance, foreign (direct) investment and Dutch disease: the case of Colombia. (Working Paper) London, U.K. : Greenwich Political Economy Research Centre, University of Greenwich. 35 p. (Greenwich Papers in Political Economy, no. 15)
Brighi, Elisabetta and Cerella, Antonio (2015) An alternative vision of politics and violence : introducing mimetic theory in international studies. Journal of International Political Theory, 11(1), pp. 3-25. ISSN (print) 1755-0882
Caiani, Alessandro, Godin, Antoine, Caverzasi, Eugenio, Gallegati, Mauro, Kinsella, Stephen and Stiglitz, Joseph E (2015) Agent based-stock flow consistent macroeconomics: towards a benchmark model. (Other) Columbia Business School. 35 p. (Columbia Business School Research Papers, no. 15-87)
Capps, Gavin (2015) Labour in the time of platinum. Review of African Political Economy, 42(146), pp. 497-507. ISSN (print) 0305-6244
Caverzasi, E. and Godin, A. (2015) Flow of funds. In: Rochon, L. and Rossi, S., (eds.) Encyclopedia of central banking. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar. pp. 211-212. ISBN 9781782547433
Caverzasi, E. and Godin, A. (2015) Modern money theory. In: Rochon, L. and Rossi, S., (eds.) Encyclopedia of central banking. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar. pp. 320-321. ISBN 9781782547433
Caverzasi, Eugenio and Godin, Antoine (2015) Financialisation and the sub-prime crisis : a stock-flow consistent model. European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention, 12(1), pp. 73-92. ISSN (print) 2052-7764
Caverzasi, Eugenio and Godin, Antoine (2015) Post-Keynesian stock-flow-consistent modelling : a survey. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 39(1), pp. 157-187. ISSN (print) 0309-166X
Cerella, Antonio (2015) Until the end of the world : Girard, Schmitt and the origins of violence. Journal of International Political Theory, 11(1), pp. 42-60. ISSN (print) 1755-0882
Cinpoes, Radu (2015) Political culture and participation: between enthusiasm and indifference? In: Stan, L. and Vancea, D., (eds.) Post-communist Romania at 25: linking past, present and future. Lanham, Maryland : Lexington. pp. 107-126. ISBN 9781498501095
Cinpoes, Radu (2015) "Righting it up": an interplay-based model for analyzing extreme right dynamics in Romania. In: Minkenburg, M., (ed.) Transforming the transformation? the radical right in the political process in east central Europe. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 278-298. (Routledge studies in extremism and democracy) ISBN 9781138831834
Cinpoes, Radu (2015) The dilemmas of political (mis)representation : political "cruising" in Romania. Suedost-Europa, 63(1), pp. 95-113. ISSN (print) 0722-480X
Dunn, Bill (2015) Neither free trade nor protection : a critical political economy of trade theory and practice. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar. ISBN 9781783471928
Ederer, S., Stockhammer, E. and Cetkovic, P. (2015) 20 Jahre Osterreich in der EU – Neoliberale Regulationsweise und exportgetriebenes Akkumulationsregime. In: Beigewum, (ed.) Politische Okonomie Osterreichs. Kontinuitäten und Veränderungen seit dem EU-Beitritt. Wien, Austria : Mandelbaum Verlag. ISBN 9783854764588
Favretto, Ilaria (2015) The "Opening to the Left". In: Jones, Erik and Pasquino, Gianfranco, (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Italian Politics. Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press. pp. 268-282. ISBN 9780199669745
Favretto, Ilaria (2015) Rough music and factory protest in post-1945 Italy. Past & Present, 228(1), pp. 207-247. ISSN (print) 0031-2746
Finn, Peter (2015) The US, the UK, the Iraq war, detention operations, impunity and complicity. In: Complicity Conference; 31 Mar - 01 Apr 2015, Brighton, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Gilmore, Jonathan (2015) Protecting strangers : reflections on a cosmopolitan peacekeeping capacity. In: Curran, David , Fraser, Trudy , Roeder, Larry and Zuber, Robert, (eds.) Perspectives on peacekeeping and atrocity prevention: expanding stakeholders and regional arrangements. New York, U.S. : Springer. pp. 7-25. (Humanitarian Solutions in the 21st Century) ISSN (print) 2198-9958 ISBN 9783319163710
Gilmore, Jonathan (2015) Still a 'force for good'? Good international citizenship in British foreign and security policy. The British Journal Of Politics And International Relations, 17(1), pp. 106-129. ISSN (print) 1369-1481
Gilmore, Jonathan (2015) Touching from a distance: remote humanitarianism and the boundaries of moral solidarity. In: Narratives of Intervention: Reflections from North and South; 22-23 Jul 2015, Guildford, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Gilmore, Jonathan (2015) The cosmopolitan military : armed forces and human security in the 21st century. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. 252p. (New Security Challenge) ISBN 9781137032263
Godin, A. (2015) Money and credit. In: Rochon, L. and Rossi, S., (eds.) Encyclopedia of central banking. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar. pp. 354-355. ISBN 9781782547433
Griffith-Jones, S. and Karwowski, E (2015) Can the financial sector deliver both growth and financial stability in sub-Saharan Africa? In: Noman, A. and Stiglitz, J., (eds.) Industrial policy and economic transformation in Africa. New York, U.S.A. : Columbia University Press. pp. 197-229. ISBN 9780231175180
Kaltenbrunner, A. and Stockhammer, E. (2015) Optimum currency area. In: Rochon, L. and Rossi, S., (eds.) Encyclopedia of central banking. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar. pp. 391-391. ISBN 9781782547433
Karwowski, Ewa (2015) Book Review of: 'Michal Kalecki in the 21st Century' by J. Toporowski and L. Mamica (eds.). Economic Issues, 20(1), pp. 132-135. ISSN (print) 1363-7029
Karwowski, Ewa (2015) The finance-mining nexus in South Africa: how mining companies use the South African equity market to speculate. Journal Of Southern African Studies, 41(1), pp. 9-28. ISSN (print) 0305-7070
Keen, Steve (2015) Post Keynesian theories of crisis. American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 74(2), pp. 298-324. ISSN (print) 0002-9246
Keen, Steve (2015) The macroeconomics of endogenous money: response to Fiebiger, Palley and Lavoie. Review of Keynesian Economics, 3(4), pp. 602-611. ISSN (print) 2049-5323
Kirmizi, Salih (2015) The determinants of FDI during 1992-2010 in the BRICS countries and the impact of the 2008 global crisis on these countries. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Latimer, Amanda (2015) The Free Trade Area of the Americas in the long crisis of Brazilian labour. In: Bieler, Andreas , Ciccaglione, Bruno , Hilary, John and Lindberg, Ingemar, (eds.) Free trade and transnational labour. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 83-94. (Rethinking globalizations) ISBN 9780415812696
Linton, Marisa (2015) 'Come and dine': the dangers of conspicuous consumption in French revolutionary politics, 1789-95. European History Quarterly, 45(4), pp. 615-637. ISSN (print) 0265-6914
Linton, Marisa (2015) Saint-Just: the French Revolution's Angel of Death. History Today, 65(1), ISSN (print) 0018-2753
Linton, Marisa (2015) Terror and politics. In: Andress, David, (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of the French Revolution. Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press. pp. 471-486. (Oxford Handbooks in History) ISBN 9780199639748
Magedaragamage, Neil Chulabhaya (2015) Domestic financial development and external financial openness in Sri Lanka : assessing the case for greater external liberalization. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Mateo Tome, Juan (2015) The contradictory path of the capital accumulation process in Spain under the Euro. (Discussion Paper) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kingston University. 24 p. (Economics Discussion Paper, no. 2015-03)
Mateo Tomé, Juan Pablo (2015) The accumulation of capital and economic growth in Brazil. A long-term perspective (1950-2008). (Discussion Paper) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kingston University. 31 p. (Economics Discussion Papers, no. 2014-03)
Matousek, Roman and Stewart, Chris (2015) Is there a lead-lag relationship for country ratings? (Working Paper) Kent, U.K. : University of Kent. 44 p. (Kent Business School Working Paper Series, no. 310) (Unpublished)
Matousek, Roman, Nguyen, Thao and Stewart, Chris (2015) Performance of the banking sector of a developing country: A non-structural model using the disequilibrium approach. (Working Paper) Social Science Research Network. 27 p.
Mavroudeas, Stavros (2015) The Greek saga : competing explanations of the Greek crisis. (Discussion Paper) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kingston University. 38 p. (Economics Discussion Papers, no. 2015-01)
McKenzie, Rex A. (2015) Monetary transmission in Africa : a review of official sources. (Discussion Paper) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kingston University. 36 p. (Economics Discussion Paper, no. 2015-07)
McKinley, T. and Karwowski, E. (2015) Examining the link between macroeconomic policies and productive employment: assessing outcomes for 145 developing countries. (Working Paper) London, U.K. : SOAS. 73 p. (Centre for Development Policy and Research Working Papers, no. 31/15)
Michell, J. and Stockhammer, E. (2015) Money supply. In: Rochon, L. and Rossi, S., (eds.) Encyclopedia of central banking. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar. pp. 368-370. ISBN 9781782547433
Mnwana, Sonwabile and Capps, Gavin (2015) 'No chief ever bought a piece of land!' Struggles over property, community and mining in the Bakgatla-ba-Kgafela Traditional Authority Area, North West Province. (Working Paper) Johannesburg, South Africa : Society Work and Development Institute (SWOP Institute) University of Witwatersrand. 46 p. (Working paper, no. 3)
Nancheva, Nevena (2015) Between nationalism and Europeanisation : narratives of national identity in Bulgaria and Macedonia. Colchester, U.K. : ECPR Press. 222p. ISBN 9781785521430
Nancheva, Nevena (2015) The Common European Asylum System and the failure to protect : Bulgaria's Syrian refugee crisis. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 15(4), pp. 439-455. ISSN (print) 1468-3857
Noikokyris, Athanasios (2015) EU regional policy and new modes of governance : implications to the EU's democratic legitimacy. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Oskooe, Seyyed Ali Paytakhti and Shamsavari, Ali (2015) Non-oil exports and GDP : evidence from Iran. Current Politics and Economics of the Middle East, 6(1), ISSN (print) 1939-5809
Pettitt, Robin (2015) The oratory of John Smith. In: Crines, Andrew S. and Hayton, Richard, (eds.) Labour orators from Bevan to Miliband. Manchester, U.K. : Manchester University Press. ISBN 9780719089800
Qazizada, Walid and Stockhammer, Engelbert (2015) Government spending multipliers in contraction and expansion. International Review of Applied Economics, 29(2), pp. 238-258. ISSN (print) 0269-2171
Ranta, R. (2015) Political decision making and non-decisions : the case of Israel and the Occupied Territories. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. 229p. ISBN 9781137447982
Ranta, Ronald (2015) The Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In: Hough, P. , Malik, S. , Moran, A. and Pilbeam, B., (eds.) International security studies: theory and practice. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 401-409. ISBN 9780415734356
Stibora, Joachim and de Vaal, Albert (2015) Does preferential trade benefit poor countries? A general equilibrium assessment with nonhomothetic preferences. Review Of International Economics, 23(2), pp. 239-270. ISSN (print) 0965-7576
Stockhammer, E. and Kohler, K. (2015) Linking a post-Keynesian approach to critical political economy: debt-driven growth, export-driven growth and the crisis in Europe. In: Jaeger, J. and Springler, E., (eds.) Asymmetric crisis in Europe and possible futures: critical political economy and post-Keynesian perspectives. London, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 34-49. (RIPE series in global political economy) ISBN 9781138790766
Stockhammer, Engelbert and Wildauer, Rafael (2015) Debt-driven growth? Wealth, distribution and demand in OECD countries. (Discussion Paper) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kingston University. 35 p. (Economics Discussion Paper, no. 2015-02)
Stockhammer, Engelbert, Durand, Cédric and List, Ludwig (2015) Growth models and working class restructuring before the crisis. (Discussion Paper) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kingston University. 26 p. (Economics Discussion Paper, no. 2015-04)
Stockhammer, Engelbert (2015) Rising inequality as a cause of the present crisis. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 39(3), pp. 935-958. ISSN (print) 0309-166X
Stuart, John (2015) David Livingstone, British protestant missions, memory and empire. In: Geppert, Dominik and Muller, Frank Lorenz, (eds.) Sites of imperial memory: commemorating colonial rule in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Manchester, U.K. : Manchester University Press. pp. 153-169. ISBN 9780719090813
Vince, Daly and Paytakhti Oskooe, Seyyed Ali (2015) Stock market efficiency in Iran: unit root testing with smooth structural breaks and non-trading days. (Discussion Paper) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kingston University. 26 p. (Economics Discussion Paper, no. 2015-06)
Voudouris, Vlasios, Ayres, Robert, Serrenho, Andre Cabrera and Kiose, Daniil (2015) The economic growth enigma revisited : the EU-15 since the 1970s. Energy Policy, 86, pp. 812-832. ISSN (print) 0301-4215
Warren, Juliet [Creator] and Hawkins, Sue [Creator] (2015) V.A.D. Indexes Online: Personnel Records of First World War Volunteers.
Wildauer, Rafael and Stockhammer, Engelbert (2015) Schuldengetriebenes Wachstum – Nachfrageffekte von Ungleichheit, Vermögenspreisen und Haushaltsverschuldung [Debt-driven growth - demand effects of inequality in assets and liabilities and household debt]. Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft [Economy and Society], 41(4), pp. 497-518. ISSN (online) 0378-5130
Woodbridge, Steven [Reviewer] (2015) Book Review of 'A British Fascist in the Second World War : The Italian war diary of James Strachey Barnes, 1943-45' edited by Claudia Baldoli and Brendan Fleming. Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 20(5), pp. 752-754. ISSN (print) 1354-571X
Woodbridge, Steven (2015) History and cultural heritage: the far right and the 'Battle for Britain'. In: Copsey, Nigel and Richardson, John E., (eds.) Cultures of Post-War British Fascism. Routledge. pp. 27-48. (Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far Right) ISBN 9781138846845
Woodbridge, Steven (2015) Racial Fascism in Britain. Bereginya-777-Owl, 3(26), pp. 152-165. ISSN (print) 2077-6365