Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Computing, Information Systems and Mathematics (until 2011) > Digital Imaging Research Centre (DIRC)"

Alexander, R., Jones, G., Knowles, H., Leung, V. and Watson, G. (2005) Vision system for decentralised wide area surveillance using multiple nodes. In: 8th International Conference on Information Fusion; 25 July - 28 July 2005, Philadelphia, U.S.A.. ISBN 0780392868
Annesley, J., Orwell, J. and Renno, J-P (2005) Evaluation of MPEG7 color descriptors for visual surveillance retrieval. In: 2nd Joint IEEE International Workshop on Visual Surveillance and Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance; 15 - 16 Oct. 2005, Beijing, China. ISBN 0780394240
Argyriou, V. and Vlachos, T. (2005) Performance study of gradient correlation for sub-pixel motion estimation in the frequency domain. IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image and Signal Processing, 152(1), pp. 107-114. ISSN (print) 1350-245X
Balbis, L and Ordys, A (2005) Hybrid predictive control design for optimal load sharing. In: Methods and models in automation and robotics; 29 Aug - 1 Sept 2005, Miedzyzdroje, Poland. (MMAR - CD-ROM Edition) ISBN 8360140855
Black, J., Velastin, S. and Boghossian, B. (2005) A real time surveillance system for metropolitan railways. In: IEEE Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance; 15 Sept - 16 Sept 2005, Como, Italy. ISBN 0780393856
Burling, David, Halligan, Steve, Roddie, Mary, McQuillan, Justine, Honeyfield, Lesley, Amin, Hamdan, Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Taylor, Stuart A. and McFarland, Elizabeth (2005) CT colonography: automated diameter and volume measurement of colonic polyps compared with a manual technique. Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, 29(3), pp. 387-393. ISSN (print) 0363-8715
Davies, A.C. and Velastin, S.A. (2005) A progress review of intelligent CCTV surveillance systems. In: IEEE Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications; 05 - 07 Sept 2005, Sofia, Bulgaria. ISBN 0780394453
Davies, Antony C. and Velastin, Sergio A. (2005) Progress in computational intelligence to support CCTV surveillance systems. International Journal of Computing, 4(3), pp. 76-84. ISSN (print) 1727-6209
Dee, Hannah-Mary (2005) Explaining visible behaviour. (PhD thesis), University of Leeds, .
Dehmeshki, J., Chen, H., Casique, M.V. and Karakoy, M. (2005) Classification of lung data by sampling and support vector machine. In: 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society; 1-5 Sept 2004, San Francisco, U.S.A.. (Conference Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, no. 2) ISBN 0780384393
Douce, Christopher, Livingstone, David, Orwell, James, Grindle, Steve, Wood, Jo and Curnock, Jane (2005) Automatic assessment of programming assignments. In: ALT-C 2005: exploring the frontiers of e-learning - borders, outposts and migration; 6 Sept -8 Sept 2005, Manchester, U.K..
Douce, Christopher, Livingstone, David, Orwell, James, Grindle, Steve and Cobb, Justin (2005) A technical perspective on ASAP - Automated system for assessment of programming. In: 9th Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) Conference; 5 July - 6 July 2005, Loughborough, U.K..
Dutka, A.S., Ordys, A.W. and Grimble, M.J. (2005) Optimized discrete-time state dependent Riccati equation regulator. In: American Control Conference; 8-10 June 2005, Portland, USA. (Proceedings of the American Control Conference, no. 4) ISSN (print) 0743-1619 ISBN 0780390989
Ellis, T., Black, J., Xu, M. and Makris, D. (2005) A distributed multicamera surveillance system. In: Remagnino, Paolo , Foresti, Gian Luca and Ellis, Tim, (eds.) Ambient Intelligence: a novel paradigm. New York, USA : Springer. pp. 107-138. ISBN 9780387229904
Ferraris, S., Wen, J.X. and Dembele, S. (2005) Large-eddy simulation of a large-scale methane pool fire. Fire Safety Science, 8, pp. 963-974.
Francik, J. and Szarowicz, A. (2005) Character animation with decoupled behaviour and smart objects. In: 6th International Conference on Computer Games: AI and Mobile Systems; 27 July - 30 July 2005, Louisville, U.S.A..
Francik, Jaroslaw and Szarowicz, Adam (2005) Integrate and conquer: the next generation of intelligent avatars. In: International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology; 15 - 17 June 2005, Valencia, Spain. ISBN 1595931104
Gracia-Roche, J.J., Orrite-Urunuela, C., Martinez del Rincon, J. and Herrero-Jaraba, J. E. (2005) Multimodal colour distribution tracking. In: IEEE International Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance; 7 Jan 2005, Breckenridge, Colorado, U.S.A..
Greenhill, D., Renno, J., Orwell, J. and Jones, G. A. (2005) Learning the semantic landscape: embedding scene knowledge in object tracking. Real-Time Imaging, 11(3), pp. 186-203. ISSN (print) 1077-2014
Hoppe, Andreas , Barman, Sarah and Ellis, Tim, eds. (2005) Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2004. Malvern, U.K. : British Machine Vision Association. ISBN 9781901725254
Jones, Graeme (2005) Future policing capabilities in CCTV and biometrics: promoting academic involvement. In: Crime prevention and detection technologies event; 8 Mar 2005, London, U.K..
Jones, Simon Andrew (2005) Prediction of demand for emergency care in an acute hospital. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Ju, Xiangyang, Nebel, Jean-Christophe and Siebert, J. Paul (2005) 3D thermography imaging standardization technique for inflammation diagnosis. In: Gong, Haimei, (ed.) Infrared components and their applications. SPIE. pp. 266-273. (Proceedings of SPIE, (5640)) ISBN 9780819455956
Li, Y., Dore, A. and Orwell, J. (2005) Evaluating the performance of systems for tracking football players and ball. In: IEEE Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance; 15 - 16 Sep 2005, Como, Italy. ISBN 0780393856
Lister, P. F., Trignano, V., Bassett, M. C. and Watten, P. L. (2005) UML-Executable Functional Models of Electronic Systems in the VIPERS Virtual Prototyping Methodology. In: Boulet, Pierre, (ed.) Advances in Design and Specification Languages for SoCs. Berlin, Germany : Springer Verlag. pp. 161-178. ISBN 9780387261492
Mashayekhi, M., Ziaei-Rad, S., Parvizian, J., Hadavinia, H. and Nikbin, K. (2005) Influence of triaxial stress state on damage evolution in solids. In: 13th Annual (International) Mechanical Engineering Conference; 15 - 17 May 2005, Isfahan, Iran. (Unpublished)
Mashayekhi, M., Ziaei-Rad, S., Parvizian, J., Nikbin, K. and Hadavinia, H. (2005) Numerical analysis of damage evolution in ductile solids. Structural Integrity & Durability, 1(1), pp. 67-82. ISSN (print) 1551-3750
Mittmann, M., Szarowicz, A. and Francik, J. (2005) A balanced approach to character motion. In: 7th International Conference on Computer Games - Artificial Intelligence, Animation, Mobile, Educational and Serious Games; 28 - 30 Nov 2005, Angouleme, France.
Nebel, J.-C. (2005) Modelling of P450 active site based on Consensus 3D structures. In: The IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering; 16 Feb – 18 Feb 2005, Innsbruck, Austria.
Nebel, Jean-Christophe (2005) Generation of 3D templates of active sites of proteins with rigid prosthetic groups. In: German Conference on Bioinformatics; 5-7 Oct 2005, Hamburg, Germany.
Nebel, Jean-Christophe (2005) Nestor3D: multiple alignment of protein structures based on ligand or prosthetic group position. In: BioSysBio: Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Conference; 14 July – 15 July 2005, Edinburgh, U.K..
Nicholson, F.B., Barrow, J.L., Bartram, C.I., Dehmeshki, J., Halligan, S., Taylor, S.A. and Kamm, M.A. (2005) The Role of CT colonography in colorectal cancer screening. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 100(10), pp. 2315-2323. ISSN (print) 0002-9270
O'Brien, M, Camillieri, F, Vilanova, R and Ordys, A (2005) Gain scheduled predictive control for integrated wastewater systems in storm conditions. In: 10th International Conference on Urban Drainage; 21-26 Aug 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Page, Vic, Dixon, Maurice and Bielkowicz, Peter (2005) An initial taxonomy of information systems obstacles. In: IADIS Virtual Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; 11 - 29 Apr 2005, Online.
Remagnino, P., Hagras, H., Velastin, S. and Monekosso, N. (2005) Ambient intelligence: a gentle introduction. In: Remagnino, Paolo , Foresti, Gian Luca and Ellis, Tim, (eds.) Ambient intelligence: a novel paradigm. New York, U.S. : Springer. ISBN 0387229906
Remagnino, P. and Foresti, G.L. (2005) Ambient intelligence: a new multidisciplinary paradigm. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, 35(1), pp. 1-6. ISSN (print) 1083-4427
Remagnino, Paolo , Foresti, Gian Luca and Ellis, Tim, eds. (2005) Ambient intelligence: a novel paradigm. New York, U.S. : Springer. 240p. ISBN 9780387229904
Renno, J.R., Makris, D., Ellis, T. and Jones, G.A. (2005) Application and Evaluation of Colour Constancy in Visual Surveillance. In: 2nd Joint IEEE International Workshop on Visual Surveillance and Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance; 16-16 Oct. 2005, Beijing, China.
Szarowicz, A., Francik, J., Mittman, M. and Remagnino, P. (2005) Layering and heterogeneity as design principles for animated embedded agents. Information Sciences, 171(4), pp. 355-376. ISSN (print) 0020-0255
Szarowicz, Adam (2005) A balanced approach to character motion. In: Oxford Robotics research group seminars; 05 Dec 2005, Oxford, U.K..
Taylor, A C, Hadavinia, H, Kinloch, A J and Lees, J H (2005) Nano and micro particles in adhesives: mechanical properties and modelling. In: 42nd Annual Conference on Adhesion and Adhesives; 26 Jan 2005, Oxford, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Taylor, Stuart, Burling, David, Halligan, Steve, Roddie, Mary, Tsang, Julian and Dehmeshki, J. (2005) Reader Performance Using CT Colonography CAR Software: Benefit of Dedicated CT Colonography Training. In: 91st Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America; 27 Nov - 2 Dec 2005, Chicago, U.S.A..
Thurlow, V, Ozevlat, H, Jones, SA and Bailey, IR (2005) Establishing a practical blood platelet threshold to avoid reporting spurious potassium results due to thrombocytosis. Annals of Clinical Biochemistry, 42(3), pp. 196-199. ISSN (print) 0004-5632
Toniappa, A., Barman, S.A., Corvee, E., Moseley, M.J., Cocker, K. and Fielder, A.R. (2005) Image quality assessment in retinal images of premature infants taken with RetCam 120 digital fundus camera. Imaging Science Journal, The, 53(1), pp. 51-59. ISSN (print) 1368-2199
Valera, M. and Velastin, S.A. (2005) Intelligent distributed surveillance systems: a review. In: IEE International Symposium on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention; 07 - 08 Jun 2005, London, U.K..
Valera, M. and Velastin, S. A. (2005) Intelligent distributed surveillance systems: a review. IEE Proceedings Vision, Image and Signal Processing, 152(2), pp. 192-204. ISSN (print) 1350-245X
Velastin, S. A., Boghossian, B. A., Lo, B. P. L., Sun, Jie and Vicencio-Sliva, M. A. (2005) PRISMATICA: toward ambient intelligence in public transport environments. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, 35(1), pp. 164-182. ISSN (print) 1083-4427
Velastin, S.A. (2005) Intelligent CCTV surveillance: advances and limitations. In: 5th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research - Measuring Behavior; 30 Aug - 2 Sept 2005, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Wang, X.W., Guild, F.J., Kinloch, A. J., Taylor, A.C. and Hadavinia, H. (2005) Modelling the mechanical behaviour of rubber toughened epoxies. In: 28th Adhesion Society Conference; 13-16 Feb 2005, Mobile, USA. (Proceedings of the Annual Meeting - Adhesion Society) ISSN (print) 1086-9506
Williams, J.G., Hadavinia, H. and Kinloch, A. J. (2005) Cohesive zone models in the characterisation of toughness. In: 11th International Conference on Fracture; 20 - 25 Mar 2005, Torino, Italy.
Xia, Hap, Majecki, Pawel, Ordys, Andrzej and Grimble, Mike (2005) Calculating setpoint range under actuator saturation and stochastic disturbance. In: IEEE Conference on Control Applications; 28-31 August 2005, Toronto, Canada.
Xu, B.P, Zhang, J.P., Wen, J.X., Dembele, S. and Karwatzki, J. (2005) Numerical study of a highly under-expanded hydrogen jet. In: International Conference on Hydrogen Safety; 8-10 September 2005, Pisa, Italy. (Unpublished)
Xu, M, Lowey, L and Orwell, J. (2005) Architecture and algorithms for tracking football players with multiple cameras. In: IEE Intelligent Distributed Surveilliance Systems; 2 - 3 Mar 2004, London, U.K.. ISSN (print) 0537-9989 ISBN 0863413927
Zhan, B, Remagnino, P and Velastin, SA (2005) Mining paths of complex crowd scenes. In: Bebis, George , Boyle, Richard , Koracin, Darko and Parvin, Bahram, (eds.) Advances in Visual Computing. Berlin : Springer. pp. 126-133. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (3804)) ISSN (print) 0302-9743 ISBN 9783540307501
Zhang, J., Dembele, S. and Wen, J.X. (2005) Effect of radiation models on CFD simulations of upward flame spread. Fire Safety Science, 8, pp. 421-432.
Ziliani, F, Velastin, S., Porikli, F., Marcenaro, L., Kelliher, T., Cavallaro, A. and Bruneaut, P (2005) Performance evaluation of event detection solutions: the CREDS experience. In: IEEE Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance; 15 Sept - 16 Sept 2005, Como, Italy. ISBN 0780393856