Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Computing, Information Systems and Mathematics (until 2011) > Digital Imaging Research Centre (DIRC)"

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Number of items: 43.


Argyriou, V. and Vlachos, T. (2003) Estimation of sub-pixel motion using gradient cross-correlation. Electronics letters, 39(13), pp. 980-982. ISSN (print) 0013-5194


Benhadj-Djilali, R. and Ouazzane, K. (2003) Binary image coding algorithm using tactile data information. In: International Conference on Imaging Science, Systems and Technology, CSST 03; 23-26 Jun 2003, Las Vegas, USA. (Proceedings of the International Conference on Imaging Science, Systems and Technology, no. 2) ISBN 9781892512475

Black, J., Ellis, T. and Rosin, P. (2003) A novel method for video tracking performance evaluation. In: Joint IEEE International Workshop on Visual Surveillance and Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance; 11 Oct - 12 Oct 2003, Nice, France.

Blackman, B.R.K., Hadavinia, H., Kinloch, A. J., Paraschi, M. and Williams, J.G. (2003) The calculation of adhesive fracture energies in mode I: revisiting the tapered double cantilever beam (TDCB) test. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 70(2), pp. 233-248. ISSN (print) 0013-7944


Coimbra, M., Davies, M. and Velastin, S. (2003) Pedestrian detection using MPEG-2 motion vectors. In: 4th European Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services; 9 Apr - 11 Apr 2003, London, U.K..

Corvee, E., Velastin, S.A. and Jones, G.A. (2003) Occlusion tolerent tracking using hybrid prediction schemes. Acta Automatica Sinica, 29(3), pp. 356-369. ISSN (print) 1874-1029


Dehmeshki, J., Siddique, M., Xin-Yu, Lin, Roddie, M. and Costello, J. (2003) Automated detection of nodules in the CT lung images using multi-modal genetic algorithm. In: 3rd International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis; 18-20 Sept 2003, Rome, Italy. ISBN 953184061X

Dehmeshki, J., Xujiong, Y., Valdivieso, M.C., Roddie, M.E. and Costello, J. (2003) Automatic polyp detection of colon using high resolution CT scans. In: 3rd International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis; September 18-20 2003, Rome, Italy. (Proceedings of the International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, no. 3 (1)) ISSN (print) 1330-1012 ISBN 953184061X

Dehmeshki, J., Wang, F., Ye, X., Lin, X., Abaei, M., Costello, J. and Roddie, M.E. (2003) In vitro comparison of a new method of coronary artery calcium measurement with conventional calcium scoring techniques using multi-detector CT. In: Interdisciplinary and Interuniversitary Cardiac CT and MR Meeting; 31 Oct - 1 Nov 2003, Berlin, Germany.

Dehmeshki, J., Chard, D.T., Leary, S.M., Watt, H.C., Silver, N.C., Tofts, P.S., Thompson, A.J. and Miller, D.H. (2003) The normal appearing grey matter in primary progressive multiple sclerosis. A magnetisation transfer imaging study. Journal of Neurology, 250(1), pp. 67-74. ISSN (print) 0340-5354

Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Karakoy, Mustafa and Casique, Manlio Valdivieso (2003) A rule-based scheme for filtering examples from majority class in an imbalanced training set. In: Perner, Petra and Rosenfeld, Azriel, (eds.) Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition. Heidleberg : Springer Verlag. pp. 215-223. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (2734))

Dutka, Arkadiuz S., Ordys, Andrzej W. and Grimble, Michael John (2003) Non-linear predictive control of 2 dof helicopter model. In: 42nd IEEE Conference on Decisions and Control; 9-12 Dec 2003, Maui, USA. ISSN (online) 0191-2216 ISBN 0780379241


Ellis, T. and Black, J. (2003) A multi-view surveillance system. In: IEE Symposium on Intelligence Distributed Surveillance Systems; 26 Feb 2003, London, U.K..


Fuentes, L.M. and Velastin, S.A. (2003) From tracking to advanced surveillance. In: International Conference on Image Processing; 14 Sept - 17 Sept 2003, Barcelona, Spain. ISSN (print) 1522-4880 ISBN 0780377508

Fuentes, Luis M. and Velastin, Sergio A. (2003) Tracking people for automatic surveillance applications. In: 1st Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis; 04 - 06 Jun 2003, Mallorca, Spain. ISSN (print) 0302-9743 ISBN 9783540402176


Gelepithis, Petros A. M. and Parillon, Nicole (2003) Knowledge management: analysis and some consequences. In: Hlupic, Vlatka, (ed.) Knowledge and business process management. London, U.K. : Idea Group Publishing. pp. 68-81. ISBN 9781591400363

Greenhill, D., Ripke, L.T., Hitchman, A.P., Jones, G.A. and Wilkinson, G.G. (2003) Use of Lacunarity index to characterize suburban areas for land use planning using IKONOS-2 multispectral imagery. In: 2nd GRS/ISPRS Joint Workshop on Remote Sensing and Data Fusion over Urban Areas; 22 May - 23 May 2003, Berlin, Germany. ISBN 0780377192

Greenhill, D.R., Ripke, L.T., Hitchman, A.P., Jones, G.A and Wilkinson, G.G. (2003) Characterization of suburban areas for land use planning using landscape ecological indicators derived from IKONOS-2 multispectral imagery. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 41(9), pp. 2015-2021. ISSN (print) 0196-2892


Hadavinia, H., Kinloch, A. J., Little, M.S.G. and Taylor, A.C. (2003) The prediction of crack growth in bonded joints under cyclic-fatigue loading I: experimental studies. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 23(6), pp. 449-461. ISSN (print) 0143-7496

Hadavinia, H., Kinloch, A. J., Little, M.S.G. and Taylor, A.C. (2003) The prediction of crack growth in bonded joints under cyclic-fatigue loading II: analytical and finite element studies. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 23(6), pp. 463-471. ISSN (print) 0143-7496


Koumpis, A. and Roberts, R. (2003) Economies and Diseconomies of Scale in the Information Society. Ubiquity, ISSN (online) 1530-2180


Laila, Dina Shona (2003) Design and analysis of nonlinear sampled data control systems. (PhD thesis), Melbourne University, .

Lindsay, John (2003) The Big ISsues and the World Summit on the Information Society. Information for Social Change(18), ISSN (print) 1364-694X

Lo, B, Velastin, S.A., Vicencio-Silva, M.A. and Sun, Jie (2003) An intelligent distributed surveillance system for public transport. In: IEE Symposium on Intelligence Distributed Surveillance Systems; 26 Feb 2003, London, U.K..

Lo, Benny Ping Lai, Sun, Jie and Velastin, Sergio A. (2003) Fusing Visual and Audio Information in a Distributed Intelligent Surveillance System for Public Transport Systems. Acta Automatica Sinica, 29(3), pp. 393-407. ISSN (print) 1874-1029


Makris, Dimitrios and Ellis, Tim (2003) Learning in visual surveillance by observing activity. In: One Day BMVA symposium on Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning in Machine Vision; 17 Dec 2003, London, UK.

Monekosso, N. and Remagnino, P. (2003) Robot exploration using the expectation-maximisation algorithm. In: IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation; 16 - 20 Jul 2003, Kobe, Japan. ISBN 0780378660


Nebel, Jean-Christophe, Sibiryakov, Alexander and Ju, Xiangyang (2003) V-Man generation for 3-D real time animation. In: Symposium on Intelligent Motion and Interaction within Virtual Environments; 15 Sept - 17 Sept 2003, London, U.K..


Orwell, J. and Morrison, G. (2003) Fixed population tracking with multiple cameras. In: 4th European Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services; 9 Apr - 11 Apr 2003, London, U.K..


Remagnino, P., Monekosso, N., Foresti, G. and Snidaro, L. (2003) Coupling multi-view dynamics with mixtures of Gaussians. In: 6th International Conference on Information Fusion; 08 - 11 Jul 2003, Cairns, Australia. ISBN 0972184449

Roberts, Bob and Thomas, Glyn (2003) Integrating e-commerce into the retail supply chain: a roadmap for implementation. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Seeking success in e-business: a multidisciplinary approach. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 365-383. ISBN 1402074506

Roberts, Bob and Koumpis, Adamantios (2003) Use of ontologies to enhance the design of a framework for multi party collaboration. Journal of Knowledge Management Practice, 4(1), ISSN (print) 1705-9232


Sibiryakov, Alexander, Ju, Xiangyang and Nebel, Jean-Christophe (2003) A New Automated Workflow for 3D Character Creation Based on 3D Scanned Data. In: Goos, G , Hartmanis, J. and van Leeuwen, J., (eds.) Virtual Storytelling. Berlin, Germany : Springer-Verlag. pp. 155-158. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (2897)) ISSN (print) 0302-9743 ISBN 9783540205357

Szarowicz, Adam, Mittmann, Marek, Remagnino, Paolo and Francik, Jaroslaw (2003) Automatic acquisition of actions for animated agents. In: 4th International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation; 19- 21 Nov 2003, London, U.K.. ISBN 9789077381052


Thirde, D.J., Jones, G.A. and Flack, J. (2003) Spatio-temporal semantic object segmentation using probabilistic sub-object regions. In: British Machine Vision Conference; 8 Sept - 11 Sept 2003, Norwich, U.K.. ISBN 1901725243

Tofts, Paul S., Davies, Gerard R. and Dehmeshki, Jamshid (2003) Histograms: Measuring subtle diffuse disease. In: Tofts, Paul, (ed.) Quantitative MRI of the Brain - Measuring changes caused by disease. Chichester, UK : John Wiley & Sons Inc. pp. 581-610. ISBN 9780470847213

Traboulsee, A., Dehmeshki, J., Peters, K.R., Griffin, C.M., Brex, P.A., Silver, N.C., Ciccarrelli, O., Chard, D.T., Barker, G.J., Thompson, A.J. and Miller, D.H. (2003) Disability in multiple sclerosis is related to normal appearing brain tissue MTR histogram abnormalities. Multiple Sclerosis, 9(6), pp. 566-573. ISSN (print) 1352-4585


Valera, M. and Velastin, S.A. (2003) An approach for designing a real-time intelligent distributed surveillance system. In: IEE Symposium on Intelligence Distributed Surveillance Systems; 26 Feb 2003, London, U.K..

Velastin, S.A., Lo, B., Sun, J., Khoudour, L. and Vicencio-Silva, M.A. (2003) Multi-sensory tools to improve personal security in public transport networks. In: Eight National Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intellligence (AI*IA); 23 Sept - 26 Sept 2003, Pisa, Italy.


Xia, H, Majecki, P, Ordys, A and Grimble, M (2003) Controller benchmarking based on economic benefits. In: European control conference; ECC'03; 1-4 September 2003, Cambridge, UK.

Xu, M. and Ellis, T. (2003) Tracking occluded objects using partial observation. Zidonqhua Xuebao [Acta Automatica Sinica], 29(3), pp. 370-380. ISSN (print) 0254-4156


Youssef, A, Grimble, M, Ordys, A, Dutka, A and Anderson, D (2003) Robust nonlinear predictive flight control. In: European control conference; ECC'03; 1-4 September 2003, Cambridge, UK.

Youssef, A, Ordys, A and Grimble, M (2003) A comparison of nonlinear predictive control techniques for a ducted fan model. In: Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics; 25-28 Aug 2003, Miedzyzdroje, Poland. ISBN 9788388764776

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