Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences > Centre for Abuse and Trauma Studies (CATS)"
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- Kingston University Faculties, Schools and Research Centres (22165)
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (5593)
- Centre for Abuse and Trauma Studies (CATS) (118)
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (5593)
Bifulco, Antonia, Schimmenti, Adriano, Moran, Patricia, Jacobs, Catherine, Bunn, Amanda and Rusu, Adina Carmen (2014) Problem parental care and teenage deliberate self-harm in young community adults. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 78(2), pp. 95-114. ISSN (print) 0025-9284
Bifulco, Antonia (2014) The attachment style interview. In: Farnfield, Steve and Holmes, Paul, (eds.) The Routledge handbook of attachment : assessment. Hove, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 178-191. ISBN 9780415538244
Bifulco, Antonia (2013) Life events. In: Gabe, Jonathan and Monaghan, Lee F., (eds.) Key concepts in medical sociology. 2nd ed. London, U.K. : Sage. pp. 28-31. ISBN 9780857024787
Bifulco, Antonia and Thomas, Geraldine (2013) Psychiatrie infantojuvénile en Europe – Grande-Bretagne. In: Ferrari, P and Bonot, O, (eds.) Traité européen de psychiatrie et de psychopathologie de l’enfant et de l’adolescent. Paris, France : Lavoisier. pp. 691-697. ISBN 9782257205193
Bifulco, Antonia (2013) Psychosocial models and issues in major depression. In: Power, Mick, (ed.) The Wiley Blackwell handbook of mood disorders. 2nd ed. Chichester, U.K. : Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 87-106. ISBN 9781119978923
Davidson, Julia and Martellozzo, Elena (2013) Exploring young people's use of social networking sites and digital media in the internet safety context: a comparison of the UK and Bahrain. Information, Communication & Society, 16(9), pp. 1456-1476. ISSN (print) 1369-118X
Ilan-Clarke, Yael, Bunn, Amanda, DeMarco, Jeffrey, Bifulco, Antonia, Criddle, John and Holdsworth, Gillian (2013) Setting up a youth violence prevention project in a London hospital emergency department. Journal of Public Mental Health, 12(2), pp. 80-92. ISSN (print) 1746-5729
Kaess, M, Parzer, P, Mattern, M, Plener, P, Bifulco, A, Resch, F and Brunner, R (2013) Adverse childhood experiences and their impact on frequency, severity, and the individual function of nonsuicidal self-injury in youth. Psychiatry Research, 206(2-3), pp. 265-272. ISSN (print) 0165-1781
Oskis, A, Clow, A, Hucklebridge, F, Bifulco, A, Jacobs, C and Loveday, C (2013) Understanding alexithymia in female adolescents: The role of attachment style. Personality and Individual Differences, 54(1), pp. 97-102. ISSN (print) 0191-8869
Bifulco, Antonia [Speaker] and Davidson, Julia [Speaker] (2012) Online grooming for sexual abuse. In: 4th International conference on Applied Psychology; 23-25 Sep 2012, Sucevita, Romania. (Unpublished)
Bifulco, Antonia and Thomas, Geraldine (2012) Understanding adult attachment in family relationships: research, assessment and intervention. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. 352p. ISBN 9780415594325
Bifulco, Antonia [Speaker] and Davidson, Julia [Speaker] (2012) Young people online. In: European Online Grooming Project: Key Findings and Implications; 18 Apr 2012, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Bifulco, Antonia [Researcher], Jacobs, Catherine [Researcher], Ilan-Clarke, Yael [Researcher], Bunn, Amanda [Researcher] and Brazier, Laura [Researcher] (2012) The lifespan collection.
Bifulco, Antonia [Speaker] (2012) The social context and its implications for depression and pain. In: Depression in the context of pain: current challenges and future avenues; 15 Jun 2012, Bochum, Germany. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia and Webster, Stephen (2012) Findings from the European online grooming project. In: Stockholm Criminology Symposium 2012; 11 - 13 Jun 2012, Stockholm, Sweden. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia [Speaker] (2012) Online child safety in the Middle East. In: Promoting Online Safety and Cyber Ethics in the Middle East; 6 - 7 Mar 2012, Doha, Qatar. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia and Bifulco, Antonia (2012) Young people's response to online sexual solicitation: Findings from the European Online Grooming project. In: Risk-taking Online Behaviour – Young people, harm and resilience; 23-24 May 2012, Berlin, Germany. (Unpublished)
Jacobs, Catherine, Ilan-Clarke, Yael and Bifulco, Antonia (2012) Caring about attachment in young people in residential care: The use of the Attachment Style Interview. (Project Report) Community Care Inform.
Livingstone, Sonia, Davidson, Julia, Bryce, Joanne, Millwood Hargrave, Andrea and Grove-Hills, Julie (2012) Children's online activities: risks and safety: the UK evidence base. (Other) UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS). 44 p.
Abdul Kadir, Nor Ba’yah and Bifulco, Antonia (2011) Vulnerability, life events and depression amongst Moslem Malaysian women: comparing those married and those divorced or separated. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 46(9), pp. 853-862. ISSN (print) 0933-7954
Abdul Kadir, NB and Bifulco, Antonia (2011) Vulnerability, life events and depression among Moslem Malaysian women – comparing those married and those divorced or separated. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology, 46(9), pp. 853-862. ISSN (print) 0933-7954
Bifulco, Antonia, Davidson, Julia and Webster, S (2011) The European Online Grooming Project - Findings. In: Launch of the European Online Grooming Project findings; 3 Feb 2011, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Bifulco, Antonia [Speaker] (2011) Lifespan experience of abuse and trauma: studies in community women. In: Life writing and human rights: genres of testimony; 11-13 Jul 2011, Kingston, UK. (Unpublished)
Bifulco, Antonia [Speaker] (2011) Understanding neglect in childhood for social care: definitions and impact. In: Neglect as a result of compromised parenting; 21 Mar 2011, Sandwell, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Conde, A., Figueirido, B. and Bifulco, A. (2011) Attachment style and psychological adjustment in couples. Attachment & Human Development, 13(3), pp. 271-291. ISSN (print) 1461-6734
Davidson, Julia [Speaker] (2011) Abuse in sex offenders' early lives: exploring neglected narratives. In: Life writing and human rights: genres of testimony; 11-13 Jul 2011, Kingston, UK. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia [Speaker] (2011) Challenges in protecting children online: blueprint for identifying and addressing need. In: Harm in the Digital Playground: Global Forum on Child Exploitation and Recovery; 14 - 15 Jun 2011, Toronto, Canada. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia and Gottschalk, Peter (2011) Characteristics of the internet for criminal child sexual abuse by online groomers. Criminal Justice Studies: A Critical Journal of Crime, Law and Society, 24(1), pp. 23-36. ISSN (print) 1478-601X
Davidson, Julia and Gottschalk, Peter, eds. (2011) Internet child abuse: current research and policy. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. 216p. ISBN 9780415559805
Davidson, Julia (2011) National Strategy Guide on Child Online Protection. In: ITU Regional Workshop on Advocacy & Capacity Building in Child Online Protection for the Arab Region; 30 - 31 Oct 2011, Muscat, Oman. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia [Moderator] (2011) New challenges to protect children online in the era of nonstop connectivity. In: World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum 2011; 16 -20 May 2011, Geneva, Switzerland. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia (2011) Online Grooming: Understanding offender behaviour and the victimisation of young people. In: 5th International Conference Keeping Children and Young People Safe Online; 20 - 21 Sep 2011, Warsaw, Poland. (Unpublished)
Fisher, Helen L., Bunn, Amanda, Jacobs, Catherine, Moran, Patricia and Bifulco, Antonia (2011) Concordance between mother and offspring reports of childhood adversity. Child Abuse & Neglect, 35(2), pp. 117-122. ISSN (print) 0145-2134
Hamerton, Christopher [Speaker] (2011) Abuse, trauma and the modern battlefield: studies on service personnel. In: Life writing and human rights: genres of testimony; 11-13 Jul 2011, Kingston, UK. (Unpublished)
Kaess, Michael, Parzer, Peter, Mattern, Margarete, Resch, Franz, Bifulco, Antonia and Brunner, Romuald (2011) Childhood Experiences of Care and Abuse (CECA): Validierung der deutschen Version des Fragebogenund korrespondierenden Interview sowie Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung von Zusammenhangen belastenader Kindheitserlebnisse mit suizdalen Verhaltensweisen. Zeitschrift fur Kinder – und Jugendpsychiarie und Psychotherapie, 39(4), pp. 243-252. ISSN (print) 1422-4917
Abdul Kadir, NB and Bifulco, Antonia (2010) Malaysian Moslem Mothers' experience of depression and service use. Culture, Medicine & Psychiatry, 34(3), pp. 443-467. ISSN (print) 0165-005X
Bifulco, Antonia (2010) Assessing child abuse and its implications for forensic settings: the Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse interview (CECA). In: The two sides of trauma - victim and offender experience; 15 Apr 2010, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Bifulco, Antonia (2010) Depressed mothers and their children: attachment issues. In: Kohen, Dora, (ed.) Oxford textbook of women and mental Health. Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press. pp. 271-277. ISBN 9780199214365
Bifulco, Antonia (2010) Longer term impacts of childhood adversity: considering risk and resilience and implications for practice. In: Michael Seiff Foundation Conference 2010: Promoting the Well-Being of the Primary School Age Child; 21 - 22 Sep 2010, Windsor, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Bifulco, Antonia [Speaker] (2010) Measurement issues and lifespan risks and vulnerabilities in offenders/perpetrators around experiences of abuse and trauma. In: South West London Academic Network Interprofessional Institute: Workshop on Trauma in Offenders; 27 Jan 2010, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Bifulco, Antonia and Davidson, Julia (2010) Neurobiology and cognition of trauma and criminal behaviour and child sexual abuser families and attachment in childhood. In: The two sides of trauma - victim and offender experience; 15 Apr 2010, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Bifulco, Antonia, Davidson, Julia and Webster, Stephen (2010) Online grooming: understanding the evidence and managing the risks. In: Presentation to Ra.C.I.S (Raggruppamento Carabinieri Investigazioni Scientifiche) & R.A.C (Reparto Analisi Criminologiche); 13 Dec 2010, Rome, Italy. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia (2010) The European Online Grooming Project - preliminary findings. In: Safer Internet Forum - Online opportunities and risks: How do children use online technologies? Are parents up to speed? How to cope with risks; 21 -22 Oct 2010, Luxembourg. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia and Bifulco, Antonia (2010) The European Online Grooming Project. In: Child Internet Safety Day: 'Internet Grooming: Understanding offender behaviour and protecting young people'; 26 Mar 2010, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia (2010) Intervention with sex offenders. In: The two sides of trauma - victim and offender experience; 15 Apr 2010, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia and Martellozzo, Elena (2010) Kingdom of Bahrain State of the Nation Review of the Internet Safety 2010 - introduction & interim report. In: FOSI Gulf Conference: Creating a National Consensus for Online Safety; 26 -28 Apr 2010, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia (2010) Legislation and policy: protecting young people, sentencing and managing Internet sex offenders. In: Davidson, Julia and Gottschalk, Petter, (eds.) Internet child abuse: current research and policy. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 8-26. ISBN 9780415559805
Davidson, Julia, Grove-Hills, Julie, Bifulco, Antonia, Gottschalk, Petter, Caretti, Vincenzo, Pham, Thierry and Webster, Stephen (2010) Online abuse: literature review and policy context. (Project Report) European Online Grooming Project.
Davidson, Julia (2010) State of the Nation Review of Internet Safety: Presentation of Findings. In: Kingdom of Bahrain Telecommunications Regulatory Authority: Launch of the State of the Nation Review; 25 Oct 2010, Kingdom of Bahrain.
Davidson, Julia [Research team head], Huq, Rupa [Research team member], Seetzen, Heidi [Research team member] and Grove-Hills, Julie [Research team member] (2010) Towards engaging with and understanding three BME communities in Kingston: identity, interaction, belonging and belief. (Project Report) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Kingston University. 82 p.
Davidson, Julia [Speaker] (2010) Understanding online offending behaviour: preliminary findings from the European Online Grooming Project. In: Online Child Protection: Future Technologies for Policing the Internet; 27 Oct 2010, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Schimmenti, Adriano and Bifulco, Antonia (2010) Le esperienze di maltrattamento vissute dai fratelli: tra ambiente condiviso e non condiviso. In: Schimmenti, Valeria, (ed.) Oltre la madre: relazioni familiari e sviluppo psicologico. Milan, Italy : Franco Angeli. pp. 114-129. ISBN 9788856830781
Bifulco, A., Moran, P., Jacobs, C. and Bunn, A. (2009) Problem partners and parenting: exploring linkages with maternal insecure attachment style and her neglect/abuse of children. Attachment & Human Development, 11, pp. 69-85. ISSN (print) 1461-6734
Bifulco, Antonia (2009) Creating a chronology from case records in complex child care cases using the CECA (Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse). In: The Journey to Recovery: Safeguarding Children Living With Trauma and Family Violence - Assessment, Analysis and Intervention; 21 - 22 May 2009, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Bifulco, Antonia (2009) Early adversity and depression. In: Ingram, Rick E., (ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Depression. New York, USA : Springer Publishing Company. ISBN 9780826137937
Bifulco, Antonia [Speaker] (2009) Trauma across the generations: marital violence and child physical abuse in London families. In: 11th European Conference on Traumatic Stress Studies; 15-18 Jun 2009, Oslo, Norway. (Unpublished)
Davidson, J, Lorenz, M, Grove-Hills, J and Martellozo, E (2009) Evaluation of CEOP ThinkUknow internet safety programme and exploration of young people's internet safety knowledge: Final report. (Project Report) Centre for Abuse and Trauma Studies & Kingston University & The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP). 57 p.
Davidson, Julia and Lorenz, M (2009) CEOP & NAO evaluation of TUK programme and young people’s internet safety research. Report one - survey findings. (Project Report) The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP). (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia (2009) Childhood trauma in the lives of sex offenders: A qualitative approach. In: 11th European Conference on Traumatic Stress; 15-18 Jun 2009, Oslo, Norway. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia (2009) The European online grooming project: using offender accounts to inform young people’s online safety. In: Child Safety on the Internet – Prevention, Education and Cooperation; 12- 13 Nov 2009, Moscow, Russia. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia [Expert] (2009) G8 Global Symposium for examining the relationship between online and offline offences and preventing the sexual exploitation of children. In: G8 Global Symposium for Examining the Relationship between online and offline offences and preventing the sexual exploitation of children; 5 -7 Apr 2009, North Carolina, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia (2009) Internet child abuse: understanding offender online grooming behaviour. In: EU Kids Online Conference; 11 June 2009, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia (2009) Internet child abuse: understanding offender online grooming behaviour. In: Advances in the Analysis of Online Paedophile Activity; 2 -3 Jun 2009, Paris, France. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia and Martellozzo, Elena (2009) Internet sex offenders: individual autonomy, ‘Folk Devils’ and state control. In: Sclater, S , Ebtehaj, F , Jackson, E and Richards, M, (eds.) Regulating autonomy: sex, reproduction and family. Hart Publishing. pp. 129-146. ISBN 9781841139463
Davidson, Julia and Bifulco, Antonia (2009) Investigative police practice in the UK: achieving best evidence in work with young victims of abuse. Pakistan Journal of Criminology, 1(3), pp. 19-46. ISSN (print) 2074-2738
Davidson, Julia and Gottschalk, Petter (2009) Online groomers: profiling, policing and prevention. Lyme Regis, U.K. : Russell House Publishing. 208p. ISBN 9781905541560
Davidson, Julia [Speaker] (2009) Reviewing offender/perpetrator behaviour and profile in relation to experience of victimisation/trauma. In: South West London Academic Network Interprofessional Institute: Workshop on Trauma in Offenders; 25 Nov 2009, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia (2009) Using internet offenders accounts to inform young people’s online safety practices. In: 3rd International Conference “Keeping Children and Young People Safe Online”; 29 - 30 Sep 2009, Warsaw, Poland. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia C. and Bifulco, Antonia (2009) Investigating police practice in the UK: achieving best evidence in work with young victims of abuse. Pakistan Journal of Criminology, 1(3), pp. 19-46. ISSN (print) 2074-2738
Bifulco, A., Jacobs, C., Bunn, A., Thomas, G. and Irving, K. (2008) The Attachment Style Interview (ASI) as an assessment of support capacity: exploring its use for adoption-fostering assessment. Adoption and Fostering, 32(3), pp. 33-45. ISSN (print) 0308-5759
Bifulco, Antonia (2008) Marital relationship, insecure attachment style and poor parenting of the next generation in the UK. In: XXIX International Congress of Psychology; 20 – 25 Jul 2008, Berlin, Germany. (Unpublished)
Bifulco, Antonia (2008) Risk and resilience in young Londoners. In: Brom, Danny , Pat-Horenczyk, Ruth and Ford, Julian, (eds.) Treating traumatised children: risk, resilience and recovery. Hove, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 117-130. ISBN 9780415471503
Davidson, Julia and Gottschalk, Petter (2008) Digital forensics in law enforcement: the case of online victimisation of children. Electronic Government: an international journal, 5(4), pp. 445-451. ISSN (print) 1740-7494
Davidson, Julia and Martellozzo, Elena (2008) Protecting children online: towards a safer internet. In: Letherby, Gayle , Williams, Kate , Birch, Philip and Cain, Maureen, (eds.) Sex as crime? Cullompton, U.K. : Willan. pp. 338-355. ISBN 9781843922681
Davidson, Julia C. (2008) Child sexual abuse: media representations and government reactions. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge-Cavendish. 178p. ISBN 9781904385684
Davidson, Julia C. and Martellozzo, Elena (2008) Protecting vulnerable young people in cyberspace from sexual abuse: raising awareness and responding globally. Police Practice and Research, 9(4), pp. 277-289. ISSN (print) 1561-4263
Schimmenti, A. and Bifulco, A. (2008) Quando i gentori maltrattano i figli: le radici psicopatologiche dello svillupo affetivo (When the parents maltreat their young: the developmental roots of psychopathology). In: Caretti, V. and Craparo, G., (eds.) Trauma e Psicopatologia. Roma: Astrolabi. ISBN 9788834015384
Bifulco, Antonia (2007) Familial patterns of stress. In: Fink, George, (ed.) Encyclopedia of Stress. 2nd ed. Academic Press. pp. 1-6. ISBN 9780123739476
Bifulco, Antonia and Moran, Patricia (2007) Il bambino maltrattato: le radici della depressione nel trauma e nell'abuso infantile. Rome, Italy : Astrolabio Ubaldini. 268p. (Psiche e coscienza) ISBN 9788834015124
Bifulco, Antonia (2007) Loss Trauma. In: Fink, George, (ed.) Encyclopedia of Stress. 2nd ed. Academic Press. pp. 612-615. ISBN 9780123739476
Bifulco, Antonia [Speaker] (2007) The impact of marital adversity and insecure attachment style on depression and poor parenting of the next generation. In: British Psychological Society, Psychology of Women Section; 18 - 20 Jul 2007, Windsor, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Bunn, Amanda, Bifulco, Antonia, Lorenc, Ava and Robinson, Nicky (2007) Solutions on Stress (SOS): programmes, packages and products for helping teenagers. Young Consumers, 8(1), pp. 29-35. ISSN (print) 1747-3616
Davidson, Julia (2007) Current practice and research into internet sex offending. (Project Report) Paisley : Risk Management Authority. 88 p.
Moran, Patricia, Jacobs, Catherine, Bunn, Amanda and Bifulco, Antonia (2007) Multi-agency working: Implications for an early intervention social work team. Child & Family Social Work, 12(2), pp. 143-151. ISSN (print) 1356-7500
Bifulco, Antonia, Kwon, Junghye, Jacobs, Catherine, Moran, Patricia M., Bunn, Amanda and Beer, Nils (2006) Adult attachment style as mediator of childhood neglect/abuse and adult depression and anxiety. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 41(10), pp. 796-805. ISSN (print) 0933-7954
Bifulco, Antonia (2006) Experiences durant l'enfance et agression sexuelle. In: Pham, Thierry H., (ed.) L'evaluation diagnostique des agresseurs sexuel. Mardaga, Belgium. pp. 9-42. ISBN 9782870099261
Bifulco, Antonia, Gunning, M., Figueiredo, B., Glatigny-Dally, E., Klier, C., Muzik, M., Kammerer, M. and Murray, L. (2006) Maternal insecure attachment style and mother–infant interactions: a prospective study in four European sites. In: Marce Society International Biennial Sicentific Meeting; 12 - 15 Sep 2006, Oxford, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia, Bifulco, Antonia, Thomas, Geraldine and Ramsay, Margaret (2006) Child victims of sexual abuse: children's experience of the investigative process in the criminal justice system. Practice, 18(4), pp. 247-263. ISSN (print) 0950-3153
Davidson, Julia [Speaker] (2006) Effective interventions: protecting vulnerable children from sex offenders in cyberspace. In: XVIth ISPCAN International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect: Children in a changing world: getting it right; 03 - 06 Sep 2006, York, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia and Martellozzo, Elena (2006) Policing the internet: protecting vulnerable children from sex offenders in cyberspace. In: 13th Annual Meeting of the International Police Executive Symposium (IPES); 26 - 30 May 2006, Ayvalik, Turkey. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia (2006) Victims speak: comparing child sexual abusers' and child victims' accounts, perceptions, and interpretations of sexual abuse. Victims & Offenders, 1(2), pp. 159-174. ISSN (print) 1556-4886
Figueiredo, Barbara, Pacheco, Alexandra and Bifulco, Antonia (2006) Mother attachment style and mother–infant interaction at 3 months postpartum: a Portuguese study. In: Marce Society International Biennial Scientific Meeting; 12 - 15 Sep 2006, Keele, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Figueiredo, Barbara, Bifulco, Antonia, Pacheco, Alexandra, Costa, Raquel and Magarinho, Rute (2006) Teenage pregnancy, attachment style and depression: a comparison of teenage and adult pregnant women in a Portuguese series. Attachment & Human Development, 8(2), pp. 123-138. ISSN (print) 1461-6734
Bernazzani, Odette, Marks, Maureen N, Bifulco, Antonia, Siddle, Kathy, Asten, Paul and Conroy, Sue (2005) Assessing psychosocial risk in pregnant/postpartum women using the Contextual Assessment of Maternity Experience (CAME)--recent life adversity, social support and maternal feelings. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 40(6), pp. 497-508. ISSN (print) 0933-7954
Bifulco, A., Bernazzani, O., Moran, P. M. and Jacobs, C. (2005) The childhood experience of care and abuse questionnaire (CECA.Q): Validation in a community series. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 44(4), pp. 563-581. ISSN (print) 0144-6657
Davidson, Julia and Martellozzo, Elena (2005) Protecting children from sex offenders online: when strangers become 'virtual friends'. In: Safety & security in a networked world: balancing cyber-rights & responsibilities; 8-10 Sep 2005, Oxford, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia (2005) Protecting children from sexual abuse. In: The 9th International Family Violence Research Conference; 10-13 Jul 2005, New Hampshire, U.S.A.. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia and Martellozzo, Elena (2005) Protecting children online: the role of schools and the police. In: ESRC Gender, Sexuality and Law: Theory and Practice Workshop: Sex in Criminal Justice; 18 - 19 Mar 2005, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Bifulco, Antonia [Speaker] (2004) Insecure attachment style and depression associated with childbirth: a cross-cultural European/US study. In: Marce Society International Biennial Sicentific Meeting; 23-26 Sep 2004, Oxford, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Bifulco, Antonia (2004) Life events. In: Gabe, Jonathan , Bury, Mike and Elston, Mary Ann, (eds.) Key Concepts in Medical Sociology. London, U.K. : SAGE Publications. pp. 45-50. ISBN 0761974423
Bifulco, Antonia, Figueiredo, Barbara, Guedeney, Nicole, Gorman, Laura L., Hayes, Sandra, Muzik, Maria, Gatigny-Dally, Elisabeth, Valoriani, Vania, Kammerer, Martin H. and Henshaw, Carol A. (2004) Maternal attachment style and depression associated with childbirth; preliminary results from a European and US cross-cultural study. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 184(46), s31-s37. ISSN (print) 0007-1250
Davidson, Julia (2004) Child sexual abuse prevention programmes: the role of schools. In: The 8th International Conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO); 6-9 Oct 2004, Athens, Greece. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia [Speaker] (2004) Police process and sex offender behaviour. In: Child Safety on the Internet Conference; 13 Jul 2004, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Davidson, Julia C. and Martellozzo, Elena (2004) Educating children about sexual abuse and evaluating the Metropolitan police safer surfing programme. (Project Report) London, U.K. : Metropolitan Police.
Figueiredo, Barbara, Pacheco, Alexandra, Costa, Raquel, Magarinho, Rute and Bifulco, Antonia (2004) Attachment style, relationships and depression during pregnancy: a comparison of adolescent and adult experience in a Portuguese series. In: Marce Society International Biennial Scientific Meeting; 23-26 Sep 2004, Oxford, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Figuieredo, Barbara, Bifulco, Antonia, Paivia, Carla, Maia, Angela, Fernandes, Eugenia and Matos, Raquel (2004) History of childhood abuse in a representative series of Portuguese parents. Child Abuse & Neglect, 28(6), pp. 671-684. ISSN (print) 0145-2134
Bernazzani, Odette and Bifulco, Antonia (2003) Motherhood as a vulnerability factor in major depression: the role of negative pregnancy experiences. Social Science & Medicine, 56(6), pp. 1249-1260. ISSN (print) 0277-9536
Bifulco, A., Mahon, J., Kwon, J-H., Moran, P. M. and Jacobs, C. (2003) The Vulnerable Attachment Style Questionnaire (VASQ): an interview-based measure of attachment styles that predict depressive disorder. Psychological Medicine, 33(6), pp. 1099-1110. ISSN (print) 0033-2917
Bifulco, A., Moran, P.M., Ball, C. and Bernazzani, O. (2002) Adult Attachment Style I: Its relationship to clinical depression. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 37(2), pp. 50-59. ISSN (print) 0933-7954
Bifulco, A., Moran, P.M., Ball, C. and Lillie, A. (2002) Adult Attachment Style II. Its relationship to psychosocial depressive-vulnerability. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 37(2), pp. 60-67. ISSN (print) 0933-7954
Bifulco, A., Moran, P.M., Ball, C., Jacobs, C., Baines, R., Bunn, A. and Cavagin, J. (2002) Childhood adversity, parental vulnerability and disorder: examining intergenerational transmission of risk. Journal Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 43(8), pp. 1075-1086. ISSN (print) 0021-9630
Bifulco, Antonia (2002) Attachment style measurement - a clinical and epidemiological perspective. Attachment & Human Development, 4(2), pp. 180-188. ISSN (print) 1461-6734
Bifulco, Antonia, Moran, Patricia M., Baines, Rebecca, Bunn, Amanda and Stanford, Katherine (2002) Exploring psychological abuse in childhood: II: Association with other abuse and adult clinical depression. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 66(Summer), pp. 241-258. ISSN (print) 0025-9284
Davidson, Julia (2002) Community treatment programmes for convicted child sexual abuser in England and Wales: findings from a longitudinal research study. In: 7th Conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders; 11-14 Sep 2002, Vienna, Austria. (Unpublished)
Moran, Patricia M., Bifulco, Antonia, Ball, Caroline, Jacobs, Catherine and Benaim, Kate (2002) Exploring psychological abuse in childhood. I: Developing a new interview scale. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 66(Summer), pp. 213-240. ISSN (print) 0025-9284
Moran, Patricia M., Bifulco, Antonia, Ball, Caroline and Campbell, Caroline (2001) Predicting onset of depression: the vulnerability to depression questionnaire. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 40(4), pp. 411-427. ISSN (print) 0144-6657
Bifulco, A., Bernazzani, O., Moran, P. M. and Ball, C. (2000) Lifetime stressors and recurrent depression: preliminary findings of the Adult Life Phase Interview (ALPHI). Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 35(6), pp. 264-275. ISSN (print) 0933-7954
Bifulco, Antonia and Moran, Patricia (1998) Wednesday's Child: Research into women's experience of neglect and abuse in childhood, and adult depression. London, U.K. : Routledge. 207p. ISBN 041516527X