Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Engineering (until 2011) > Applied Engineering Research Centre (AERC)"

Dembele, S., Rosario, R.A.F. and Wen, J.X. (2007) Investigation of glazing behavior in a fire environment using a spectral discrete ordinates method for radiative heat transfer. Numerical Heat Transfer Part B, 52(6), pp. 489-506. ISSN (print) 1040-7790
Ferraris, S.A. and Wen, J.X. (2007) Large eddy simulation of a lifted turbulent jet flame. Combustion and Flame, 150(4), pp. 320-339. ISSN (print) 0010-2180
Ghasemnejad, H., Hadavinia, H. and Simpson, G. (2007) Crashworthiness optimization of crash box in automotive structure. Key Engineering Materials, 348-34, pp. 661-664. ISSN (print) 1013-9826
Hay, Gareth I., Southee, Darren J., Evans, Peter S.A., Harrison, David J., Simpson, George and Ramsey, Blue J. (2007) Examination of silver-graphite lithographically printed resistive strain sensors. Sensors and Actuators A Physical, 135(2), pp. 534-546. ISSN (print) 0924-4247
Muppala, S. P. Reddy, Sannala, S. K. R., Aluri, N. K., Dinkelacker, F., Beyrau, F. and Liepertz, A. (2007) Detailed 2-D numerical simulations of rich premixed laminar methane flames for CO concentrations and temperature. Combustion Science and Technology, 179(9), pp. 1797-1822. ISSN (print) 0010-2202
Ordys, Andrzej W., Tomizuka, Masayoshi and Grimble, Michael J. (2007) State-space dynamic performance preview-predictive controller. Journal Of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, And Control, 129(2), pp. 144-153. ISSN (print) 0022-0434
Shawky, A.M., Ordys, A.W., Petropoulakis, L. and Grimble, M.J. (2007) Position control of flexible manipulator using non-linear H∞ with state-dependent Riccati equation. Journal Of Systems And Control Engineering - Part I, 221(3), pp. 475-486. ISSN (print) 0959-6518
Yao, Y., Krishnan, L., Sandham, N.D. and Roberts, G. (2007) The effect of Mach number on unstable disturbances in shock/boundary-layer interactions. Physics of Fluids, 19(5), ISSN (print) 1070-6631
Ordys, Andrzej W. , Uduehi, Damien and Johnson, Michael A., eds. (2007) Process control performance assessment: from theory to implementation. London, UK : Springer. 325p. (Advances in Industrial Control) ISSN (online) 1430-9491 ISBN 1846286239
Book Section
Ordys, A.W., Grimble, M.J., Uduehi, D. and Majecki, P. (2007) Controller benchmarking procedures - model-based methods. In: Ordys, Andrzej W. , Uduehi, Damien and Johnson, Michael A., (eds.) Process Control Performance Assessment: From Theory to Implementation. London, UK : Springer. pp. 127-168. (Advances in Industrial Control) ISSN (print) 1430-9491 ISBN 1846286239
Uduehi, D., Ordys, A.W., Xia, H., Bennauer, M., Zimmer, G. and Corsi, S. (2007) Controller benchmarking algorithms: some technical issues. In: Ordys, Andrzej W. , Uduehi, Damien and Johnson, Michael A., (eds.) Process Control Performance Assessment: From Theory to Implementation. London, UK : Springer. pp. 259-294. (Advances in Industrial Control) ISSN (print) 1430-9491 ISBN 1846286239
Uduehi, D., Ordys, A.W., Grimble, M.J., Majecki, P. and Xia, H. (2007) Controller benchmarking procedures - data-driven methods. In: Ordys, Andrzej W. , Uduehi, Damien and Johnson, Michael A., (eds.) Process Control Performance Assessment: From Theory to Implementation. London, UK : Springer. pp. 81-126. (Advances in Industrial Control) ISSN (print) 1430-9491 ISBN 1846286239
Uduehi, D., Xia, H., Boll, M., Nohr, M., Ordys, A.W. and Corsi, S. (2007) Divided wall distillation column simulation study. In: Ordys, Andrzej W. , Uduehi, Damien and Johnson, Michael A., (eds.) Process Control Performance Assessment: From Theory to Implementation. London, UK : Springer. pp. 169-197. (Advances in Industrial Control) ISSN (print) 1430-9491 ISBN 1846286239
Uduehi, D., Laing, D. and Ordys, A.W. (2007) Economic auditing of control systems. In: Ordys, Andrzej W. , Uduehi, Damien and Johnson, Michael A., (eds.) Process Control Performance Assessment: From Theory to Implementation. London, UK : Springer. pp. 41-80. (Advances in Industrial Control) ISSN (online) 1430-9491 ISBN 1846286239