Items where Kingston Author is "Beckey, Alex"

Fletcher, Tim and Beckey, Alex (2023) Teaching about planning in pre-service physical education teacher education : a collaborative self-study. European Physical Education Review, ISSN (print) 1356-336X (Epub Ahead of Print)
Price, Amy, Beckey, Alex and Collins, Dave (2022) Developing a love for playing games : a clarification of why Digital Video Games Approach is not Gamification. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, ISSN (print) 1740-8989 (Epub Ahead of Print)
Jafar, Mo, Walker, Nathan and Beckey, Alex (2022) Making physical education a knowledge-rich subject. Physical Education Matters, Summer, pp. 19-21. ISSN (online) 1751-0988
Hamblin, Declan, Beckey, Alex and (2022) Target setting : mentoring in physical education. Physical Education Matters, Summer, pp. 72-74. ISSN (online) 1751-0988
Beckey, Alex, Gumbrell, David and Hamblin, Declan (2022) Open all hours. Physical Education Matters, Spring, pp. 66-68. ISSN (online) 1751-0988
Beckey, Alex, Hamblin, Declan and (2022) The review process : mentoring in physical education. Physical Education Matters, Spring, pp. 75-77. ISSN (online) 1751-0988
Beckey, Alex and Hamblin, Declan (2022) The metaphor of a jigsaw puzzle as a pedagogy of PE teacher education. Impact, 14,
Hamblin, Declan, Beckey, Alex and (2021) Gradually removing the stabilisers : mentoring in physical education. Physical Education Matters, Autumn, pp. 60-62. ISSN (online) 1751-0988
Book Section
Beckey, Alex (2021) Meaningful PE as a metaphor for teaching PE. In: Fletcher, Tim , Ní Chróinín, Déirdre , Gleddie, Douglas and Beni, Stephanie, (eds.) Meaningful physical education : an approach for teaching and learning. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 52-63. (Routledge Focus on Sport Pedagogy) ISBN 9780367473617
Fletcher, Tim, Beckey, Alex, Larsson, Håkan and MacPhail, Ann (2020) The research and development challenge: better aligning teachers’ and teacher educators’ needs, priorities and demands. In: MacPhail, Ann and Lawson, Hal A., (eds.) School physical education and teacher education : collaborative redesign for the 21st century. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 116-127. (Routledge Studies in Physical Education and Youth Sport) ISBN 9780367352462
Conference or Workshop Item
Beckey, Alex and Fletcher, Tim (2022) Filling the blanks or learning to think like teachers?: The challenges of teaching about planning in PETE. In: 2022 AIESEP World Congress; 15-18 Jun 2022, Gold Coast, Australia. (Unpublished)
Scanlon, Dylan, Hordvik, Mats, Beckey, Alex and Wintle, Jordan (2022) An exploration (and creation) of meaningful teacher educator practises. In: 2022 AIESEP World Congress; 15-18 Jun 2022, Gold Coast, Australia (Held online). (Unpublished)
Beni, Stephanie and Beckey, Alex (2021) Where next for Meaningful PE? In: AIESEP 2021 : Meaningful PE - An Approach For Teaching And Learning; 07-10 Jun 2021, Banff, Canada (Held online). (Unpublished)
Moving Image/Broadcast
Beckey, Alex [Presenter] and Hamblin, Declan [Presenter] (2022) Making sense of meaningful physical education. (Webcast).
Hamblin, Declan [Presenter] and Beckey, Alex [Presenter] (2021) Feedback guidance for PGCE PE mentors. (Webcast).
Sound Recording
Dryer, Greg, Hamblin, Declan and Beckey, Alex Beyond the square. (podcast).
Database or Web Resource
Dryer, Greg, Hamblin, Declan and Beckey, Alex Centre for Physical Education, Sport and Activity (CPESA) Blog.