Items where Kingston Author is "Underwood, Emma"

Fialas, Penelope C., Gilmour, Lia R. V., Vickress, Sophie, Underwood, Emma, Williams, Carol A., Miller, Helen and Lintott, Paul R. (2022) Sexual segregation occurs in bats within fragmented remnant woodlands in an agricultural landscape. Ecology and Evolution, 12(10), e9350. ISSN (online) 2045-7758
Borgerson, Cortni, Johnson, Steig E., Hall, Emma, Brown, Kerry A., Narváez-Torres, Pamela R., Rasolofoniaina, Be Jean Rodolph, Razafindrapaoly, Be Noel, Merson, Samuel D., Thompson, Katharine E. T., Holmes, Sheila M., Louis Jr, Edward E. and Golden, Christopher D. (2022) A national-level assessment of lemur hunting pressure in Madagascar. International Journal of Primatology, 43, pp. 92-113. ISSN (print) 0164-0291