Items where Kingston Author is "Preston, Anne"

Preston, Anne and Forman, Jane (2019) Students as decision makers in Midwifery student selection processes. In: UCL Education Conference 2019; 01 Apr 2019, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Giglitto, Danilo, Lazem, Shaimaa and Preston, Anne (2018) In the eye of the student : "An intangible cultural heritage experience, with a human-computer interaction twist". In: CHI 2018 : Engage with CHI; 21-26 Apr 2018, Montreal, Canada. ISBN 9781450356206
Lazem, Shaimaa, Giglitto, Danilo and Preston, Anne (2018) A tent, a pigeon house, and a pomegranate tree. Interactions, 25(2), pp. 18-20. ISSN (print) 1072-5520
Preston, Anne, Carr, Chris, Lazem, Shaimaa, Pursglove, Bradley, Kharrufa, Ahmed, Olivier, Patrick and Mitra, Sugata (2018) SOLE coding : towards a practitioner-led development framework for the teaching of computational thinking. In: Humble, Steve, (ed.) Creating the coding generation in primary schools : a practical guide for cross-curricular teaching. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 149-164. ISBN 9781138681187
Preston, Anne (2017) Lecturers in the spotlight : student supported video-mediated reflective practice. In: HEA Annual Conference 2017 - Generation TEF : Teaching in the spotlight; 04-06 Jul 2017, Manchester, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Price, Linda, Downward, Stuart, Lawrence, David, Avery, Barry, Preston, Anne, Dias Fonseca, Tania, Vyas, Nora, Lock, Nick, Alsop, Graham, Orwell, Suzan, Beardsmore, James and Casanova, Diogo (2017) Putting technology in the frame : multiple lenses on evidenced based practice in a university wide roll out. In: HEA Annual Conference 2017 - Generation TEF : Teaching in the spotlight; 04 - 06 Jul 2017, Manchester, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Vasilchenko, Anna, Green, David Philip, Qarabash, Haneen, Preston, Anne, Bartindale, Tom and Balaam, Madeline (2017) Media literacy as a by-product of collaborative video production by CS students. In: 2017 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education; 03-05 Jul 2017, Bologna, Italy. ISBN 9781450347044
Kharrufa, Ahmed, Rix, Sally, Osadchiy, Timur, Preston, Anne and Oliver, Patrick (2017) Group Spinner : recognizing and visualizing learning in the classroom for reflection, communication, and planning. In: ACM CHI 2017; 06-11 May 2017, Denver, U.S.A..
Dodds, Colin, Kharrufa, Ahmed, Preston, Anne, Preston, Catherine and Oliver, Patrick (2017) Remix portal : connecting classrooms with local music communities. In: C&T 2017 – Technology for the Common Good; 26-30 Jun 2017, Troyes, France. ISBN 9781450348546
Charlton, Patricia, Preston, Anne and Karagiannidis, Charalampos (2016) Use of the Curiosity Cabinet metaphor to support inclusive learning. In: DSAI 2016 : The 7th International Conference on Software Development and Technologies for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion; 01-03 Dec 2016, Villa Real, Portugal.
Lin, Mei, Preston, Anne, Kharrufa, Ahmed and Kong, Zhuoran (2016) Making L2 learners' reasoning skills visible : the potential of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Environments. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 22, pp. 303-322. ISSN (print) 1871-1871
Lazem, Shaimaa and Preston, Anne (2016) HCI living curriculum : perspectives from the Egyptian context. In: First African Conference for Human Computer Interaction, AfriCHI’16; 21 - 25 Nov 2016, Nairobi, Kenya. ISBN 9781450348300 (Unpublished)
Celina, Hanna, Kharrufa, Ahmed, Preston, Anne, Comber, Rob and Olivier, Patrick (2016) SOLE meets MOOC : designing infrastructure for online self-organised learning with a social mission. In: Designing Interactive Systems 2016; 04 - 08 Jun 2016, Brisbane, Australia.
Seedhouse, Paul, Preston, Anne and Olivier, Patrick (2016) Blending pedagogy, technology, skills and food : The French digital kitchen project. In: McCarthy, Michael, (ed.) The Cambridge guide to blended learning for language teaching. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 163-175. (Cambridge Guides Series) ISBN 9781316505113
Kharrufa, Ahmed, Preston, Anne, Howard, Daniel, Leat, David, Todd, Liz and Olivier, Patrick (2016) Commissioning learning resources : a platform for community driven curriculum. In: DML Digital Media and Learning Conference : Let's Build. Let's Design. Let's Solve.; 05-07 Oct 2016, Irvine, U.S.A.. (Unpublished)
Preston, Anne and Holmes, Diane (2016) Self advocacy SOLE toolkit : for communities of adults with diverse needs. (Manual) Newcastle University in association with the Workers Educational Association North East.
Preston, Anne (2015) Filling in the ‘Hole in the Wall’ : the pedagogical implications of digital technology and learning with a SOLE. The BERA Blog : Research Matters,
Preston, Anne, Balaam, Madeline, Seedhouse, Paul, Kurhila, Salla, Kotilainen, Lari, Rafiev, Ashur, Jackson, Daniel and Olivier, Patrick (2015) Can a kitchen teach languages? Linking theory and practice in the design of context-aware language learning environments. Smart Learning Environments, 2(9), ISSN (online) 2196-7091
Heslop, Philip, Preston, Anne, Kharrufa, Ahmed, Balaam, Madeline, Leat, David and Olivier, Patrick (2015) Evaluating digital tabletop collaborative writing in the classroom. In: INTERACT 2015 : Connection. Tradition. Innovation.; 14-18 Sep 2015, Bamberg, Germany.
Seedhouse, Paul, Preston, Anne, Olivier, Patrick, Dan, Jackson, Philip, Heslop, Madeline, Balaam, Rafiev, Ashur and Kipling, Matthew (2014) The European Digital Kitchen Project. Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature, 7(1), pp. 1-16. ISSN (online) 2013-6196
Lin, Mei, Preston, Anne, Kharrufa, Ahmed and Kong, Zhouran (2014) Collaborative enquiry through the tabletop for second/foreign language learners. In: EUROCALL 2014 : CALL Design : Principles and Practice; 20-23 Aug 2014, Groningen, The Netherlands.
Seedhouse, Paul, Preston, Anne, Olivier, Patrick, Jackson, Dan, Heslop, Phillip, Plötz, Thomas, Balaam, Madeline and Ali, Saandia (2013) The French digital kitchen : implementing task-based language teaching beyond the classroom. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching, 3(1), pp. 50-72. ISSN (print) 2155-7098
Hooper, Claire J., Preston, Anne, Balaam, Madeline, Seedhouse, Paul, Jackson, Daniel, Pham, Cuong, Ladha, Cassim, Ladha, Karim, Plötz, Thomas and Olivier, Patrick (2012) The French kitchen : task-based learning in an instrumented kitchen. In: 14th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing: Ubicomp 2012; 05-08 Sep 2012, Pittsburg, U.S..