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Green Infrastructure potentials – design pedagogy in the field

Brown, Pat (2016) Green Infrastructure potentials – design pedagogy in the field. In: Visual Spectacle & Tactile Texture of Urban Places; 29 Feb 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)


Landscape Interface Studio, Kingston University and ARUP’s Landscape Architecture team collaborated on an innovative shared project, ‘Cities Alive Workshop’, devised to trial interdisciplinary graduate and practitioner outdoor learning in the context of ARUP Cities Alive research report, undertaken by the ARUP Foresight Group. 12 post-graduate students from Kingston University’s Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture were invited to take part in the one-day ‘Cities Alive Workshop’ supported by Kingston University’s Centre for Higher Education Research and Practice (CHERP) to development a project that demonstrates our pedagogic approach. Pat Brown discussed this project at ‘The visual spectacle & tactile texture of urban places (in a changing climate)’, an event focused on exploring the impact of urban design – its form, morphology, aesthetics and materials used – on city dwellers’ sight and touch based sensory experiences in public spaces. This included two videos. The first video, Cities Alive: Rethinking Green Infrastructure is a brief discussion of the workshop topic and its importance in Landscape Architecture teaching and includes an interview with Tom Armour, Global Leader Landscape Architecture Arup and co-author of the ‘Cities Alive, Rethinking Green Infrastructure’ research report, 2014. The second video, Cities Alive: Rethinking Green Infrastructure Workshop is a record of the day-long workshop with interviews with participating students, Pat Brown and members of Arup’s Landscape Architecture team. Arup’s research report envisages cities of the future as integrated networks of intelligent green spaces, designed to improve the health and wellbeing of citizens. It was undertaken by Arup’s Foresight + Research + Innovation and Landscape Architecture teams who address global issues such as climate change, urban population growth, resource scarcity and risk of urban flooding.

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