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Wheat Seed and Agricultural Programming in Afghanistan: Its Potential to Impact on Livelihoods

Coke, Alexia (2004) Wheat Seed and Agricultural Programming in Afghanistan: Its Potential to Impact on Livelihoods. (Discussion Paper) Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit.


This report outlines the results of one of three combined “special studies,” conducted under the auspices of the European Commission-funded Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU) livelihoods monitoring research project. Data for this particular study were collected at the same time as two separate studies on water management and gender and livelihoods. Within the Afghanistan context, it is often assumed that rural livelihoods depend on agriculture and therefore that agricultural programming is one of the best ways of strengthening livelihoods. Because wheat seed programming is a common agricultural intervention which non-governmental organisations (NGOs) deliver in many different areas of Afghanistan, it was felt that investigation of the impact of wheat seed programming would be a useful way to test this assumption.

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