Items where Kingston Author is "Sloman, Martyn"

Sloman, Martyn (2014) Apprenticeships: silver bullet or hard slog? Industrial and Commercial Training, 46(3), pp. 117-123. ISSN (print) 0019-7858
Van der Merwe, John and Sloman, Martyn (2014) Training the trainer: lessons from the new South Africa. Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning, 4(1), pp. 17-30. ISSN (print) 2042-3896
Meyer, Helen and Sloman, Martyn (2014) What's keeping you awake at night? Challenges facing trainers in South Africa. Human Resource Development International, 17(1), pp. 98-109. ISSN (print) 1367-8868
Sloman, Martyn (2014) A long journey to a cul-de-sac: a reflection on UK Skills Policy. Human Resource Development International, 17(2), pp. 222-230. ISSN (print) 1367-8868
Sloman, Martyn (2011) A missing link: national economic aspirations and training and learning in firms. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43(6), pp. 343-348. ISSN (print) 0019-7858
Sloman, Martyn (2010) Policy and implementation vastly different animals. People and Performance, 18(4), pp. 12-15.
Sloman, Martyn and Malinen, Sanna (2010) One size doesn't fit all: the skills debate and the New Zealand economy. New Zealand Journal of Human Resource Management (NZJHRM), 10((2) Wint), pp. 83-98. ISSN (online) 1175-5407
Sloman, Martyn (2009) Preparing people for working in Antarctica: resourcing, learning and training at Antarctica New Zealand. Human Resources Institute of New Zealand (HRINZ) Knowledge Base,
Sloman, Martyn (2009) Training, skills and the recession. Human Resources Institute of New Zealand (HRINZ) Knowledge Base,
Sloman, Martyn (2009) Learning and technology - what have we learnt? Impact: Journal of Applied Research in Workplace E-learning, 1(1), pp. 12-26.
Sloman, Martyn (2007) Context, not culture - how trainers work round learner differences. Worldlink: magazine of the World Federation of Personnel Management Associations, 17(2), pp. 3-4.
Sloman, Martyn (2007) E-learning is still way off the pace. Training and Coaching Today, p. 22. ISSN (print) 1751-0805
Sloman, Martyn (2007) World standard. People Management, 13(6), pp. 38-40. ISSN (print) 1358-6297
Sloman, Martyn (2007) A new vocabulary for a new role. Training Journal(March), pp. 38-41. ISSN (print) 1465-6523
Sloman, Martyn (2007) Chinese puzzle. People Management, 13(1), pp. 40-43. ISSN (print) 1358-6297
Sloman, Martyn and Borsattino, Toni (2007) Barriers to progress in learning - a global convergence of concern? Development and Learning in Organizations, 21(2), pp. 14-16. ISSN (print) 1477-7282
Sloman, Martyn (2007) Making sense of blended learning. Industrial and Commercial Training, 39(6), pp. 315-318. ISSN (print) 0019-7858
Sloman, Martyn (2006) Just your cup of tea? People Management, 12(24), pp. 34-36. ISSN (print) 1358-6297
Sloman, Martyn (2006) E-learning and corporate training: a UK perspective. International Journal of Learning Technology, 2(4), pp. 329-341. ISSN (print) 1477-8386
Sloman, M. and Philpott, J. (2006) Training and learning in the knowledge and service economy. Journal of European Industrial Training, 30(3), pp. 240-250. ISSN (print) 0309-0590
Sloman, Martyn (2010) L&D 2020: a guide for the next decade. Training Journal. 34p.
Sloman, Martyn (2007) The changing world of the trainer: emerging good practice. Oxford, U.K. : Butterworth-Heinemann. 290p. ISBN 0750680539
Sloman, Martyn (2003) Training in the age of the learner. London, UK : Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. 125p. ISBN 0852929919
Sloman, Martyn (2001) The e-learning revolution: from propositions to action. London, U.K. : Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. 202p. ISBN 0852928734
Sloman, Martyn (1999) A handbook for training strategy. 2nd ed. Aldershot, U.K. : Gower. 287p. ISBN 0566081288
Book Section
Sloman, Martyn (2011) E-learning: a positive skeptic’s journey into night? In: Allen, Michael, (ed.) Michael Allen's 2012 e-learning annual. San Francisco, U.S. : Pfeiffer. pp. 235-244. ISBN 9780470913826
Sloman, Martyn (2008) Going forward with e-HR: what have we learned and what must we become? In: Martin, Graeme , Reddington, Martin and Alexander, Heather, (eds.) Technology, outsourcing and transforming HR. Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann. pp. 289-308. (The advanced HR practitioner series) ISBN 9780750686457
Sloman, Martyn (2005) Customised e-learning at B&Q. In: Jacobs, Ronald L. and Osman-Gani, AAhad M., (eds.) Workplace training and learning: cases from cross-cultural perspectives. Singapore : Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN 9810675577
Sloman, Martyn (2008) Training and its significance in the workplace. (Project Report) London, U.K. : Government Office for Science. (State-of-Science Review, no. SR-C9)