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Little sweep: alive and kicking in a little Italian theare. Performance review of 'Il Piccolo Spazzacamino' [The little sweep: let's make an opera] composed by Benjamin Britten, 30th July 2013, Macerata Opera Festival, Teatro Lauro Rossi

Minors, Helen Julia [Reviewer] (2014) Little sweep: alive and kicking in a little Italian theare. Performance review of 'Il Piccolo Spazzacamino' [The little sweep: let's make an opera] composed by Benjamin Britten, 30th July 2013, Macerata Opera Festival, Teatro Lauro Rossi. Translating Music,


The AHRC network, Translating Music, spent two weeks in Macerata, Italy, working within the Mascerata Opera Festival. These reviews respond to the new productions within the 2013 festival. Resources and publications, including these reviews, are available at

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Macerata Reviews 1.pdf

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