Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Statistics and operational research"

Craparo, Giuseppe, Magnano, Paola, Paolillo, Anna and Costantino, Valentina (2018) The Subjective Risk Intelligence scale. The development of a new scale to measure a new construct. Current Psychology, 37(4), pp. 966-981. ISSN (print) 1046-1310
Hunter, Gordon, Davis, Mastaneh and Ruvinga, Stenford (2018) A quantitative investigation into student progression in STEM subjects at a post-92 UK university. In: Demographic gaps in recruitment, retention and attainment: what is really going on?; 22 August 2018, University of Sheffield, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Walford, Nigel (2018) Using contemporary and historical Census data to explore micro-scale population change in parts of London. In: Stillwell, John, (ed.) The Routledge handbook of census resources, methods and applications: unlocking the UK 2011 census. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 435-450. (International population studies) ISBN 9781472475886
Wang, Chao [Software producer] (2018) MC: Stata module to calculate a matched concordance index. RePEc IDEAS.