Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Social work and social policy and administration"

Abbott, Simon (2020) Navigating practice at the interface between mental health and social care law. In: Braye, Suzy and Preston-Shoot, Michael, (eds.) The Care Act 2014 : wellbeing in practice. London, U.K. : Learning Matters. pp. 113-128. (Transforming Social Work Practice) ISBN 9781526446879
Akhtar, Farrukh and Ruch, Gillian (2020) Editorial. Journal of Social Work Practice, 34(2), pp. 123-124. ISSN (print) 0265-0533
Akhtar, Farrukh and Ruch, Gillian, eds. (2020) Holding the paradox : relationship based practice in a global context. Taylor and Francis. 96p. (Journal of Social Work Practice, (34(2))) ISSN (print) 0265-0533
Brady, Dermot [Reviewer] (2020) Book Review of: 'Social work for lazy radical : relationship building, critical thinking and courage in practice' by Jane Fenton. Practice, 32(5), pp. 409-411. ISSN (print) 0950-3153
Darbyshire, Penelope (2020) Darbyshire on the English Legal System. London, U.K. : Sweet & Maxwell. 483p. ISBN 9780414075238
Hood, Rick, Gorin, Sarah, Goldacre, Allie, Muleya, Wilson and Bywaters, Paul (2020) Exploring drivers of demand for child protection services in an English local authority. Child & Family Social Work, 25(3), pp. 657-664. ISSN (print) 1356-7500
Hood, Rick, Goldacre, Allie, Gorin, Sarah, Bywaters, Paul and Webb, Calum (2020) Identifying and understanding the link between system conditions and welfare inequalities in children's social care services : Final Report. (Project Report) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Kingston University and St Georges, University of London. 107 p. (Unpublished)
Hood, Rick, Goldacre, Allie, Gorin, Sarah and Bywaters, Paul (2020) Screen, ration and churn : demand management and the crisis in children's social care. The British Journal of Social Work, 50(3), pp. 868-889. ISSN (print) 0045-3102
Hood, Rick (2020) The challenges facing children : what's driving the demand for children's services. In: Westminster Education Forum keynote seminar : Children's services in England - inspection, effective multi-agency working and innovation in delivery; 03 Jun 2020, Online. (Unpublished)
Humphry, Debbie (2020) From residualisation to individualization? Social tenants' experiences in post-Olympics East Village. Housing, Theory and Society, 37(4), pp. 458-480. ISSN (print) 1403-6096
Jones, Ray (2020) 1970-2020 : a fifty year history the personal social services and social work in England and across the United Kingdom. Social Work and Social Sciences Review, 21(3), ISSN (print) 0953-5225
Jones, Ray (2020) Book Review of: 'Strengths-based child protection : firm, fair and friendly' by Carolyn Oliver. The British Journal of Social Work, 50(6), pp. 1932-1934. ISSN (print) 0045-3102
Jones, Ray (2020) Claims of 'revolution' grossly exaggerated. Professional Social Work, DecJan, pp. 32-33. ISSN (print) 1352-3112
Jones, Ray (2020) Four key ingredients of shared services. Children & Young People Now, p. 32. ISSN (print) 1755-8093
Jones, Ray (2020) Half-century is an opportunity to hail social work's role in society's changes. The Guardian Social life blog,
Jones, Ray (2020) How social work's '50th birthday' illustrates importance of practitioners shaping the profession. Community Care,
Jones, Ray (2020) Review of "De-Professionalism and Austerity : Challenges for the Public Sector". The British Journal of Social Work, bcaa101. ISSN (print) 1468-263X
Jones, Ray (2020) A history of the personal social services in England : feast, famine and the future. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan. 494p. ISBN 9783030461232
Jones, Ray (2020) The impact and scandal and inquiries on social work and the personal social services. In: Bamford, Terry and Bilton, Keith, (eds.) Social work : past, present and future. Bristol, U.K. : Policy Press. pp. 191-212. ISBN 9781447356530
Jones, Ray (2020) A timely and powerful call for evidence-informed practice. Book Review of: 'What works now? Evidence-informed policy and practice' by Annette Boaz, Huw Davies, Alec Fraser & Sandra Nutley. Professional Social Work, June, p. 32. ISSN (print) 1352-3112
Jones, Ray (2020) The welfare state is being unwound as services are wrenched from communities. Guardian Society,
Macioti, P. G., Aroney, Eurydice, Bennachie, Calum, Fehrenbacher, Anne E., Giametta, Calogero, Hoefinger, Heidi, Mai, Nicola and Musto, Jennifer (2020) Framing the Mother Tac : the racialised, sexualised and gendered politics of modern slavery in Australia. Social Sciences, 9(11), e192. ISSN (print) 2076-0760
Miyano, Kosei, Shinkuma, Ryoichi, Shiode, Narushige, Shiode, Shino, Sato, Takehiro and Oki, Eiji (2020) Multi-UAV allocation framework for predictive crime deterrence and data acquisition. Internet of Things, 11, p. 100205. ISSN (print) 2542-6605
Naeem, Rahat (2020) A study of homelessness and migration in northern rural and urban centres in the Near North, Ontario, Canada, using GIS techniques. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Plant, Sharla [Interviewer] and Jones, Ray [Interviewee] (2020) Ray Jones on the Achievements and Challenges of Social Work in the UK. (Podcast, interview). Palgrave Macmillan. (20:23) (Social Science Matters)
Robinson, Zoe Marie, Marsden, Daniel, Abdulla, Sam and Dowling, Florence (2020) Supporting people with learning disabilities who identify as LGBT to express their sexual and gender identities. Learning Disability Practice, 23(6), pp. 24-31. ISSN (print) 1465-8712
Shiode, Shino and Shiode, Narushige (2020) Crime geosurveillance in microscale urban environments : NetSurveillance. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 110(5), pp. 1386-1406. ISSN (print) 2469-4452
Shiode, Shino and Shiode, Narushige (2020) A network-based scan statistic for detecting the exact location and extent of hotspots along urban streets. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 83, p. 101500. ISSN (print) 0198-9715
Szwarc, Stephanie and Lindsay, Jane (2020) How do statutory social workers respond to feedback on their practice? A small scale study undertaken in children's services of three English local authorities. Social Work Education, 39(7), pp. 940-956. ISSN (print) 0261-5479
Tong, Stephen and Green, Tracey (2020) Police learning in the context of change and diversity. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 14(2), pp. 295-299. ISSN (print) 1752-4512
Zoccatelli, Giulia, Desai, Amit, Martin, Graham, Brearley, Sally, Murrels, Trevor and Robert, Glenn (2020) Enabling 'citizen voice' in the English health and social care system : a national survey of the organizational structures, relationships and impacts of local Healthwatch in England. Health Expectations, 23(5), pp. 1108-1117. ISSN (print) 1369-6513