Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Social work and social policy and administration"

Clifton, Jenny and Hodgson, David (1997) Rethinking practice through a children's rights perspective. In: Cannan, Crescy and Warren, Chris, (eds.) Social action for children and families. London, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 43-65. ISBN 0415131510
Elliott, Nigel (1997) The qualification of probation officers: thoughts for the future. Probation Journal, 44(4), pp. 205-210. ISSN (print) 0264-5505
Fionda, Julia (1997) Book Review of: Juvenile deliquents and young people in danger in an open environment edited by Willie McCarney. King's College Law Journal, 8, pp. 173-174. ISSN (print) 0961-5768
Jones, Ray (1997) Bringing it all back together : integrating health and social care. Primary Care, 10(7), pp. 7-8.
Jones, Ray (1997) Realising the potential. In: Iles, Valerie and Meads, Geoff, (eds.) Health and Social Services in Primary Care: An Effective Combination? London, U.K. : Financial Times Health Care. pp. 9-13. ISBN 044305911x
Ross, Fiona (1997) Book Review of: Changing services for older people by Alan Walker and Lorna Warren. Journal of Social Policy, 26(2), pp. 290-291. ISSN (print) 0047-2794