Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Psychiatry, neuroscience and clinical psychology"

Binello, A., Mannan, S. and Ruddock, K. (1995) The characteristics of eye movements made during visual search with multi-element stimuli. Spatial Vision, 9(3), pp. 343-362. ISSN (print) 1878-4755
Mannan, S., Ruddock, K. and Wooding, D. (1995) Automatic control of saccadic eye movements made in visual inspection of briefly presented 2-D images. Spatial Vision, 9(3), pp. 363-386. ISSN (print) 1878-4755
Mannan, S., Ruddock, K. and Wright, J. (1995) Eye movements and response times for the detection of line orientation during visual search. In: Findlay, J. , Walker, R. and Kentridge, R., (eds.) Eye movement research: mechanisms, processes and applications. Amsterdam : The Netherlands. pp. 337-348. (Studies in visual information processing, (6)) ISBN 9780444814739