Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Primary care and other community based clinical subjects"

Bennett, Madeleine, Walters, Kate, Drennan, Vari and Buszewicz, Marta (2013) Structured Pro-Active Care for Chronic Depression by Practice Nurses in Primary Care: A Qualitative Evaluation. PLoS ONE, 8(9), pp. 1-8. ISSN (online) 1932-6203
Harris, Tess, Kerry, Sally, Victor, Christina, Ekelund, Ulf, Woodcock, Alison, Iliffe, Steve, Whincup, Peter, Beighton, Carole, Ussher, Michael, David, Lee, Brewin, Debbie, Adams, Fredrika, Rogers, Annabelle and Cook, Derek (2013) Randomised controlled trial of a complex intervention by primary care nurses to increase walking in patients aged 60-74 years: protocol of the PACE-Lift (Pedometer Accelerometer Consultation Evaluation - Lift) trial. BMC Public Health, 13(5), ISSN (online) 1471-2458
Odeh, Bassel, Kayyali, Reem, Nabhani, Shereen, Philip, Nada, Wallace, Catherine, Wigmore, Belinda, Robinson, Patricia and Griffiths, Christine (2013) Impact of telehealth on patients' outcomes : a patients' perceptions evaluation study. In: Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) Annual Conference 2013; 08-09 Sep 2013, Birmingham, U.K..
Stroubouki, Theodora G. [Reviewer] (2013) Book Review of 'Translation of evidence into nursing and health care practice' by Kathleen M. White & Sharon Dudley-Brown. Nurse Education in Practice, 13(1), p. 10. ISSN (print) 1471-5953