Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Physics"

Aveyard, R., Binks, B.P., Clint, J.H., Fletcher, P.D.I., Neumann, B., Paunov, V.N., Annesley, J., Botchway, S.W., Parker, A.W., Ward, A.D.W. and Burgess, A.N. (2002) Drag forces on a stationary particle in flowing two-dimensional ordered particle monolayers: simulation and measurement using optical tweezers. Langmuir, 18(24), 9587 -9593. ISSN (print) 0743-7463
Blumstengel, S., Meinardi, F., Spearman, P., Borghesi, A., Tubino, R. and Chirico, G. (2002) Exciton interactions in oligophenyl nanoaggregates and single crystals. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 117(9), pp. 4517-4525. ISSN (print) 0021-9606
Kasprzak, Henryk and Pierscionek, Barbara Krystyna (2002) Modelling the gravitational sag of the cornea and the subsequent quality of the refracted image. Journal of Modern Optics, 49(13), pp. 2153-2166. ISSN (print) 0950-0340
Loussaief, N., Hassine, L., Boutabba, N., Kouki, F., Spearman, P., Garnier, F. and Bouchriha, H. (2002) Theoretical and experimental study of photocurrent action spectrum of ITO/sexithiophene/Al structure. Synthetic Metals, 128(3), pp. 283-287. ISSN (print) 0379-6779
Pierscionek, Barbara, Green, Roger J. and Dolgobrodov, Sergey G. (2002) Retinal images seen through a cataractous lens modeled as a phase-aberrating screen. Optical Society of America. Journal A: Optics, Image Science, and Vision, 19(8), pp. 1491-1500. ISSN (print) 1084-7529
Sassella, A., Borghesi, A., Spearman, P. and Tavazzi, S. (2002) Stray-light induced artefacts in absorption spectra of crystalline oligothiophenes. The European Physical Journal B, 28(4), pp. 385-388. ISSN (print) 1434-6028
Zimnyakov, Dmitry A., Briers, J. David and Tuchin, Valery V. (2002) Speckle technologies for monitoring and imaging of tissues and tissue-like phantoms. In: Tuchin, Valery V., (ed.) Handbook of optical biomedical diagnostics. SPIE. pp. 987-1036. ISBN 9780819442383