Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Nursing and midwifery"

Chu, L., Eberhardie, C., Forte, D., Green, S., Jadva-Patel, H., McLaren, S., Nathan, D. and Rush, S. (1999) An audit of measuring equipment in elderly care. Professional Nurse, 14(7), pp. 463-466. ISSN (print) 0266-8130
Davies, N. (1999) Developing the roles of F-grade team leaders. Advancing Clinical Nursing, 3(3), pp. 113-125. ISSN (print) 1465-5241
Drennan, V. and Levenson, R. (1999) Community care. Blurred vision. The Health service journal, 109(5667), pp. 22-23. ISSN (print) 0952-2271
Fox, Valerie, Gould, Dinah, Davies, Nigel and Owen, Suzanne (1999) Patients’ experiences of having an underwater seal chest drain: a replication study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 8(6), pp. 684-692. ISSN (print) 0962-1067
Green, S. M., Winterberg, H., Franks, P. J., Moffatt, C. J., Eberhardie, C. and McLaren, S. (1999) Nutritional intake in community patients with pressure ulcers. Journal of wound care, 8(7), pp. 325-330. ISSN (print) 0969-0700
Ioannides, Andreas P. (1999) The nurse teacher's clinical role now and in the future. Nurse Education Today, 19(3), pp. 207-214. ISSN (print) 0260-6917
Lord, J., Victor, C., Littlejohns, P., Ross, F.M. and Axford, J.S. (1999) Economic evaluation of a primary care-based education programme for patients with osteo-arthritis of the knee. Health Technology Assessment, 3(23), ISSN (print) 1366-5278
Lui, May H.L. and Mackenzie, Ann E. (1999) Chinese elderly patients' perceptions of their rehabilitation needs following a stroke. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 30(2), pp. 391-400. ISSN (print) 0309-2402
Mcniece, Rosie and Majeed, Azeem (1999) Socioeconomic differences in general practice consultation rates in patients aged 65 and over: prospective cohort study. British Medical Journal (BMJ), 319(7201), pp. 26-28. ISSN (print) 0959-8138
Millar, Elaine, Garland, Carol, Ross, Fiona, Kendrick, Tony and Burns, Tom (1999) Practice nurses and the care of patients receiving depot neuroleptic treatment: views on training, confidence and use of structured assessment. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 29(6), pp. 1454-1461. ISSN (print) 0309-2402
Ponto, Maria T. (1999) Relationship between students' locus of control and satisfaction. British Journal of Nursing, 8(3), pp. 176-181. ISSN (print) 0966-0461
Quinn, T. (1999) Thrombolysis in accident and emergency: The exception not the rule. Are we denying patients lifesaving treatment? Accident and Emergency Nursing, 7(1), pp. 39-41. ISSN (print) 0965-2302
Redfern, Sally J. and Ross, Fiona M., eds. (1999) Nursing older people. 3rd ed. Edinburgh, U.K. : Churchill Livingstone. 688p. ISBN 0443058741
Rhodes, M.A. and Quinn, T. (1999) A pilot survey to investigate the nursing contribution to hospital-based patient assessment for thrombolytic therapy in the West Midlands. Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing, 3(1), pp. 47-53. ISSN (print) 1361-9004
Ross, Fiona (1999) Community care policies for older people. In: Redfern, Sally J. and Ross, Fiona M., (eds.) Nursing older people. 3rd ed. Edinburgh, U.K. : Churchill Livingstone. pp. 97-110. ISBN 0443058741
Ross, Fiona and Elliott, Margaret (1999) Nursing research in primary care. In: Carter, Yvonne and Thomas, Cathryn, (eds.) Research opportunities in primary care. Abingdon : Radcliffe Medical. ISBN 1857752422
Ross, Fiona (1999) Nursing: responding to the primary care-led NHS. In: Sims, Jane, (ed.) Primary health care sciences. London, U.K. : Whurr. pp. 43-61. ISBN 1861561032
Ross, Fiona and Victor, Christina (1999) Primary health care and older people. In: Redfern, Sally J. and Ross, Fiona M., (eds.) Nursing older people. 3rd ed. Edinburgh, U.K. : Churchill Livingstone. pp. 81-96. ISBN 0443058741
Ross, Fiona M. and Redfern, Sally J. (1999) Reflections. In: Redfern, Sally J. and Ross, Fiona M., (eds.) Nursing older people. 3rd ed. Edinburgh, U.K. : Churchill Livingstone. pp. 619-632. ISBN 0443058741
Sheridan, V. (1999) Skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth. The Practising Midwife, 2(9), pp. 23-28. ISSN (print) 1461-3123
Stanley, Robert (1999) Learning disabilities: supporting nurses in delivering primary care. British Journal of Nursing, 8(13), pp. 866-70. ISSN (print) 0966-0461
Tennant, Shirley M. (1999) Nursing to care or caring to nurse: a qualitative investigation of perceptions of new recruits. Nurse Education Today, 19(3), pp. 239-245. ISSN (print) 0260-6917