Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Music"

Ben-Tal, Oded [Composer] (2016) Sonata (Scarlatti, Schubert, Scriabin). (electronic music).
Brooker, Will and Hughes, Rebecca (2016) Being Bowie. (audiovisual essay).
Evans, Alex [Creator], Osborn, David [Creator] and Gatt, Michael [Performer] (2016) Follow the Sun concert.
Ewers, Tim [Composer] (2016) From The Deep. (Musical Score). Sibelius File. (Unpublished)
Ewers, Tim [Composer] (2016) Ghost Sonata. (Musical Score). Sibelius Score and QuickTime Video. (Unpublished)
Ewers, Tim [Composer] (2016) Stop, Start, Slip, Slide. (Musical Composition). (Unpublished)
Gatt, Michael (2016) OREMA : an analytical community. In: Emmerson, Simon and Landy, Leigh, (eds.) Expanding the horizon of electroacoustic music analysis. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 148-169. ISBN 9781107118324
Hunt, Andrew [Curator] (2016) Scott King : Keep the home fires burning and Mother and Child (Luton). Scott King : Keep the home fires burning and Mother and Child (Luton). .
Johnson, D. M. (2016) Towards weird realism in music : an investigation into composing with improvisation and found objects. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Linton, David (2016) English West End Revue : World War One and after. In: Gordon, Robert and Jubin, Olaf, (eds.) The Oxford handbook of the British musical. New York, U.S. : Oxford University Press. pp. 143-170. ISBN 9780199988747
Minors, Helen Julia [Reviewer] (2016) Book Review of: 'Modernist mysteries : Persephone' by Tamara Levitz. H-France Review, 16(56), ISSN (online) 1553-9172
Minors, Helen Julia and Taylor, Lucy (2016) Found and/or lost in translation : music speaking across borders. In: Translation and Music; 08 Jun 2016, Cambridge, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Minors, Helen Julia (2016) Found in translation - RANT - how does music mean? In: RANT - institute for composing at Club Inegale; 19 May 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Minors, Helen Julia and Jordan, Stephanie (2016) Interrelationships in and between music and dance : analysing music-dance gesture. In: Cultural Histories at Kingston 15-16; 27 Apr 2016, Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Minors, Helen Julia, Burnard, Pamela, Shihabi, Zaina and Wiffen, Charles (2016) Mapping trends and framing issues in higher music education : changing minds/challenging practices. In: 32nd International Conference of the International Society of Music Education [ISME2016]; 24 - 29 Jul 2016, Glasgow, U.K..
Minors, Helen Julia (2016) Mediating cultures and musics : researching an intercultural production of ' A Midsummer night’s dream '. In: Burnard, Pamela , MacKinley, Elizabeth and Powell, Kimberly, (eds.) The Routledge international handbook of intercultural arts research. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 417-430. (Routledge international handbooks) ISBN 9781138909939
Minors, Helen Julia (2016) Music and dance : relating score and choreography. In: Roehampton University Music and Dance Lectures; 01 Mar 2017, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Minors, Helen Julia (2016) Redefining intercultural musicology as a mode of artistic and cultural translation : reassessing the National Gallery's Soundscapes exhibition (2015). In: Edinburgh College Music Research Seminar Series; 12 Sep 2016, Edinburgh, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Minors, Helen Julia (2016) Redefining intercultural musicology as a mode of artistic and cultural translation: reassessing the National Gallery’s soundscapes exhibition (2015), with critical comparison to 'Pictures at Our Exhibition', Aldworth Philharmonic Orchestra (2016). In: Building Interdisciplinary Bridges Across Cultures (BIBAC2016); 30 Jul - 01 Aug 2016, Cambridge, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Minors, Helen Julia (2016) Responding to the Teaching Excellent Framework Green Paper. In: Research Students' Conference and British Forum for Ethnomusicology Conference; 06 - 08 Jan 2016, Bangor, Wales. (Unpublished)
Minors, Helen Julia (2016) Score Preface: Vincent d'Indy, Poemes des rivages Op. 77. In: Musikproduktion Jurgen Hoflich, (ed.) Poemes des Rivages Op. 77: Study score 1780. Munich, Germany : Musik Produktion Jurgen Hoflich.
Minors, Helen Julia [Composer] (2016) 'This….' Kingston Soundpainting Ensemble Performance. Kingston Onstage 2016.
Palmer, Helen and Chalkin, Vikki (2016) Beyonce and a button montage : the irreverence of queer clowning. In: PoP Moves Conference 2016 : Im/mediate Bodies : Materiality and Mediation in Popular Culture; 15 Oct 2016, Kingston, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Potter, Caroline (2016) Dutilleux et les "Sonnets" resistants de Jean Cassou [Dutilleux and Jean Cassou's "Sonnets" of the resistance]. Dutilleux 2016,
Potter, Caroline (2016) Erik Satie : a Parisian composer and his world. Woodbridge, U.K. : Boydell Press. 303p. ISBN 9781783270835
Potter, Caroline (2016) Henri Dutilleux, haunted by Baudelaire. Baudelaire Song Project Blog,
Price, Elizabeth [Artist] (2016) A RESTORATION. .
Searby, Michael (2016) Humour in opera: a case study of Ligeti’s use of humour in his opera 'Le Grand Macabre'. In: Campos, Luis and Schopf, Fiona Jane, (eds.) Music on Stage. Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 258-270. 2 ISBN 9781443896863
Searby, Michael (2016) The significance of timbre as a structural component in selected works by Ligeti. In: Ligeti's Legacy in Retrospect; 26 - 27 May 2016, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. (Unpublished)
Sturm, Bob L., Santos, Joao Felipe, Ben-Tal, Oded and Korshunova, Iryana (2016) Music transcription modelling and composition using deep learning. In: 1st Conference on Computer Simulation of Musical Creativity; 17 - 19 Jun 2016, Huddersfield, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Van Elferen, Isabella (2016) Sonic Horror. Horror Studies, 7(2), pp. 165-172. ISSN (print) 2040-3275
Van Elferen, Isabella (2016) Sonic monstrosity. Horror Studies, 7(2), pp. 307-318. ISSN (print) 2040-3275
White, Meredith [Composer] (2016) Actual Bodily Harm. (Jazz trio). Musical score. (Unpublished)
White, Meredith [Composer] (2016) Everybody's Waltz. (Jazz trio). (Unpublished)
White, Meredith [Composer] (2016) Like a Terrapin. (Solo piano). Performance/Musical score. (Unpublished)
White, Meredith [Composer] (2016) More of the Sane. (Jazz trio). (Unpublished)
Young, Margaret, Stephens-Himonides, Cynthia and Hilley, Martha (2016) Shifting the paradigm : leading curricular changes in keyboard skills training for the 21st century professional musician. In: 21st International Seminar of the ISME Commission on the Education of the Professional Musician; 20-23 July 2016, Fife, U.K..
van Elferen, Isabella (2016) Analyzing game musical immersion : the ALI model. In: Kamp, Michiel , Summers, Tim and Sweeney, Mark, (eds.) Ludomusicology: approaches to video game music. Sheffield, U.K. : Equinox. pp. 32-52. (Genre, Music and Sound) ISBN 9781781791974
van Elferen, Isabella and Weinstock, Jeffrey Andrew (2016) Goth music : from sound to subculture. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. 162p. (Routledge Studies in Popular Music) ISBN 9780415720045
van Elferen, Isabella (2016) Hyper-cacophony : Lovecraft, speculative realism, and sonic materialism. In: Sederholm, Carl H. and Weinstock, Jeffrey Andrew, (eds.) The age of Lovecraft. Univ Of Minnesota Press. ISBN 9780816699254