Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Music"

Archbold, Paul [Composer] (2000) Aurium. (music). BMIC.
Ewers, Tim [Composer] (2000) Moondrunk for solo soprano. (Music).
Ewers, Tim [Composer] (2000) Solitaire. (music).
Glauert, Amanda (2000) Beethoven's songs and vocal style. In: Stanley, Glenn, (ed.) The Cambridge companion to Beethoven. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 186-199. (Cambridge companions to music) ISBN 0521589347
Glauert, Amanda (2000) "Ich singe wie der Vogel singt": reflections on nature and genre in Wolf's setting of Goethe's Der Sanger. Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 125(2), pp. 271-286. ISSN (print) 0269-0403
Glauert, Amanda (2000) "When sounds stir within me I always hear the full orchestra": finding the compositional voice in Beethoven's songs. Arietta, 2, pp. 19-24. ISSN (print) 1465-9387
Pamplin, Terence M (2000) The Baroque baryton: the origin and development in the 17th century of a solo, self-accompanying, bowed and plucked instrument played from tabulature. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Pearson, Ingrid (2000) Playing historical clarinets. In: Lawson, Colin, (ed.) The early clarinet: a practical guide. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 41-62. (Cambridge handbooks to the historical perfomance of music) ISBN 0521624665
Searby, Michael and Ewers, Tim (2000) Peer assessment in composition. In: Hunter, Desmond and Russ, Michael, (eds.) Peer learning in music. Newtownabbey, Northern Ireland : University of Ulster. pp. 106-114. ISBN 1859231438
Sturrock, Kathron [Performer] and Rorem, Ned [Composer] (2000) Bright music. Fishguard International Music Festival. July 2000, Fishguard, UK.
Sturrock, Kathron [Performer] and Schwartz, Elliot [Composer] (2000) Vienna dreams. (CD recording). New World Records.