Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Music"

Boehm, Carola and Arnold, Stephen (1999) SMaTBaM!: serving time-based media in the performing arts. In: International Computer Music Conference; 22-28 Oct 1999, Beijing, China. ISBN 0966792718
Brummer, L [Composer] (1999) Le temps s'ouvre. (Video and 4-channel audio).
Brummer, L [Composer] (1999) ->Thrill<-. (4-channel audio).
Ewers, Tim [Composer] (1999) Rainy days and holidays. (music).
Glauert, Amanda (1999) Hugo Wolf and the Wagnerian inheritance. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. 161p. ISBN 0521496373
Jones, Kevin (1999) Splitting cells, virtual sculptures and a system for carving up musical space. In: Lasker, George E. and Rhodes, James, (eds.) Systems research in arts: Musicology. Windsor, Ontario, Canada : International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics. pp. 20-25. 1 ISBN 0921836961
Millward, Frank [Composer] (1999) Dining with Alice. (Score).
Millward, Frank [Composer] (1999) Timelines: yesterdays, todays, tomorrows. (Composition for DJ and Orchestra).
Millward, Frank [Composer] (1999) The fair go. (Soundtrack).
Pearson, Ingrid (1999) Verfolgt vom Klang der Klarinette seines Vaters - uber Blatt-Position, Ferruccio Busoni und die Klarinette des 19. Jahrhunderts. Tibia - Magazin für Holzbläser (Tibia - The Woodwind Periodical), 24(12), pp. 605-611. ISSN (print) 0176-6511
Potter, Caroline (1999) Nadia and Lili Boulanger: sister composers. The Musical Quarterly, 83(4), pp. 536-556. ISSN (print) 0027-4631
Robertson, Chika (1999) Twentieth-century violin technique: a new pedagogical approach. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Searby, Michael [Composer] (1999) Two images. (Music). Hong Kong : Hugo.
Sturrock, Kathron [Performer] and Rawsthorne, Alan [Composer] (1999) Concerto for 10 instruments. (CD recording). ASV Ltd.
Sturrock, Kathron [Performer] and Easterbrook, Giles [Composer] (1999) Warwick light. Warwick Light. 1999, Insitutute of Contemporary Arts, London.