Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Music"

Crosskey, Alan Graham (1998) Harmony and tonality in the music of Franz Liszt with particular reference to the Sonata in B minor. (MPhil thesis), Kingston University, .
Evans, Alex [Composer], Hogg, John [Composer], Genokey, Sean [Composer] and Morgan, John [Composer] (1998) In your dreams. (Song). London, U.K. : Dorado Records. CD.
Evans, Alex [Composer], Hogg, John [Composer], Genockey, Sean [Composer] and Morgan, John [Composer] (1998) Wheel In Motion. (music). London, U.K. : Dorado Records. CD.
Ewers, Tim [Composer] (1998) Geometric designs. (music). Version 2.
Jones, Kevin [Composer] (1998) Passing the summer at the thatched hall of the inkwell. (Score).
Searby, Michael [Composer] (1998) Lament and dance for solo trumpet. (Music). Oakham, U.K. : Brass Wind Publications.
Searby, Michael [Composer] (1998) Two images. (Music).