Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Music"

Searby, M. (1997) Ligeti the post-modernist? Tempo, 1997(199), pp. 9-15. ISSN (print) 0040-2982
Searby, Mike (1997) Book Review of: American pioneers by Alan Rich. Tempo, 199, pp. 42-43. ISSN (print) 0040-2982
Searby, Mike and Ewers, Tim (1997) An evaluation of the use of peer assessment in higher education: a case study in the School of Music, Kingston University. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 22(4), pp. 371-383. ISSN (print) 0260-2938
Potter, Caroline (1997) Henri Dutilleux, his life and works. Aldershot, U.K. : Ashgate. 236p. ISBN 1859283306
Brummer, L [Composer] (1997) Lizard Point. (Audio for video).
Brummer, L [Composer] (1997) Phrenos. (4-channel soundfile). CD.
Conference or Workshop Item
Malloch, Stephen, Arnold, Stephen and Pflicke, Torsten (1997) Using Java to stream audio over ATM. In: International Computer Music Conference; 25 - 30 Sep 1997, Thessaloniki, Greece. ISBN 0966792734
Akuno, Emily Achieng' (1997) The use of indigenous Kenyan children's songs for the development of a primary school music curriculum for Kenya. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .