Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Mechanical, aeronautical and manufacturing engineering"

Adjali, H., Davies, M. and Littler, J. (1998) Three-dimensional earth-contact heat flows: a comparison of simulated and measured data for a buried structure. In: World Renewable Energy Conference; Sept, 1998, Florence, Italy.
Adjali, M.H., Davies, M. and Littler, J. (1998) Review paper - Earth-contact heat flows: Review and application of design guidance prediction. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 19(3), pp. 111-121. ISSN (print) 0143-6244
Askari, M.R. and Davis, R. (1998) Development and application of computer software for simulation of vibration analysis in education. In: International Conference on Simulation; 30 Sep - 02 Oct 1998, York, UK. ISSN (online) 0537-9989
Bao, Y., Zhang, T. and Gawne, D.T. (1998) Analysis of residual stress generated during plasma spraying of glass coatings. In: 15th International Thermal Spray Conference; 25-29 May 1998, Nice, France. (Proceedings of the 15th International Thermal Spray Conference)
Bao, Y., Zhang, T. and Gawne, D.T. (1998) The mechanism of crack formation in plasma sprayed enamel. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing, 76(6), pp. 213-216. ISSN (print) 0020-2967
Curley, AJ, Jethwa, JK, Kinloch, AJ and Taylor, AC (1998) The fatigue and durability behaviour of automotive adhesives part III: predicting the service life. Journal of Adhesion, 66(1-4), pp. 39-59. ISSN (print) 0021-8464
Gawne, D.T., Zhang, T. and Bao, Y. (1998) Degradation of in-flight PMMA particles during thermal spraying. In: 15th International Thermal Spray Conference; 25-29 May 1998, Nice, France. (Proceedings of the 15th International Thermal Spray Conference)
Hadavinia, H., Steidler, S, Durodola, J. and Beevers, A. (1998) Stiffness Sensitivity of Adhesive bonded coach joints in automotive structures. In: Structural adhesives in engineering. 5th International Conference; 1-3 April 1998, Bristol, UK. ISBN 9781861250667
Kennedy, T., Self, D., Self, A. and Safa, M. (1998) The use of simulation techniques in the design and manufacture ofsatellites. In: Simulation '98; 30 Sept - 2nd Oct 1998, York, UK. (IEE Conference Publication Series, no. 457) ISSN (print) 0537-9989 ISBN 0852967098
Lilley, P. A., Mason, P.J. and Blunn, G. W. (1998) In vitro generation of replacement knee wear by simulation. In: International Conference on Simulation; 30 Sept - 2 Oct 1998, York, U.K.. ISSN (print) 0537-9989 ISBN 0852967098
Lung, A.W.M. (1998) Benefits of a systematic approach for problem analysis on manufacturing simulation modelling. In: International Conference on Simulation; 30 Sep - 2 Oct 1998, York, U.K.. ISSN (print) 0537-9989 ISBN 0852967098
Minelly, S., Curley, A., Giaccone, P.R. and Jones, G.A. (1998) Multi-channel adaptive signal processing of colour cinematographic imagery. In: Noblesse Workshop on Non-Linear Model Based Image Analysis; 1-3 Jul 1998, Glasgow, U.K.. (Proceedings of NMBIA) ISBN 9783540762584
Papadopoulos, C., Self, A. and Kapadoukas, G. (1998) The development of a total system aircraft landing control scheme. In: International Conference on Simulation; 30 Sep - 2 Oct 1998, York, United Kingdom. (IEE Conference Publications, no. 457) ISSN (print) 0537-9989 ISBN 0852967098
Sabir, H.M. and Eames, I.W. (1998) Theoretical comparison between lithium bromide/water vapour resorption and absorption cycles. Applied Thermal Engineering, 18(8), pp. 683-692. ISSN (print) 1359-4311
Wang, Y.F., Roome, R.L. and Benhadj-Djilali, R. (1998) Selection of rapid prototyping manufactuirng processes. In: 14th National Conference on Manufacturing Research; 7-9 Sept 1998, Derby, UK. (Advances in manufacturing technology, no. 12) ISBN 9781860581724
Wang, YF, Roome, RL and Benhadj-Djilali, R (1998) Development of a rule based expert system for the selection of rapid prototyping processes. In: The 18th SGES International Conference on Knowledge Based Systems and Applied Artificial Intelligence; 14-16 Dec 1998, Cambridge, UK. (ES-98 (Expert Systems-98)) ISBN 1852330872
Wen, J.X., Huang, L.Y., Amin, E.M. and Nolan, P. (1998) Modeling sooting jet fires in a large-scale offshore compartment. In: 27th International Symposium on Combustion; 02-07 Aug 1998, Boulder, CO, USA. (Twenty-seventh symposium (international) on combustion, no. 1-2)
Zhang, T, Evans, JRG and Bevis, MJ (1998) On the heat balance during double-gated, modulated-pressure injection moulding. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 41(6-7), pp. 963-974. ISSN (online) 0017-9310