Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Linguistics"

Bruun, Andrea, White, Nicola, Oostendorp, Linda, Stone, Patrick and Bloch, Steven (2024) Initiating prognostic talk during hospice multidisciplinary team meetings : a conversation analytic study. Journal of Palliative Care, ISSN (print) 0825-8597 (Epub Ahead of Print)
Carter, Elisabeth (2024) The language of romance crimes : interactions of love, money and threat. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. 75p. (Elements in Forensic Linguistics) ISBN 9781009500418
Coggle, Lucy Rhiain (2024) Digital scurvy. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Hughes, Perry Thomas (2024) Maternal oralities and amorous appetites: a psychoanalytical approach to gender, sex and nourishment in literature from De Troyes to Milton. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .