Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Law"

Aslam, M., Barker, J. and Dodsworth, F. (2021) Intelligence as a source of cold case homicide investigation : a cross national perspective. In: Hot Leads for Cold Cases, Spring Event 2021; 30 Apr 2021, Held online.
Bennachie, Calum, Pickering, Annah, Lee, Jenny, Macioti, P. G., Mai, Nicola, Fehrenbacher, Anne E., Giametta, Calogero, Hoefinger, Heidi and Musto, Jennifer (2021) Unfinished decriminalization : the impact of Section 19 of the Prostitution Reform Act 2003 on migrant sex workers’ rights and lives in Aotearoa New Zealand. Social Sciences, 10(5), e179. ISSN (print) 2076-0760
Bielicki, Damian (2021) Artificial intelligence in the legal profession. In: Bielicki, Damian, (ed.) Regulating artificial intelligence in industry. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 83-96. (Routledge research in the law of emerging technologies) ISBN 9780367774622
Bielicki, Damian, ed. (2021) Regulating artificial intelligence in industry. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. 254p. (Routledge research in the law of emerging technologies) ISBN 9780367774622
Brooks-Gordon, Belinda, Morris, Max and Sanders, Teela (2021) Harm reduction and decriminalization of sex work : introduction to the special section. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 18, pp. 809-818. ISSN (print) 1868-9884
Cebada Romero, Alicia and Dominguez Redondo, Elvira (2021) Spain : one pandemic and two versions of the state of alarm. Verfassungsblog,
Collingwood, Lisa (2021) Villain or guardian? 'The smart toy is watching you now …'. Information & Communications Technology Law, 30(1), pp. 75-86. ISSN (print) 1360-0834
Domínguez Redondo, Elvira (2021) Book Review of: 'The Palgrave handbook of critical menstruation' edited by Chris Bobel et al. Human Rights Quarterly, 43(2), pp. 410-416. ISSN (print) 0275-0392
Domínguez Redondo, Elvira and Sepúlveda Carmona, Magdalena (2021) Contextualizing the Cassese report : the dictatorship that changed the United Nations human rights system and its legacy in monitoring economic, social and cultural rights. In: Bohoslavsky, Juan Pablo , Fernández, Karinna and Smart, Sebastián, (eds.) Pinochet's economic accomplices: an unequal country by force. Lanham, U.S. : Lexington Books. pp. 63-76. ISBN 9781793616494
Domínguez-Redondo, Elvira [Reviewer] (2021) Book Review of: 'The UN Human Rights Council. A practical anatomy' by Eric Tistounet. Nordic Journal of Human Rights, 39(3), pp. 395-397. ISSN (print) 1891-8131
Dunbar, Rupert (2021) Article 3(5) TEU a decade on : revisiting ‘strict observance of international law’ in the text and context of other EU values. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 28(4), pp. 479-497. ISSN (print) 1023-263X
Dunbar, Rupert (2021) The application of international law in the Court of Justice of the European Union : proportionality rising. German Law Journal, 22(4), pp. 557-592. ISSN (online) 2071-8322
Durston, Gregory (2021) Muddying the waters : when does short selling become market manipulation? Journal of Financial Crime, 28(4), pp. 981-994. ISSN (print) 1359-0790
Eskander, Shaikh and Fankhauser, Sam (2021) G7 climate laws 'cut emissions by 1.3bn tonnes in 2019'. Carbon Brief,
Eskander, Shaikh M.S.U. and Fankhauser, Sam (2021) The impact of climate legislation on trade-related carbon emissions 1997-2017. (Working Paper) London, U.K. : London School of Economics and Political Science. 45 p. (Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy Working Paper / Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment Working Paper, no. 395/367)
Ho, John Kong Shan (2021) Enhancing corporate transparency in the United Kingdom : compelling identity verification of people with significant control. Business Law Review, 42(2), pp. 79-88. ISSN (print) 0143-6295
Howard, Erica , Dominguez-Redondo, Elvira and Baez, Narciso Leandro Xavier, eds. (2021) Affirmative actions and the law : efficacy of national and international approaches. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. 246p. ISBN 9780367219536
Jeanpierre, Eric and Fusari, Valentina (2021) The role of the conseils constitutionnels in French speaking Sub-Saharan Africa: a change in times of crisis? A focus on Djibouti. In: Law and Society Association (LSA) Annual Meeting 2021: Crisis, Healing & Reimagining; 26-30 May 2021, Chicago, U.S (Held online). (Unpublished)
Kalil, Renan and Pucheta, Mauro (2021) Argentina : the right to fair and satisfactory working conditions through the lens of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, Dispatches(32),
Kalil, Renan and Pucheta, Mauro (2021) Diálogo entre el Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos y la Organización Internacional del Trabajo. In: Mendez Royo, Daniela and Diaz Bravo, Enrique, (eds.) Diálogo en el Derecho Internacional Público. Valencia, Spain : Tirant lo Blanch. pp. 175-210. ISBN 9788413973739
Kong Shan Ho, John (2021) Allowing dual class share structure companies in the Premium listing segment of the London Stock Exchange : appreciating international experiences and recognizing local conditions. Capital Markets Law Journal, 16(3), pp. 356-390. ISSN (print) 1750-7219
McStravick, Darren (2021) State accountability and the vulnerable individual : an Irish restorative approach. In: Gallen, James and Ní Mhuirthile, Tanya, (eds.) Law, responsibility and vulnerability : state accountability and responsiveness. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 64-77. (Gender in Law, Culture and Society) ISBN 9780429023149
Olmos Giupponi, Belen (2021) International environmental law compliance in context : mechanisms and case studies. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. 348p. (Routledge Research in International Environmental Law) ISBN 9781138491847
Onishi, Hiroko (2021) Unwrapping the protection for celebrities in passing off. In: 36th Annual British and Irish Law Education and Technology Association (BILETA) Conference 2021 : Taken by Surprise : (Re-)constituting the Critical in an Age of Digital and Pandemic; 14-16 Apr 2021, Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. (Held Online). (Unpublished)
Onishi, Hiroko (2021) "We will still be confused!" : online shopping and trade mark law in the AI era. European Intellectual Property Review, 43(6), pp. 397-401. ISSN (print) 0142-0461
Pucheta, Mauro, Álvarez Alonso, César and Silva Sánchez, Pedro (2021) Just transition and workers' rights in the Global South : the recent Argentine and Chilean nationally determined contributions. Sustainability, 13(17), p. 9616. ISSN (online) 2071-1050
Pucheta, Mauro (2021) The Mercosur Socio-Labour Declaration : the development of a common regional framework in the Global South. International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 37(4), pp. 325-354. ISSN (print) 0952-617X
Simpson, Brian and Collingwood, Lisa (2021) Information and communications technology law in changing times. Information & Communications Technology Law, 30(1), pp. 1-2. ISSN (print) 1469-8404
Sinha, Gauri and Dunbar, Rupert (2021) Artificial intelligence and its regulation in the European Union. In: Bielicki, Damian, (ed.) Regulating artificial intelligence in industry. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 3-20. (Routledge research in the law of emerging technologies) ISBN 9780367774622
Trotter, Gavin, Skinner, Rhian and Rooney, Brian (2021) Are the Preliminary Impairment Tests used by UK police fit for purpose? Medicine, Science and the Law, 61(1), pp. 4-5. ISSN (print) 0025-8024
Umeokafor, Nnedinma, Windapo, Abimbola and Olatunji, Oluwole (2021) Briefing : a conceptual framework for integrating health, safety and wellbeing into labour-only procurement. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Management, Procurement and Law, 174(4), pp. 141-144. ISSN (print) 1751-4304