Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Law"

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Jump to: 2019
Number of items: 25.


Abukari, Adam (2019) Rule of law and justice in petroleum law in sub-Saharan Africa : critical analysis of socioeconomic rights and the World Bank New Africa Strategy. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Domínguez Redondo, Elvira and Sepúlveda Carmona, Magdalena (2019) Contextualizando el Informe Cassese : la dictadura que cambió el sistema de derechos humanos de Naciones Unidas y su legado en el monitoreo de derechos económicos, sociales y culturales =[Contextualizing the Cassese Report: the dictatorship that changed the United Nations human rights system and its legacy in monitoring economic, social and cultural rights]. In: Bohoslavsky, Juan Pablo , Fernández, Karinna and Smart, Sebastián, (eds.) Complicidad económica con la dictadura chilena : un país desigual a la fuerza. Santiago, Chile : LOM ediciones. pp. 97-107. ISBN 9789560011442

Durston, Gregory J. (2019) Crimen exceptum : the English witch prosecution in context. Hook, U.K. : Waterside Press. 237p. (Crime History Series) ISBN 9781909976658

Franca Filho, Marcilio Toscano, Lixinski, Lucas and Olmos Giupponi, Belen (2019) Courts of regional economic communities in Latin America and human rights law. In: Kadelbach, Stefan , Rensmann, Thilo and Rieter, Eva, (eds.) Judging international human rights : courts of general jurisdiction as human rights courts. Cham, Switzerland : Springer. pp. 201-221. ISBN 9783319948478

Fuller, Jeannette, Tapp, James and Draycott, Simon (2019) Are guilt and shame in male forensic patients associated with treatment motivation and readiness? Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 29(2), pp. 111-121. ISSN (print) 0957-9664

Harrop, Stuart R. (2019) Conserving pangolins through international and national regulation and effective law enforcement. In: Challender, Daniel W.S. , Nash, Helen C. and Waterman, Carly, (eds.) Pangolins : science, society and conservation. London, U.K. : Academic Press. pp. 283-292. (Biodiversity of the World : Conservation from Genes to Landscapes) ISBN 9780128155073

Ioannidou, Ersi (2019) Book Review of: 'Thinking home : interdisciplinary dialogues' by Sanja Bahun and Bojana Petric (eds.). Home Cultures : The Journal of Architecture, Design and Domestic Space, 16(2), pp. 157-161. ISSN (print) 1740-6315

Jamel, Joanna (2019) Male rape: who are the offenders and victims? In: RESPECT Conference : Taking Male Victims of Domestic Abuse Seriously; 11 Jun 2019, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Jamel, Joanna (2019) Transphobic hate crime : recognition, reporting practices and responses. In: 10th Annual Faculty Research Conference: Contemporary Issues in Business and Social Sciences in a period of uncertainty; 03 - 04 Jun 2019, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Jamel, Joanna [Speaker] (2019) Transphobic hate crime: a global perspective. In: 28th Session of the United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice; 20-24 May 2019, Vienna, Austria. (Unpublished)

Jamel, Joanna [Speaker] (2019) A brief summary of recent developments in research on hate crime and online investigative tools with an emphasis on the underresearched diversity of transphobic hate crime from an international perspective and key policy recommendations. In: 28th Session of the United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice; 20-24 May 2019, Vienna, Austria. (Unpublished)

Marsden, D., Subramaniam, R. and Treston, R. (2019) Facilitating adjustments : evaluating a series of reasonable adjustments workshops for mainstream healthcare professionals. In: World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities; 06 - 09 Aug 2019, Glasgow, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Massarwi, Adeem Ahmad, Khoury-Kassabri, Mona and Eseed, Rana (2019) The correlation between delinquent peers and perpetration of serious physical violence : religiosity as a protective factor. Child Indicators Research, 12(6), pp. 2051-2065. ISSN (print) 1874-897X

Olmos Giupponi, Belen (2019) Exploring the links between nationality changes and investment claims arising out of armed conflicts : the case of Russian passportization in Crimea. In: Gomez, K. Fach, (ed.) International Investment Law and the Law of Armed Conflict. Springer Nature Switzerland AG. (European Yearbook of International Economic Law) ISBN 9783319977515 (In Press)

Olmos Giupponi, Belen (2019) Fostering environmental democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean : an analysis of the Regional Agreement on Environmental Access Rights. Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law, 28(2), pp. 136-151. ISSN (online) 2050-0394

Olmos Giupponi, Belen (2019) Trade agreements, investment protection and dispute settlement in Latin America. Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands : Kluwer Law International B. V. 413p. ISBN 9789041182333

Olmos Giupponi, Maria Belen and Delpiano Lira, Cristian (2019) Un analisis del dialogo judicial en la proteccion del medio ambiente desde la Jurisprudencia de las Cortes Europea e Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. In: ., (ed.) El dialogo judicial internacional en la proteccion de los derechos fundamentales. Spain : Tirant Lo Blanch. pp. 535-551. ISBN 9788413131849

Ozgur, Nilgun (2019) Global governance of civil aviation safety : an analysis from the perspective of global administrative law. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Pasculli, Lorenzo (2019) Seeds of systemic corruption in the post-Brexit UK. Journal of Financial Crime, 26(3), pp. 705-718. ISSN (print) 1359-0790

Patel, Nainesh (2019) Illegal timber trade : analysing the effectiveness of European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR) in the UK. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Pucheta, Mauro and Alonso, César Álvarez (2019) Mercosur and the Pacific alliance convergence in building a labor level playing field across Latin America. In: Alonso, César Álvarez and Hernández, José Ignacio, (eds.) Latin American geopolitics : migration, cities and globalization. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 13-56. ISBN 9783319995519

Pucheta, Mauro Leonardo and Sasaki, Maria Angela (2019) Action due to omission or inactivity : Court of Justice of the Andean Community of Nations. In: Ruiz Fabri, Helene, (ed.) Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law. Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press. (Oxford public international law) ISBN 9780191872549

Sturm, Bob L. T., Iglesias, Maria, Ben-Tal, Oded, Miron, Marius and Gomez, Emilia (2019) Artificial intelligence and music : open questions of copyright law and engineering praxis. Arts, 8(3), p. 115. ISSN (online) 2076-0752

Sugden, Robert James (2019) Community organising or organising community? Exploring the rhetoric and reality of community participation in English urban regeneration policy 1997-2015. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Wynn, Michael and Paz- Fuchs, Amir (2019) Flexicurity outside the employment relationship? Re-engineering social security for the new economy. In: Westerveld, Mies and Olivier, Marius, (eds.) Social security outside the realm of the employment contract : informal work and employee-like workers. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 2-29. ISBN 9781788113397

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