Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Law"

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Group by: First Author/Editor | Item Type | Year
Number of items: 75.


Adshead, Julie (2013) Doing justice to the environment. Journal of Criminal Law, 77(3), pp. 215-230. ISSN (print) 0022-0183

Bavoso, Vincenzo (2013) Financial innovation and structured finance: the case of securitisation. Company Lawyer, 34(1), pp. 3-12. ISSN (print) 0144-1027

Bermingham, Vera, Cuthbert, Mike, Hodgson, John and Broadbent, Graeme (2013) The external examiner’s Bible? Law Teacher, 47(3), pp. 423-429. ISSN (print) 0306-9400

Blackbourn, Jessie, Davis, Fergal and Taylor, Natasha (2013) Academic consensus and legislative definitions of terrorism: applying Schmid and Jongman. Statute Law Review, 34(3), pp. 239-261. ISSN (print) 0144-3593

Broadbent, Graeme and Sellman, Pamela (2013) Great expectations? Law schools, websites and “the student experience”. Law Teacher, 47(1), pp. 44-63. ISSN (print) 0306-9400

Broadbent, Graeme and Sellman, Pamela (2013) Images of law and legal education: law school websites and the provision of information. European Journal of Law and Technology, 4(1), ISSN (online) 2042-115X

Broadbent, Graeme and Sellman, Pamela (2013) KIS and tell. Law Teacher, 47(1), pp. 97-101. ISSN (print) 0306-9400

Broadbent, Graeme (2013) Swearing and s. 5 of the Public Order Act 1986. Journal of Criminal Law, 77(2), pp. 98-101. ISSN (print) 0022-0183

Caless, Bryn and Tong, Stephen (2013) ‘An appropriate space’ : chief officers and police accountability. Police Practice and Research, 14(1), pp. 4-16. ISSN (print) 1561-4263

Cooper, Penelope (2013) Witness competency hearings - a test of competence. Criminal Bar Quarterly, 2013(2), pp. 5-6.

Cooper, Penny and Plotnikoff, Joyce (2013) The Advocate's Gateway: new guidance on questioning witnesses and defendants. Blackstone's Criminal Practice Quarterly Update, Summer(4), pp. 12-14.

Cooper, Penny (2013) Face value: seeing and believing? Counsel, pp. 26-28. ISSN (print) 0268-3784

Cooper, Penny (2013) The Family Advocate’s Gateway to best practice for vulnerable witnesses. Family Law, 43, p. 1463. ISSN (print) 0014-7281

Cooper, Penny (2013) Learned friend: a profile of Sir Louis Blom-Cooper QC. The Expert Witness Institute Newsletter, pp. 10-12.

Cooper, Penny (2013) Questioning vulnerable witnesses: why The Advocate’s Gateway is essential. The Writ: The Journal of the Law Society of Northern Ireland(219), pp. 14-15.

Cooper, Penny (2013) Re-writing the Victims' Code. Counsel, pp. 17-18. ISSN (print) 0268-3784

Cooper, Penny and Wurtzel, David (2013) A day late and a dollar short: in search of an intermediary scheme for vulnerable defendants in England and Wales. Criminal Law Review(1), pp. 4-22. ISSN (print) 0011-135X

Cooper, Penny (2013) The umbrella condition: the legal issues for suspects and defendants with Asperger Syndrome. Criminal Bar Quarterly, 2013(1), pp. 8-10.

Darbyshire, Penny (2013) The working lives of judges in England and Wales. Rechtstreeks(2), pp. 16-37. ISSN (print) 1573-5222

Dodsworth, Francis (2013) Habit, the criminal body and the body politic in England, c. 1700-1800. Body & Society, 19(2-3), pp. 83-106. ISSN (print) 1357-034X

Harrop, SR (2013) Potential directions for the IWC to address the conservation and welfare challenges faced by cetacean species. Animal Welfare, 22(1), pp. 143-145. ISSN (print) 0962-7286

Harrop, Stuart R. (2013) Wild animal welfare in international law: the present position and the scope for development. Global Policy, 4(4), pp. 381-390. ISSN (print) 1758-5880

Humphreys, Matthew (2013) Consistency in European environmental protection - towards a general principle? The Columbia Journal of European Law, 19(2), pp. 313-340. ISSN (print) 1076-6715

Johnston, Carolyn (2013) The weight attributed to patient values in determining best interests. Journal of Medical Ethics, 39(9), pp. 562-564. ISSN (print) 0306-6800

LaRooy, D., Nicol, Annabelle and Terry, Philip (2013) Intoxicated eyewitnesses: The effects of alcohol on eyewitness recall across repeated interviews. Open Journal of Medical Psychology, 2(3), pp. 107-114. ISSN (print) 2165-9370

Lambropoulos, Victoria and Wynn, Michael (2013) Unfair labour practices, trade union victimisation and voice: a comparison of Australia and the United Kingdom. Adelaide Law Review, 34(1), pp. 43-64. ISSN (print) 0065-1915

Metcalfe, Kristian, Roberts, Thomas, Smith, Robert J. and Harrop, Stuart R. (2013) Marine conservation science and governance in North-West Europe: conservation planning and international law and policy. Marine Policy, 39, pp. 289-295. ISSN (print) 0308-597X

Onishi, Hiroko (2013) The online defamation maze: are we finding a way out? International Review of Law, Computers & Technology, 27(1-2), pp. 200-212. ISSN (print) 1360-0869

Orji, Peter (2013) House - a call to parliament. Journal of Housing Law, 16(2), pp. 26-30. ISSN (print) 1368-6542

Orji, Peter (2013) Simultaneity of death and survivorship – law of uncertainty and improbability. The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer, 77(6), pp. 501-508. ISSN (print) 0010-8200

Pitt, Gwyneth (2013) Crisis or stasis in the contract of employment? Contemporary Issues in Law, 12(2), pp. 193-206. ISSN (print) 1357-0374

Pitt, Gwyneth (2013) Taking religion seriously. Industrial Law Journal, 42(4), pp. 398-408. ISSN (print) 0305-9332

Rumbold, John (2013) Neurolaw and the future. Kaleidoscope, 5(2), pp. 146-150. ISSN (print) 1756-8137

Ryder, Nicholas and Turksen, Umut (2013) Banks in defence of the homeland : nexus of ethics, legality and suspicious activity reporting in the United States of America. Contemporary Issues in Law, 12(4), pp. 311-338. ISSN (print) 1357-0374

Tobin, Brian (2013) The regulation of cohabitation in Ireland: achieving equilibrium between protection and paternalism? Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 35(3), pp. 279-289. ISSN (print) 0964-9069

Tribe, John (2013) Discharge in bankruptcy: an examination of personal insolvency's fresh start function in English law: part three. Insolvency Intelligence, 26(1), pp. 1-7. ISSN (print) 0950-2645

Tribe, John (2013) For your eyes only: from law student to insolvency practitioner. Recovery, pp. 24-25.

Tribe, John (2013) Insolvency news from the United Kingdom - a Pommie perspective on recent reform developments, new case law and statute, and some European insolvency initiatives - Part 2. Insolvency Law Bulletin, 13(10), pp. 226-232. ISSN (print) 1443-9662

Tribe, John (2013) Insolvency news from the United Kingdom: a pommie perspective on recent reform developments, new case law and statute, and some European insolvency initiatives. Insolvency Law Bulletin, 13(9), pp. 194-199. ISSN (print) 1443-9662

Tribe, John (2013) Who would be a creditor? Prest in the UK Supreme Court and the effect of trusts on insolvency. Corporate Rescue and Insolvency, 6(4), pp. 91-94. ISSN (print) 1756-2465

Tribe, John (2013) The disqualification of company directors: background to the regime and some recent reform activity in the United Kingdom. Insolvency Law Bulletin, 14(3), pp. 47-54. ISSN (print) 1443-9662

Truxal, Steven and Harris, Siri (2013) Airfreight: regulatory environment encourages or imposes price coordination? Journal of Air Law and Commerce, 78(3), pp. 541-582. ISSN (print) 0021-8642

Turner, Stephen (2013) Factors in the development of a global substantive environmental right. Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 3(5), pp. 893-907. ISSN (online) 2079-5971

Wurtzel, David and Cooper, Penny (2013) Making it meaningful - how to ensure the effective participation of vulnerable defendants in a trial. Counsel, pp. 23-25. ISSN (print) 0268-3784

Youngs, Raymond and Thomas-Symonds, Nicklaus (2013) The problem of the 'lame duck' government: a critique of the Fixed-term Parliaments Act. Parliamentary Affairs, 66(3), pp. 540-556. ISSN (print) 0031-2290


Durston, Gregory J. (2013) Wicked ladies: provincial women, crime and the eighteenth-century English justice system. Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 333p. ISBN 9781443842693

Morgan, Susan, Smyth, Neil and Tribe, John (2013) Personal insolvency law in practice. Bristol, U.K. : Jordan Publishing Ltd. ISBN 9781846611353

Book Section

Castellino, Joshua and Domínguez-Redondo, Elvira (2013) The identity question : who are the Sahrawis and what is their ‘home’? In: Boukhars, Anouar and Roussellier, Jacques, (eds.) Perspectives on Western Sahara : myths, nationalisms and geopolitics. Lanham, U.S. : Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 29-54. ISBN 9781442226852

Harrop, Stuart (2013) Biodiversity and conservation. In: Falkner, Robert, (ed.) The handbook of global climate and environment policy. Chichester, U.K. : Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 37-52. (Handbooks of Global Policy Series) ISBN 9780470673249

Johnston, Carolyn (2013) Lessons from medical ethics. In: Wathes, Christopher M. , Corr, Sandra A. , May, Stephen A. , McCulloch, Steven P. and Whiting, Martin C., (eds.) Veterinary and animal ethics: proceedings of the First International Conference on Veterinary and Animal Ethics, September 2011. Chichester, U.K. : Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 32-43. (UFAW Animal Welfare Series) ISBN 9781118314807

Le Floch, Valerie and Villejoubert, Gaelle (2013) Il y a sans doute en fonction des contextes des explications qui paraissent plus "plausibles" que d’autres... [There are undoubtedly, depending on contexts, explanations that seem more "plausible" than others...]. In: Abdellaoui, Sid, (ed.) L’expertise psycholegale: Enjeux, realites et nouvelles perspectives. Paris, France : L'Harmattan. pp. 117-134. ISBN 9782336290843

Pasculli, Lorenzo (2013) I delitti di omessa denuncia da parte di pubblici funzionari. In: Fornasari, Gabriele and Riondato, Silvio, (eds.) Reati contro l’amministrazione della giustizia. Torino, Italy : Giappichelli. pp. 2-14. ISBN 9788834888674

Pasculli, Lorenzo (2013) Omessa denuncia da parte del cittadino. In: Fornasari, Gabriele and Riondato, Silvio, (eds.) Reati contro l’amministrazione della giustizia. Torino, Italy : Giappichelli. pp. 15-20. ISBN 9788834888674

Pasculli, Lorenzo (2013) Omissione di referto. In: Fornasari, Gabriele and Riondato, Silvio, (eds.) Reati contro l’amministrazione della giustizia. Torino : Giappichelli. pp. 21-30. ISBN 9788834888674

Pasculli, Lorenzo (2013) Rifiuto di uffici legalmente dovuti. In: Fornasari, Gabriele and Riondato, Silvio, (eds.) Reati contro l’amministrazione della giustizia. Torino, Italy : Giappichelli. pp. 31-40. ISBN 9788834888674

Tribe, John (2013) The extension of small company voluntary arrangements: a response to the Conservative Party’s corporate restructuring proposals. In: Omar, Paul, (ed.) International insolvency law: reforms and challenges. Farnham, U.K. : Ashgate Publishing Limited. pp. 207-246. ISBN 9780754674825

Wynn, Michael (2013) Austerity and the crisis in employment rights. In: Busby, Nicole , McDermont, Morag , Rose, Emily and Sales, Adam, (eds.) Access to justice in employment disputes: surveying the terrain. Liverpool, U.K. : The Institute of Employment Rights. pp. 4-5. ISBN 9781906703189

Conference or Workshop Item

Broadbent, Graeme (2013) Future directions for legal education research. In: Showcasing Legal Education Research; 23 May 2013, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Broadbent, Graeme (2013) Lifelong learning and the law school. In: Association of Law Teachers (ALT) 48th Annual Conference: All Consuming Legal Education; 24-26 Mar 2013, Nottingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Broadbent, Graeme and Collingwood, Lisa (2013) To scalp or scold? Choice mechanisms and UGC. In: 28th Annual British and Irish Law Education and Technology Association (BILETA) Conference 2013: Our Digital Futures: Technologies Without Boundaries; 10-12 Apr 2013, Liverpool, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Broadbent, Graeme [Speaker] (2013) What should we be researching after the Legal Education and Training Review (LETR): picking up the baton. In: Legal Education Research Network (LERN) Workshop: What should we be researching after the Legal Education and Training Review (LETR): picking up the baton; 13 Nov 2013, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Carr, John [Contributor], Gardner, Will [Contributor], Giddens, Ron [Contributor], Graham, Richard [Contributor], Harper, Ben [Contributor], McIver, Annie [Contributor], Milner, Simon [Contributor], Pearson, Steven [Contributor], Rose, Elaine [Contributor], Thomas, Geraldine [Contributor], Vizard, Eileen [Contributor] and Hamerton, Christopher [Contributor] (2013) Expert panel discussion. In: House of Lords Event Programme: Key Child Protection Challenges in the Real and Digital Worlds: Implications for Research, Policy & Practice; 05 Dec 2013, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Jeanpierre, Eric (2013) Reconciliation in the post-Siad Barre Federal Republic of Somalia: assessing the legality of Somaliland’s claim for statehood. In: Critical Legal Conference 2013: Reconciliation and Reconstruction; 5-7 Sep 2013, Belfast, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Orji, Peter (2013) Fitness for habitation in private and public housing - two roads diverged? In: European Network for Housing Research (ENHR) 2013: Overcoming the Crisis: integrating the urban environment; 19-22 Jun 2013, Tarragona, Spain. (Unpublished)

Silvestri, Marisa (2013) Why gender matters in policing: radical transformation(s) or business as usual? In: Invited Annual Lecture, Canterbury Christ Church University; April 2013, Canterbury, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Tribe, John (2013) Bankruptcy tourism - myth or reality? In: DWF Solicitors National Personal Insolvency Conference 2013; 28 Feb 2013, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Tribe, John (2013) The Cleo Conundrum: financing the cost of personal insolvency relief with particular historical reference to bankruptcy revenue stamps. In: Society of Legal Scholars (SLS) Annual Conference 2013: Tis 40 Years Since: Britain and Ireland in Europe, Europe in Britain and Ireland; 3-6 Sep 2013, Edinburgh, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Turksen, Umut (2013) The importance of academic lawyers in investment and compliance in mobile banking, e-money and uncertain waters. In: 3rd International Conference on Innovation Systems and the New Role of Universities (COSINUS); 14-16 Dec 2013, Oran, Algeria. (Unpublished)

Wynn, Michael (2013) Union no go zones: trade union avoidance in the airline industry. In: The 4th Annual Faculty of Business and Law Conference: Emerging Issues in Business and Law; 10 May 2013, Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)


Tribe, John and Purdy, David (2013) Online survey of insolvency professionals undertaken for TSO. Summary analysis prepared for survey participants. (Project Report) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Kingston University. 26 p.


Collingwood, Lisa Hannah (2013) Privacy protection under the English legal system : is it adequate given the challenges raised by online communicating between individuals? (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Kwagala-Igaga, Dorothy (2013) When more is less: an analysis of the reforms in the system of direct taxation of profits from business activity in Uganda. (PhD thesis), Warwick University, .

Youngs, Raymond (2013) A comparative law assessment of the contribution which German human rights law can make to English human rights law. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .


Tribe, John [Editor] (2013) Mithani Directors’ Disqualification Newsletter.

Database or Web Resource

Cooper, Penny [Research team member], Plotnikoff, Joyce [Research team member] and Woolfson, Richard [Research team member] (2013) The Advocate's Gateway.

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